Definition of «airstream»

An airstream is an air current or flow, typically referring to the movement of air created by an aircraft in flight. It can also refer to the direction and velocity of this moving air mass.

Usage examples

  1. The strong airstream created by the passing train blew my hat off.
  2. The saxophonist created beautiful melodies by controlling the airstream with his breath.
  3. The engineers designed the aircraft's wings to efficiently harness the airstream for a smoother flight.
  4. The kite soared effortlessly in the strong airstream at the beach.
  5. The windmill rotated quickly as the powerful airstream turned its blades.
  6. The singer's voice was carried far by the gentle airstream flowing through the open windows.
  7. The cyclists struggled to maintain their speed as they pedaled against a strong headwind airstream.
  8. The ventilation system in the building ensured a constant supply of fresh airstream.
  9. The horses' manes whipped around in the airstream as they galloped through the open fields.
  10. The airplane pilot skillfully maneuvered through turbulent airstreams to land safely.

Phrases with «airstream»

Sentences with «airstream»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z