Definition of «flake»

The term "flake" can have several different meanings depending on its context.

1) In a general sense, it could refer to something that is not stable or reliable - for example, someone might say "he's such a flake" if they think the person is unpredictable or inconsistent in their behavior.

2) It can also mean a small piece of something broken off from a larger whole - for instance, one might speak of "flakes of snow" or "a flake of salt".

3) In some regions, particularly in North America, the term is used as slang to refer to a $100 bill (which has an image of Benjamin Franklin on it), so someone could say they got "paid with a couple of flakes."

Usage examples

  1. She is known to be a flake when it comes to keeping appointments.
  2. The baker added a sprinkling of sugar flakes on top of the cake for a finishing touch.
  3. After being in the sun for too long without protection, his skin began to flake and peel.
  4. The professor found a flake of gold in the river while panning for minerals.
  5. The political party accused their opponent of being a flake for changing their stance on important issues.
  6. My cat loves to play with a toy that has a feather flake attached to it.
  7. The company offered a discount for customers who purchased a bundle of flake cereal.
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