Definition of «rust»

Rust is a type of corrosion that occurs when iron or steel reacts with oxygen and water in the presence of certain chemicals, such as acids. It causes the formation of iron oxide on the surface of the metal, which appears as a reddish-brown or orange colored flaky deposit. Rust can weaken the structure of metals and cause them to break down over time if left untreated.

Usage examples

  1. The rust on the old bicycle made it difficult to pedal smoothly.
  2. The metal railing had patches of rust that needed to be cleaned and repainted.
  3. The abandoned car in the field was covered in layers of rust.
  4. I noticed a small spot of rust on the corner of the kitchen sink.
  5. The swing set in the park had started to develop rust after being exposed to the elements for years.
  6. The carpenter used a wire brush to remove the rust from the metal surface before applying a fresh coat of paint.

Sentences with «rust»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z