Definition of «thin»

The term thin can have different meanings depending on its context.

In a general sense, it refers to something that is not thick or has little substance; lacking in bulk or volume. For example, "This paper is too thin to write on."

When used in relation to physical appearance, thin usually describes someone who has a low body weight or is of slender build.

In addition, the term can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is lacking in quantity or quality; for example "The food at this restaurant is so thin it's not even worth eating."

Usage examples

  1. The thin piece of paper tore easily.
  2. She painted thin lines on the canvas.
  3. He skipped breakfast and had only a thin slice of toast for lunch.
  4. The ice on the pond was so thin that it cracked under his weight.
  5. The model had a thin waist and long legs.
  6. She wrapped herself in a thin blanket to keep warm.
  7. The thin fabric of her dress allowed the sunlight to shine through.
  8. They walked on a thin rope suspended high above the ground.
  9. He sliced the tomato into thin slices for the sandwich.
  10. The thin layer of snow melted quickly in the warm sunlight.

Sentences with «thin»

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