Definition of «tip»

The term "tip" has multiple meanings, depending on its context.

- In a general sense, it can refer to a small piece or portion of something, such as a taste, sample, or demonstration. For example, one might say they are giving someone a "tip" of a product to try it out.

- Another meaning refers to a gratuity left for a service provider, typically in the form of money. This is commonly referred to as leaving a tip at a restaurant, bar, or other establishment where a service has been provided.

- In some contexts, "tip" can also refer to an informant or someone who provides information, often secretly. For example, one might say they have a "tip" about something important happening soon.

Usage examples

  1. Here are some tips for improving your time management skills:

Sentences with «tip»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z