Sentences with phrase «such quantities»

I've been hesitant on nutritional yeast in such quantities after a few nasty vegan recipes but this one is a keeper!
What could anybody want with such a quantity of string?
However, recording such a quantity of data can be challenging for an observer.
For what time you will read such quantity of books?
Such quantities require purpose - built platforms that are able to process massive data volumes at very high speed.
He also mentioned that the company's capacity to manufacture screens in such quantity are up by almost three times the amount they were capable of in 2011.
After about two days, a pet is fully protected as the poison had to stand out in such quantities as to not leave any chance to the bloodsucker.
Oatmeal is obtained in the manufacture of rolled oat groats or rolled oats and consists of broken oat groats, oat groat chips and floury portions of the oat groats with only such quantity of finely ground oat hulls as is unavoidable in the usual process of commercial milling.
I am not a dessert person but this seems so appetizing and far from «sinful» that I just have to try: I love caraway but can not imagine what a dish with such a quantity of it would taste like!
Eating such quantities of this hot pepper often affects the action of the heart, and I remember once having to hire a black to carry the load of one of my carriers, who was unable to bear it from strong palpitation of the heart, brought on from the quantity of Chili pepper he had eaten with his food.
These Clostridium and E. coli bacteria produce such quantities of toxins that the dog is unable to get rid of them fast enough, and death by poisoning occurs.
Recombined milk is the liquid milk obtained by adding water to SMP and adding milk fat separately in such a quantity that the desired fat content is achieved.
Rice bran is the bran layer and germ of whole brown rice with only such quantity of hull fragments chipped or broken rice as is unavoidable in the regular milling of edible rice.
An oversight in a 1997 law gives Treasury the power to mint platinum coins «in such quantity and such variety» as it deems appropriate.
Most paleo or gluten - free cakes use a ton of nut flour, usually almond flour, which can be a bit harsh on the stomach (not to mention extremely high in calories) in such quantities.
Recombined milk is the liquid milk obtained by adding water to skim milk powder and adding milk fat separately in such a quantity that the desired fat content is achieved.
What really set this summer apart was the corn, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, greens, beans, tomatoes, beets, and winter squash — crops I don't usually grow, at least not in such quantity.
In some cases, patients» tumors develop resistance to Gleevec — either the Abl protein mutates so that the drug can no longer bind to it, or the protein accumulates in such quantities that the drug can't keep up, even at the highest dose.
Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me, Tangled, Rise of the Guardians, and a dozen other recent offerings — animated filmmaking has rarely, if ever, produced such quality in such quantity.
Such quantities are of course ungraspable.
There is a fine line, between adding details to keep the reader interested in the story and adding details in such a quantity that it overwhelms the reader.
These books were purchased in such quantity that they have been etched into the annuls of time as the most popular.
-- Voluntary retirement savings — FICA taxes (~ 8 % of each paycheck)-- Work parking fee — Commuting expenses, such as gas in such quantity — Professional clothing
It is important that homemade kibble contain the nutrients required to support this growth in such quantities that will be both safe and beneficial.
Lobsters then ran or migrated in such quantities that they turned the shallows red, their antennae waving like fields of tentacled periscopes above the turbulent waters.
Such quantity could overwhelm even the most ardent of art devotees, but at certain hubs like 56 Bogart Street, studio - goers could meander the hallways at a more digestible scale.
Although «Color Field» is Ms. Lou's largest work to date, such quantities are not new to the artist, who was named a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation fellow in 2002.
Tadamasa Hayashi was a prominent Paris - based dealer of respected tastes whose Tokyo office was responsible for evaluating and exporting large quantities of ukiyo - e prints to the West in such quantities that Japanese critics later accused him of siphoning Japan of its national treasure.
The current climate data that are most relevant are the zonal averages of such quantities as temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness and humidity.
We're rich enough by and large to not miss the benefits of biotech, but it seems absurd to me to plough on with our dirty coal and ludicrous windmills when there is such a quantity of natural gas easily accessible.
Scientists studying carbon stored in the planet's soil have calculated that as temperatures rise, it will escape into the atmosphere in such quantities that it would be the same as adding another United States to the planet's carbon footprint by mid-century.
(b) having consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the concentration in the person's blood exceeds eighty milligrams of alcohol in one hundred mililitres of blood.
Impaired driving is defined as having care or control of a motor vehicle, whether or not it is in motion, while the person's ability to operate the vehicle is impaired by alcohol or drugs or having consumed alcohol in such quantity that it exceeds eighty milligrams in one hundred millilitres of blood.
Well, I for one would be happy to contribute my time to verifying OCR errors, my money to help defray costs, etc. — in such quantities are available!
We have assembled information, both empirical and anecdotal, in such quantities to preclude that as a random policy and I suspect that, in fact, it is a formal policy from BCREA, real estate boards or whatever.»
Moreover, if the consumer owns the information, our goal must be to get the information, and lots of it, to the consumer, delivering it in such quantity and quality he or she rushes straight to their modem to ask our help in interpreting the data.
Then, above it — since there is such a quantity of chandeliers in the house — I wanted something different in the space.
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