Sentences with phrase «about quantity»

Often it is not about the quantity of time that we show up for the important people in our lives (even though this is important) but about the quality of that time.
Because in the end, it's not about the quantity of words on screen in games, it's the quality.
In your marriage, is sex more about quantity or quality?
When I read the recipe I was a little concerned about the quantity of ginger used, but they come out well - balanced - sweet with a nice little kick.
First I need talk about the quantity of product, this sunscreen contains 50 ml when the most of good sunscreen contains 30 ml or less so I feel happy about this sunscreen.
Don't worry about quantity of traffic; instead, focus on quality and intention to buy or engage.
In other words, it's not just about quantity of years, but also the quality of those years.
Hi, these look really delicious and I would love to try them, I'm just not sure about the quantity of flax..
«Marketing calendars make you think about quantity, not quality,» he said.
She cares only about the quantity of letters rather than the quality.
While professional bodybuilders love this fact, beginners should be very careful about the quantity of creatine they consume in the initial days.
But the issue with alcohol is really about quantity.
Do you use fresh yeast or can I use dried packet, in either case wondering about quantity.
I don't worry too much about quantities or leaving items out if I haven't got.
Number concepts are unified through extensive use of the number line, helping students to develop a «mental number line» they can draw on for reasoning about quantities.
One of my favorite things to say is that people need to focus on the quality of their food, and care less about the quantity.
But I'm of the mantra that it's not about quantity so much as quality.
The suggestions for supplements have helped my overall well being and the menus are a great way of helping me learn about quantities too.
Offer foods that your baby is interested in - simply mash with a fork and allow them to enjoy it without concern about quantities consumed.
It's not always about the quantity of hours asleep but the quality of sleep your little one is getting.
Should I just continue to offer foods to her and hope that at some point she will start to eat more quantity of solids but not stress about the quantity.
Don't worry though about the quantity you produce as pumps are not as effective as a baby on the breast but the stimulation is the key to sending your body the message.
We also know about quantities, schedules, and a few allergy issues that need to be taken into account too.
I have similar Q about the quantity of zucchini.
Creating two thousand connection points a day isn't about quality time, and it isn't even about the quantity of time spent with our children.
You may try pumping and bottle feeding if you are nervous about the quantity of milk.
You must never bother about quantity of breast milk, always be happy and think positive!.
Weight: You're here because you care about the quality of the products you put on your little one's skin, but what about the quantity?
You can review your recommendations from your practitioner including any additional information that they added about the quantity, dosage, and / or frequency of their recommendations.
Clearly you shouldn't go ridiculously overboard, but the daily allowance is 15 mg and most supplements contain about that quantity.
I followed this diet for about 8 months... I lost about 70 pounds, because I was very strict about quantity of food intake, but not about food type.
Millionaire dating is not a new trend — After we reviewed so many millionaire dating sites, we found most sites only care about quantity instead of quality.
Second, these data do not tell us anything about the quantity and quality of health care provided.
Also, you could talk to your veterinarian about quantity options from his or her veterinary supply company.
You should ask the breeder about the quantity of litters he has at his site.
A clear, honest marketing strategy will boost your brand exposure and reputation, so be clear about the quantity of offsets purchased and the time period they cover.
It's essential to be realistic about the quantity of cash you can find with in an emergency, however.
With the job market becoming more and more competitive, you can separate yourself from the pack by including details about the quantity of impact you've had in various positions.
I never hear them complaining about quantity or quality of the leads.
I understood that my uncle was talking about the quantity of blood, that the brain didn't get enough.
Participants maintained a daily sleep journal in which they were asked to record information about the quantity and quality of their sleep.
It is not a question of fuel type, it is all about quantity.
And it's not just about the quantity of the pixels but also the quality.
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