Sentences with phrase «acid base»

The phrase "acid base" refers to a chemical concept that involves the interactions between substances called acids and bases. Acids are usually sour-tasting substances like lemon, while bases are typically bitter-tasting like soap. In simpler terms, it's all about how these substances react with each other. Acids can be thought of as "givers" of hydrogen ions, while bases are "receivers" of hydrogen ions. Together, they create reactions that produce a balance, known as pH, which determines if a substance is acidic, basic, or neutral. Full definition
Then you do a trial of the amino acid based on your unique needs, and then you redo the questionnaire and you see how things have changed.
These commercial diets also contain higher levels of omega - 3 fatty acids based on other human studies.
The physiology of the blood acid base is quite clever — eat food and your pH goes down.
And whoever in this thread mentioned acid base balance — yes, that is the reason why you don't want too much CO2 in your body fluids.
Every diet in the line is fortified with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and Omega - 6 fatty acids based on the specific needs of the pet bird or small animal.
In my functional nutrition practice, we will often determine low stomach acid based on symptoms during a patient's consultation.
These amino acid based proteins in the body help in eliminating toxins that we absorb on a daily basis.
In healthy individuals your blood acid base won't change.
DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) a molecule composed of two chains of nucleic acid bases held together by hydrogen bonds in a pattern resembling a flexible twisted ladder.
The lactic acid based probiotics in fermented foods need a cleaning crew consisting of powerful SBOs to come through and clean up the mess before they can effectively take over dominance once again.
Like other hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers, JALUPRO ® can help your aging patients correct their fine lines and their deepest wrinkles.
Monitor acid base status and correct acidosis, fluid therapy for support, monitor for hypoglycemia and supplement dextrose as needed.
Key concepts Chemistry Chemical reaction Acids Bases Water Introduction Have you ever had a refreshing bath with bubbles or bath salts?
However, due to the over-diagnosis of fetal distress and potential misinterpretation of the fetal heart rate, it is recommended to confirm a potential fetal distress diagnosis with a fetal blood acid base study.
You can't necessarily see the change happening in the adult, but you can see that if you change that nucleic acid base right there in that gene, at that particular point in embryonic development, that animal is darker.
These results are consistent with a mechanism wherein the nucleotide base of A2451 serves as a general acid base during peptide bond formation.
In the longer run, maybe nucleic acid based drugs will become heavily used once improved delivery systems are discovered.The second big change is to agriculture.
Extracting, cloning and sequencing DNA's nucleic acid base pairs (A, T, C, G) seems tedious and inconceivable, considering the human genome contains roughly 3 billion pairs [source: NHG Research Institute].
A non-nucleic acid based reprogramming strategy promises to provide a safe and effective treatment for lost retinal cells in glaucoma sufferers.
Aptamer - quantum dot (APT - QD) bioconjugates were synthesized by conjugating cadmium - telluride quantum dots (QDs, semiconductor nanoparticles) to aptamers (nucleic - acid based ligands), by amide crosslinking.
Devote 80 percent of your diet towards alkaline foods, and 20 percent towards acid based foods.
Most babies outgrow this by 1 year, but in the meantime what do you recommend — feeding a baby an amino - acid based hypoallergenic formula made up of 65 % corn syrup solids, or sticking with breastfeeding and an elimination diet?
The kidney is also responsible for blood pressure regulation as well as ensuring you have a correct acid base balance (pH levels); kidneys even stimulate the production of red blood cells within your body.
As such, they are resistant to stomach acid, most antibiotics, temperature changes and other degrading factors that can affect lactic acid based organisms.
This is critically necessary to allow successful recolonization of the gut with beneficial lactic acid based microbes in fermented foods.
In short, use of soil based organisms (SBOs) is very important for clearing out the debris in the gut to prepare the way and lay the proper groundwork for the beneficial lactic acid based bacteria found in fermented foods and a normal human gut to thrive once again.
Stem Cell C Serum by ZetaMD Organics - Anti Aging Skin Care Formula with Natural Vegan Hyaluronic Acid Base with 20 % Vitamin C
Used weekly, the * hyaluronic acid based mask seals the surge of moisture into your skin, leaving a hydrated and dewy base.
Dr. Wheeler's medical interest include fluid and electrolyte therapy, acid base analysis, the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock, and the treatment of traumatic injuries.
Similac has their own amino acid based formula too - EleCare.
The sale was announced by Zepponi & Company, a Santa Rosa - based merger and acquisition advisory firm... Today's News: Trial Shows Amino Acid Based Nutrients to -LSB-...]
Others attribute it to stomach irritation (gastritis) caused by the uremic toxins and / or alterations in the pets body acidity (acid base balance).
PurAmino (formally called Nutramigen AA Lipil) is another amino acid based formula that can help infants who have a severe cow's milk protein allergy and / or multiple food protein allergies (soy, gluten, and milk, for example).
Kim and colleagues devised a novel method called gradient - echo spectroscopic imaging that provides information on various types of fatty acids based on a series of three - dimensional MRI images acquired for five minutes.
If you use these targeted individual amino acids based on your unique need, you can see results very quickly — within five minutes, and then over the course of the next few weeks you should be seeing results very quickly.
Your body has a precise mechanism for maintaining this called the blood acid base and it doesn't shift much at all.
The rules of nucleic acid base - pairing have been used to construct nanoscale architectures and organize biomolecules, but little has been done to apply this technology in vivo.
Eating «alkaline» means that you're trying to keep your body's acid base (pH) between 6.5 (slightly acidic) and 7.5 (slightly alkaline).
She has been on a special formula called Elecare for most of her life, which is a completely hypoallergenic, amino - acid based formula.
Amino - based Baby Formula - amino acid based formulas, such as PurAmino, EleCare, and Neocate, are hypoallergenic formulas for infants with a severe allergy cow's milk protein
Old car batteries, which are lead - acid based, are commonly used storage units in improvised systems, but don't have a very good lifespan.
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