Sentences with phrase «acid buildup»

When we talk about "acid buildup," it refers to the accumulation of too much acid in our body. This can cause various health issues and discomfort. Full definition
These include breathing difficulties, excessive acid buildup in tissues, and even coma.
The brain is better protected against acid buildup because it gets priority water delivery.
Being acidic is the natural state of the stomach, so there is no such thing as an excess of acid or acid buildup regarding the stomach.
The Food and Drug Administration took phenformin off the market in 1978 due to a high risk of lactic acid buildup in patients with compromised kidney function, which is not uncommon among diabetics but less of an issue for most cancer patients.
This is because they metabolize protein differently in the liver, with the end result being uric acid buildup in the urine.
This misconception perhaps comes, again, from the burning sensation that lactic acid buildup causes.
All of these foods / drinks create more acid buildup in your bloodstream for one simple reason: They deposit more protein and phosphorus (acidic) than magnesium, potassium, and calcium (alkaline minerals).
In fact, occluding blood flow to the muscles during this intense workout «effort» would further increase the lactic acid buildup for even a further improvement in the training effect.
Carnosine helps to counteract the effect of lactic acid buildup during training.
This rep range is a challenge due to the similar lactic acid buildup found in our moderate rep range, only amplified.
Magnesium relaxes muscles, improves bowel movements, neutralizes toxins and fights acid buildup!
Also helps with improved quality of sleep, reduction in cholesterol levels, relief from pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, increased bone density, prevents excess lactic acid and other acid buildup in muscles, potential decrease in the risk of heart disease, improvement in positive moods
As if the drug's bladder cancer risk is not bad enough, ACTOplus met and ACTOplus met XR have also been linked to lactic acidosis, a potentially fatal condition involving acid buildup in the blood.
The mission is to heal the body and rid it of lactic and uric acid buildup caused by stress and tension.
If you train cardio regularly you will greatly improve circulation and the oxidation of toxic substances, thus eliminating the post-workout lactic acid buildup from your body a lot faster.
Consequently, CS have been marketed as a way to reduce lactic acid buildup in the legs during exercise while improving energy, performance, and recovery (24).
The quick, gentle end also results in a premium quality, because reducing stress results in less lactic acid buildup and a better flavor and texture profile.
They are ideal for those who suffer from diabetes and they can provide protection and relief for issues such as muscle soreness, swelling, ankle and leg pain, injuries, and lactic acid buildup.
The sore feeling in your muscles comes from lactic acid buildup.
They are excellent at reducing lactic acid buildup, and getting rid of the waste materials once they fill the muscles.
Biomolecular model based on the gene expression data analyses support the reduction of glucose molecules (blue gradient) and acid buildup (gold gradient) proposed to occur in the boundary layer around the cell.
A very few and short rest periods between the sets will ensure a lot of lactic acid buildup and additional fat loss.
One of the main causes of gout and joint pain is uric acid buildup.
The oil completely removed any lactic acid buildup that I have dealt with weekly from the intensity of my workouts along with greatly aiding in the recovery process.
Stretching between sets allows more fresh blood to access the muscle that is worked, reducing the lactic acid buildup and giving you more power for the next set.
First of all, the alkaline, ionized water reduces lactic acid buildup in my muscles to the point that I was not sore after long 2 to 3 hour training sessions.
Also, with an improvement in the blood flow and lowering the lactic acid buildup in the body, it assists in healing the muscle troubles.
Saline Pool: A natural antiseptic, salt water helps with a variety of skin conditions, reduces acid levels after a workout (think of lactic acid buildup), and oxygenates the cells.
The bioflavonoids in citrus might help with the lactic acid buildup, but we may need to ramp it up to the anthocyanin flavonoids in berries to deal with the inflammation.
The amino acids in apple cider vinegar also tackle lactic acid buildup in muscles, which is responsible for making you feel sore after a workout, thus preventing a sore body post-spin class.
This conversion of glucose to lactic acid generates a lower, more acidic pH in cancerous tissues as well as overall physical fatigue from lactic acid buildup.
I'm not talking about muscle soreness or lactic acid buildup, but pain.
The science behind The Xiser Machine and its effectiveness in creating VO2max, lactic acid buildup and growth hormone release is incredible.
«Take away the stress of digesting and processing large quantities of foods such as refined sugar, gluten, cow's dairy and meat, and the body will immediately be relieved of an acid buildup.
The mixture will reduce lactic acid buildup and will contribute to better workouts.
Pollution, household chemicals and even aging are external factors that lead to an acid buildup in our bodies.
This may be because foods rich in fiber, folate, and vitamin C appear to protect against uric acid buildup and gout.
Baking soda has been found to boost performance in athletes due to its ability to neutralize lactic acid buildup.
Cauliflower was found to be protective in people suffering with gout, possibly because of the fiber, folate, and vitamin C, which appear to protect against uric acid buildup and gout.
In addition, benfotiamine is said to slow the aging process, enhance exercise performance, boost mood, improve brain function, and reduce lactic acid buildup in the body.
The once prevailing theory that it was caused by lactic acid buildup has now fallen by the wayside.
Characteristic symptoms: For the temporary relief of symptoms of physical exertion, muscle soreness and cramping and burning from lactic acid buildup.
Today Yerba Mansa is known for its support of kidney function by reducing uric acid buildup and to promoting gastrointestinal and skin health.
For athletes, floating can expedite muscle recovery by decreasing lactic acid buildup.
Some individuals get such bad lactic acid buildup that they can not even execute a proper session one or two days down the road.
Though there are dozens of oddball exercise monitors on the market that measure lactic acid buildup or quantify how high you jump, the very best fitness trackers make sense in your real life.
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