Sentences with phrase «acid chains»

The phrase "acid chains" refers to long string-like structures made up of molecules called acids. These chains are created when acids link together to form a larger molecule. Full definition
Made up of several amino acids chain together, proteins are fairly complex structures.
Researchers now know that weight loss associated with coconut oil is related to the length of the fatty acid chains contained in coconut oil.
Make a model of an amino acid chain using construction paper.
Protein consists of amino acid chains that help your body stay healthy, while repairing muscles.
Whey hydrolysate is form of whey protein that has been «hydrolyzed,» which is a process that breaks down amino acid chains into smaller «chunks» for easier digestion.
RNA (ribonucleic acid) a single stranded nucleic acid chain similar to DNA, which serves several important biological roles.
Hydrolyzed supplements like whey concentrates are predigested make amino acid chains smaller.
Difference in hepatic metabolism of long - and medium - chain fatty acids: the role of fatty acid chain length in the production of the alcoholic fatty liver
The insulin molecule consists of two amino acid chains connected to each other by sulfur bridges, without which the insulin can not perform its biological activity
Though it has a high smoke point, a common belief is that the instability of grapeseed oil's fatty acid chains make it unsafe to heat.
As you may remember from high school biology, proteins are made of several amino acids chained together.
As a cooking oil, its chemical structure is kept in tact and therefore is resistant to mutations of fatty acid chains even when used in higher cooking temperatures, unlike most vegetable oils.
Whey protein is essentially globular proteins (spheroproteins)- proteins formed by compacted amino acid chains manufactured in the body of female mammals (humans included) to feed young.
Some mutations alter just one letter of the code, replacing one link in a protein's amino - acid chain with a different amino acid.
Due to its biologically identical, 191 amino acid chain makeup, this polypeptide -LSB-...]
Human growth hormone, or HGH, GH, rHGH, or somatotropin is made in the body's pituitary glands and is made up of 191 amino acid chains for the purpose of aiding the body in maturity and cellular renewal, creating tissues, bones, muscles, etc..
Break the paper amino acid chain by removing one link.
Astaxanthin helps to protect the fatty acid chains from degradation and has been shown to play an important role in reducing inflammation in the cardiovascular system [source].
The human body also re-constructs proteins by connecting amino acid chains back together in a new order.
Proteins are essential to a healthy and functional canine body; they are broken down into amino - acid chains then used in the creation or maintenance of blood cells, hormones, immune response, muscle repair, etc..
Like designs made with Silly String spraying out at different velocities, the folding of an amino acid chain into a 3D structure is somewhat speed - dependent, and slower production could cause the protein to take an altered final form.
That family includes members that can either act as phospholipases, cleaving phospholipid molecules, or as nucleases, cutting nucleic acid chains.
The microbes also break down the fiber found in cocoa powder, turning it into highly absorbable short fatty acid chains that promote satiety.
Peptides, short amino acid chains that control many functions in the human body, represent a billion - dollar market, also in the pharmaceutical industry.
In the top region, the overlays show the range of bending and folding flexibility in the amino acid chain that forms the molecule.
Casein hydrolysate is a predigested form of the protein that is broken down into smaller peptides, or amino acid chains.
An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there is one or more double bond in the fatty acid chain.
The research team, led by Robert Stahelin of Purdue University, found the specific parts of VP40 that bind with the lipid: a cationic patch on the end of an amino acid chain.
In this simulation, an electrical pulse (the rainbow - colored pattern on the right) sweeps toward the potassium channel; amino acid chains that make up the protein appear as colorful ribbons, while the stringy background represents the cell's fatty membrane.
They are amino acid chains, made up from 20 different L - alpha - amino acids, also referred to as residues, that fold into unique three - dimensional protein structures.
In a new study, Andrea Meredith and colleagues from the University of Maryland School of Medicine show that, in addition to the reduction in overall number of BK channels present in the SCN during the day, decreased channel activity might also depend on an increase in the prevalence of a channel variant containing a four - amino acid chain (SRKR).
Once the amino acid chain is complete, the cell modifies it further until it's presentable as a bona fide protein.
In their movement, these molecules can jostle and slide in between the tightly - packed saturated fatty acid chains.
All fats, whether solid or liquid, exist in chemical form as triglycerides, which consist of a glycerol molecule and three fatty acid chains.
David Baker, a computational biochemist at the University of Washington, Seattle, has spent years deciphering the rules that govern how these amino acid chains fold, and develop software to predict the 3D shape unknown amino acid chains are likely to take.
Translation the process by which amino acid chains that form proteins are synthesized by «reading» mRNA sequence as a template.
Butter is rich in short and medium chain fatty acid chains that have strong anti-tumor effects.6 Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid which gives excellent protection against cancer.7
The manufacturing of peptides is more intensive than the processing of gelatin, which breaks up the amino acid chains (protein) into smaller units.
Saturated fat is fat that consists of triglycerides containing only saturated fatty acids; they have no double bonds between the individual carbon atoms of the fatty acid chain — which are fully saturated with hydrogen atoms.
Whey is nearly the complete opposite, consisting of shorter amino acid chains that dissolve easily in water.
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