Sentences with phrase «acid concentration»

"Acid concentration" refers to the amount of acid that is present in a solution. It tells us how much acid exists in relation to the total volume or mass of the solution. A higher concentration means there is more acid relative to the solution, while a lower concentration means there is less acid. Full definition
Large spikes in amino acid concentration appear to stimulate protein synthesis (recall also the infusion data I discussed above) with little to no impact on protein breakdown.
These protein types are digested and absorbed slower than most other protein combinations, creating relatively longer periods of high blood amino acid concentrations for sustained and improved muscle growth.
The folic acid concentration adds to the goodness of the drink.
A gout diet isn't likely to lower the uric acid concentration in your blood enough to treat your gout without medication.
Dogs with liver shunts have increased bile acid concentrations in the blood because the liver does not get a chance to remove and store these chemicals after they are reabsorbed.
Significant growth only occurred on days when sulfuric acid concentrations increases and was synchronous with it.
However, to transmit nutritional information from the fat body to the insulin - producing cells, we proposed that the fat - body — derived signal would need to be sensitive to both the amino acid concentration of the larval food and to TOR signaling in the fat body.
Although scientists have observed that the nucleation process nearly always involves sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid concentrations aren't high enough to explain the rate of new particle formation that occurs in the atmosphere.
With further accumulation of lactic acid the «fast glycolysis» shifts to «slow glycolysis» with further increase in lactic acid concentration and a decrease in power output, for another 50 seconds.
The light acid on top limits plate activation, promotes corrosion and reduces the performance, while the high acid concentration on the bottom makes the battery appear more charged than it is and artificially raises the open circuit voltage.
After the four weeks, it was found that total fatty acids in the liver increased significantly from the high fat diet; however, the high fat diet rat group that was also fed sesamin had almost the same fatty acid concentrations as the low fat diet group.
Borsheim, E., Bui, Q. U., and Wolfe, R. R. Plasma amino acid concentrations during late rehabilitation in patients with traumatic brain injury.
The Mann - Whitney U test was used to compare the Dysbiosis Index and fecal lactate and bile acid concentrations between dogs with EPI and healthy control dogs.
Low cerebrospinal fluid 5 - hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentration differentiates impulsive from nonimpulsive violent behavior
Imhoff - Kunsch B, Stein AD, Villalpando S, Martorell R, Ramakrishnan U. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation from mid-pregnancy to parturition influenced breast milk fatty acid concentrations at 1 month postpartum in Mexican women.
Freezing can break down its immunological cells and lipids (but doesn't affect its antimicrobial proteins), refrigeration reduces ascorbic acid concentrations, and both storage methods reduce antioxidant activity.
As in rodents and monkeys fed 18:3 n − 3 - deficient diets (34, 35, 38 — 40), the higher 22:5 n − 6 concentrations resulted in central nervous system total n − 6 plus n − 3 fatty acid concentrations similar to those in the control animals.
Gout - treating medications, such as allopurinol, often reduce patients» blood uric acid concentrations about 2 milligrams per deciliter.
They found that the DASH diet led to a modest 0.35 milligrams per deciliter decrease in uric acid concentrations overall.
The main difference between the two genes was in a triplet of amino acids that plays a role in determining exactly what acid concentration opens or closes the channel.
So when algal populations explode, say, because of warming water, domoic acid concentrations increase in these animals to a point that they affect the sea lions that feast on them.
A diet rich in whole grain products and dietary fibre increased the indolepropionic acid concentration.
Nucleic acid concentrations were determined by spectrophotometry using the Nanodrop instrument (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE).
Autophagy plays a significant role in the maintenance of plasma amino acid concentrations under starvation conditions.
The final acetic acid concentration of commercially -LSB-...]
Herrmann W, Schorr H, Obeid R, Geisel J. Vitamin B - 12 status, particularly holotranscobalamin II and methylmalonic acid concentrations, and hyperhomocysteinemia in vegetarians.
In products containing salicylic acid concentrations of 0.5 % to 2 %, it is considered an active ingredient, an «over the counter» drug, meaning you can buy the finished product straight from the shelves.
At base line, the patient was normoglycemic but had high plasma insulin and nonesterified fatty acid concentrations while fasting (Table 1).
Research has shown that supplementation of taurine increases muscular performance, exercise capacity, reduces lactate acid concentration during exercise, muscle damage and oxidative stress after exercise *.
Theses results suggest that sesamin suppressed the increase of fatty acid concentration caused by the high fat diet.
Excessive acid concentration induces sulfation on the lower half of the plates.
Abnormal bile acid concentrations indicate the presence of abnormal connections between the portal vein and the hepatic vein and overall liver function problems.
Increased serum bile acid concentrations precede jaundice.
The acute toxicity in the rainbow trout test is «most likely» caused by the naphthenic acid concentration.
Although high sodium levels appear to slightly decrease uric acid concentrations, Juraschek cautions against jumping to the conclusion that to reduce blood uric acid it's a good idea to purposely consume lots of sodium.
The greater the lactic acid concentration the greater the training effect.
Cats that are often plagued with urinary infections are often put on an acidified diet that helps make the urine pH have a higher acid concentration.
However, the analysis of hunter - gatherer populations indicated that lean meat, similar to wild game, raised arachidonic acid concentrations and the cholesterol - lowering effect of protein.
«Extracting much less meteorite powder translates into having much lower amino acid concentration for analyses,» said Callahan.
Low cerebrospinal fluid 5 - hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations and diminished social competence correlates with excessive alcohol consumption

Phrases with «acid concentration»

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