Sentences with phrase «acid group»

The term "acid group" refers to a specific group of atoms found in a molecule that has acidic properties. It is responsible for giving the molecule its acidic nature and the ability to donate protons (H+ ions) during a chemical reaction. Full definition
The folic acid group did significantly better, in particular the women, 94 percent of whom improved compared with 61 percent in the placebo group.
BCAAs — Branched Chain Amino Acids This group of amino acids: valine, leucine, and isoleucine are essential amino acids that contain branched side groups.
They began by coating one AFM tip with an ink consisting of 16 - mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHA), an organic molecule capped with a water - attracting carboxylic acid group.
L - Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that helps to maintain overall good health by facilitating the transfer of fatty acid groups into the mitochondrial membrane for cellular energy production.
The phosphoric acid group of phytic acid can bond with proteins, amino acids, starch, and lipids making them less soluble decreasing their availability for digestion.
When two gallic acid groups become linked side by side within a tannin molecule an HHDP group is formed.
The genetic depletion of ME3, a sister gene to ME2, sets off a complex chain of events that ultimately regulates an amino acid group called branched chain amino acid (BCAA), which are crucial to cancer's ability to thrive.
The denosumab and zoledronic acid groups were statistically similar in all areas but spine bone mineral density (increased 0.060 g / cm2 versus 0.021 g / cm2, respectively) and flulike symptoms (none versus 29 percent of patients).
The central section is a short chain of seven carbon atoms with a benzoic acid group at one end and phenol at the other.
For example, in the Sydney Diet Heart Study the increased mortality in the high linoleic acid group was most evident in smokers and heavy drinkers.14 Without additional recovery of MCE data we are not able to determine if the effects of the high linoleic acid diet varied by smoking status, pre-existing coronary heart disease, psychiatric history, or drug use.
The Metabolic Analysis Profile is a nutritional test using a urinary assessment of 46 key organic acids grouped according to their primary roles in the following four central areas of metabolism.
As there was no dose effect seen in the three different alpha - lipoic acid groups, all subjects receiving ALA were combined in the «active» group and then compared to placebo.
Lahann and his colleagues then used a standard chemical reaction to lop off the tops of the mushrooms, leaving each molecular cornstalk tipped with a negatively charged, water - loving carboxylic acid group.
The following video goes into more detail about the various chemical properties that help to classify different amino acid groups:
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a supplement related to the omega 6 fatty acid group, which potentially act to strengthen our immune system and increase metabolic activity.
When two Gallic acid groups are linked side by side within a tannin molecule an HHDP group is formed.
Amino acids consist of an amino group -LRB-- NH2) and a carboxylic acid group -LRB-- COOH) separated by a carbon atom that also carries a hydrogen atom along with another group of atoms, which varies in each type of amino acid.
The image is a simulation of a separating membrane (green) with water molecules (purple) and acid groups (yellow and red).
These are amino acids formed from a molecule incorporating a carboxylic acid group (COOH) and an amino acid group (NH2).
Fatty acids are long hydrocarbon chains consisting of single carboxylic acid group and are not very soluble in water.
When 2 Gallic - acid groups are bonded side - by - side in a - tannin molecule an HHDP group is completed.
By the end of the experiment, the cortisol level of the amino acid group had halved, whereas the cortisol level of the subjects in the milk powder group had only gone down by about ten percent.
Eggs are actually one of the healthiest foods you can eat because they are one of the foods that contain every amino acid group that your body needs, making them a perfect source of protein along with other nutrients.
Taurine is an amino acid group that is often added to dog foods today to prevent a deficiency that could cause heart problems and other health problems in some dogs.
It has been suggested that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is part of the Omega - 3 fatty acid group, supports healthy vision and hearing in dogs [31].

Phrases with «acid group»

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