Sentences with phrase «acid molecules»

The phrase "acid molecules" refers to small particles that are part of substances called acids. These molecules are responsible for the sour taste and other properties that acids have. Full definition
These are fatty acid molecules found in cold water fish (and some cold - adapted mammals).
Their atoms are arranged in such a way that makes the entire amino acid molecule appear left - handed, or «L» for short.
The CRISPR system is made up of two components: a protein called Cas9 and a guide RNA, a string of nucleic acid molecules with a certain genetic code.
The reactive oxygen atoms are necessary to collide in a three - body collision with sulfur dioxide molecules to form stable (because of the «low» atmospheric temperature) sulfur trioxide molecules which combine with any water molecules that they happen to collide with to form stable sulfuric acid molecules which in turn absorb any other water molecules and eventually become large enough to form a haze droplet.
Full hyaluronic acid molecules are hard for the gut to absorb because of their high molecular weight; a similar scenario is with topical hyaluronic acid, which barely penetrates your skin's layers.
The vast majority of fats are composed of triglycerides (i.e. 3 fatty acid molecules bonded to one molecule of glycerol).
Life prefers to use the lighter Carbon - 12, which reacts a bit more readily, so amino acid molecules from terrestrial life will have less Carbon - 13 compared to amino acids produced by non-biological reactions in asteroids.
They then attached acid molecules to the nanoparticles, forming rows of nodes (like lights lining the sides of airport runways) that strongly attract water.
Ring - opening results in a structure that corresponds to the portion of the mycolic acid molecules that bind to the enzymes.
In regular types of wheat bread, phytic acid molecules bind with calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc and thereby make these nutrients unavailable to us.
One single fulvic acid molecule is capable of transporting 60 or more minerals and trace elements directly into our cells.
If the right 2 nucleic acid molecules colide in the right way they will react and bond together forming a more stable arrangement.
But the information is useless unless it is copied into the chemically similar but more versatile nucleic acid molecules called RNA.
Almost all life on Earth uses left - handed amino acid molecules instead of their right - handed counterparts.
The capability of sulfuric acid molecules together with water and ammonia to form clusters and particles has been recognized for several years.
Instead, Dugan used buckyballs modified with six pairs of water soluble carboxylic acid molecules.
Pinning down how and why acid molecules split in the presence of water could give insights into biochemistry and pollutants forming in the atmosphere
Molecular biologists from Indiana University are part of a team that has identified a protein that regulates the information present in a large number of messenger ribonucleic acid molecules that are important for carrying genetic information from DNA to protein synthesis.
«It was a long standing hypothesis, that the interaction of α - actinin with titin is regulated via a fatty acid molecule termed PIP2 which switches the molecule on and off.
In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the «arms» of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable as well.
The effects are achieved by the natural branched - chain amino acid molecules found in them.
When one hydrogen atom is moved to the other side of the fatty acid molecule during hydrogenation, the ability of living cells to make reactions at the site is compromised or altogether lost.
It does not actually contain any «neat» Lauric acid, or solitary Lauric acid molecules.
Another member of the Vitamin B family, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is a part of the folic acid molecule.
PLA is a polymer made from high levels of polylactic acid molecules.
This blue face cream is packed with different - sized hyaluronic acid molecules (which, by the way, can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water) to keep skin hydrated for hours on end.
In this respect dimethylamine can act as «superglue» because when interacting with sulfuric acid every collision between a cluster and a sulfuric acid molecule bonds them together irreversibly.
With the new tip he was able to «sniff out» acid molecules from bases, with atomic level precision.
The biosynthesis of the mycolic acids and their incorporation into the mycomembrane involve a series of critical enzymatic steps in which the mycolic acid molecules are bound to serine groups of various enzymes through ester bonds.
Fulvic acid molecules have a low molecular weight and small size.
Cystine Description Cystine is a sulfur - containing amino acid which is made up of two amino acid molecules of cysteine.
And with nucleic acids, he investigated the effects of pH and especially temperature on the native properties of DNA, initiating the technique of thermal melting analysis of nucleic acid molecules and thereby contributing to an understanding of their thermodynamics and the conformational differences between duplex DNA and single - stranded RNA (5, 6).
Fruit notes are provided by esters which are primarily created during fermentation, when complex interactions between alcohol and acid molecules (in the liquid being fermented) sees them integrating and transforming into various ester types.
«That upheld our hypothesis, which was that biochar could interfere with cell signaling, most likely by binding with the fatty - acid molecules that the speakers were using to broadcast their message.»
The researchers found that, in an aqueous solution, amino acids usually hook up with others in their own string because of the randomness with which water - hating amino acid molecules are interspersed among water - loving ones on the same protein.
Previously, it was only possible to detect neutral clusters containing up to two sulfuric acid molecules.
The acid is heated to wick away water, which forces the acid molecules to bind together in ring - shaped structures called lactide monomers.
The ability to determine the orientation of an amino acid molecule was another significant new capability of the Goddard lab that enabled them to discover the origin of the lunar amino acids, according to Elsila.
Amino acid molecules can be built in two versions — left and right — that are mirror images of each other, like your hands.
One of the key new capabilities of the Goddard Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory was instrumentation with high enough sensitivity to determine the isotopic composition of an amino acid molecule, according to Elsila.
At the same time, he undertook light - scattering investigations of carefully prepared DNA and shocked the Protein / Nucleic Acid Gordon Conference of 1950 by reporting that these nucleic acid molecules had molecular weights of many million and a stiffness sufficiently great that they could not possibly be single chains but rather had to be multistranded (3).
Think of these acid molecules in the Bravo like explosives that disintegrate the bunker.
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