Sentences with phrase «acid production»

"Acid production" refers to the process of creating or generating acids. It typically involves the production of chemicals that are acidic in nature. Full definition
The caffeine in soda can also increase stomach acid production, worsen episodes of diarrhea, and contribute to constipation.
Another way to stimulate acid production in the stomach is by taking bitter herbs.
First observations that living organisms such as bacteria can actively control their fatty acid production were already made decades ago.
Usually a pill, taken to reduce gastric acid production.
Regular exercise training can increase acid production in the body due to repeated muscle contractions.
This indicates that some changes in amino acid production are confined to the gut and do not translate into changes in the circulation and, subsequently, the brain.
Bonus: Marshmallow helps heal damage done by excessive acid production.
This could stimulate excess acid production in the stomach leading to more uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms such as heart burn or increased nausea and vomiting.
Slow transit and high acid production both increase risk of colon cancer.
Do you our bodies tend to lose more bone density and muscle mass due to animal food that cause oxidation and fatty acid production?
If you are eating a meat based diet your liver probably doesn't have to do much in terms of amino acid production, so our energy goes to cell growth.
Not only can herbs help soothe the burning of acid reflux, some can actually help heal any damage done to the digestive system by excessive acid production.
Studies have shown that Growth Hormone is secreted in large quantities in response to Lactic Acid production in your body.
These drugs include allopurinol (which blocks uric acid production), probenecid and lesinurad (which help the kidneys remove uric acid), and an injection called pegloticase (which breaks down the uric acid itself).
Proton pump inhibitors, such as Prolosec and Plavix work by blocking acid production in the stomach.
The researchers concluded that psyllium decreases LDL cholesterol concentra - tions mainly by the stimulation of bile acid production.
This covered N20 abatement from nitric acid production, and was also the only project - type correctly supplied with ERUs.
Glycine Saponin supports Hyaluronic Acid production in the cells of the dermal layer where the deepest wrinkles are formed.»
And the over-the-counter drug cimetidine, which inhibits acid production in the stomach and is used to treat heartburn, matched a certain type of lung cancer.
He was also given injectable medications to stop the vomiting and help decrease acid production in his GI tract.
-- Liquorice root is an adaptogen that helps balance cortisol levels and regulates acid production in the stomach.
SPI has trypsin inhibitors which means that it causes poor digestion by interfering with proper stomach acid production for assimilating food.
In addition to adding the genes for glucaric acid production, the researchers engineered each cell to produce a protein that synthesizes a small molecule called AHL.
Different temperatures select distinctive acetic acid bacteria species and promotes organic acids production during Kombucha tea fermentation — Francesca De Filippis — Food Microbiology
Research suggests that this will not stop the inflammatory reaction altogether, and interestingly, some studies seem to suggest that some pathogens, in addition to being capable of initiating an inflammatory response, are themselves capable of Arachidonic Acid production:
Suplementing with HCL helps to increase the stomach's own acid production which is necessary for a proper digestion of proteins.
On top of this, EPA's global - warming regulations will catch aluminum production, ammonia production, cement, iron, steel, lime, petrochemical, phosphoric acid production, and pulp and paper manufacturing.
This medication is usually well tolerated Possible loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue May have a temporary increase in stomach acid production when famotidine is discontinued May decrease white blood cell count, especially if your pet is also receiving other bone marrow suppressing drugs (ex.
You can limit lactic acid production by training in a lower rep range of 5 - 7, rather than the traditional range of 12 and above.
These antioxidants and proteins help to stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid production within the skin, helping reduce signs of aging, and prevent future damage by capturing free radicals.
To try and get round this, the researchers compared the use of PPIs with another type of drug used to dampen down acid production called histamine H2 receptor antagonists (H2 blockers) in 63,397 adults treated with triple therapy — a combination of a PPI and two antibiotics to kill off H pylori over 7 days — between 2003 and 2012.
At some point, the Tremblaya genome shrank so much that the bacterium's amino acid production machinery gummed up, forcing the mealybug to recruit a second partner to pick up the slack.
To get round this, Tan suggests adding a third drug that targets another part of teichoic acid production.
And over the last few decades, water quality has improved as some of the least environmentally friendly activities — such as sulfuric acid production, salt evaporation and coal - fired power production — have ended.
investigating acid production by Streptococcus mutans with a surface - displayed pH - sensitive green fluorescent protein.
Formic acid is a product of the α - oxidation of fatty acids by human skin fibroblasts: deficiency of formic acid production in peroxisome - deficient fibroblasts
This will include a comprehensive analysis of the cariogenic potential of known pathogens and their influence on acid production.
According to Dr. Passler, bitter herbs and foods improve health in three main ways: «They activate bitter receptors on the tongue, which in turn activates cells in your stomach to normalize acid production for better digestion.
For people with low stomach acid production who always feel full, and never feel truly hungry, it can be beneficial to take Betaine HCl between meals as well, in order to completely empty the stomach for the next meal.
To add insult to injury, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Nexium and Priolosec (the third bestselling class of drugs in the U.S.) shut down parietal cells and stomach acid production completely.
Another common low gastric acid production condition common in the elderly, called hypochlorhydria, can also interfere with calcium absorption.
If you consume a lot of protein without fruits and veggies it can compound acid production.
But a big arugula salad has as much nitrate as a cup of beet juice, and in addition, the requisite dose of vitamin C. Whole foods are always preferred, but if you do decide to juice your own beets, you should add some greens or something, so throughout the day you can maximize nitric acid production while minimizing any risk.
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