Sentences with phrase «acid sequence»

An "acid sequence" refers to the specific order of building blocks called amino acids in a protein. These amino acids are like letters of an alphabet that form words, sentences, and paragraphs (in this case, proteins) which have different functions in our bodies. Full definition
When the researchers checked a database with genome sequences of more than 6000 flu virus variants, they found that the amino acid sequence of this region remains constant in many viral strains.
Using artificial amino acids also offers some protection against the immune system that might otherwise recognize natural amino acid sequences as foreign proteins and attack them.
For dog - related rabies, host jumping was linked to multiple evolutionary patterns, such as parallel changes in amino acid sequences between different host species.
In nature, this step would involve looking for stretches of amino acid sequences that are similar between proteins.
And a new prototype device can display a fluorescent letter in the presence of nucleic acid sequences from the Ebola virus or the closely - related Marburg virus: «E» for Ebola or «M» for Marburg.
«It involves much more than a certain nucleic acid sequence of DNA.»
Two bison bones more than 55,000 years old have yielded the first complete amino acid sequences from a fossil, and researchers think the same technique could work for much older specimens.
Instead, biologists may have to understand and control variations, or codes, of amino acid sequences in the protein that apparently guide them to engage in certain kinds of assemblies and prevent droplet assemblies from turning into tangled knots.
Their method depends on encoding pairs of protein amino acid sequences with the information needed to direct molecular assembly through protein - protein interfaces.
UCLA researchers have created a code to translate amino acid sequences into music, to inform and entertain non-scientists and children.
Still, major mysteries are likely to persist, given the amazing ability of nature to splice, dice, reassemble, swap, amplify, and silence or re-use nucleid acid sequences within the genome of living organisms.
Molecular phylogenetic studies of protein homology (i.e., amino acid sequence similarity comparisons with assumptions of mutation rate) date one primordial form within the family to 600 to 700 million years ago, a time period often conjectured to correspond to the divergence of invertebrate and vertebrate ancestors.
In its first phase, the money was distributed between nine structural - biology research consortia, each of which would go on to produce dozens of protein structures per year — with the lofty goal of eventually predicting structures for most of the amino - acid sequences possible in nature.
In 2000, researchers identified proteins in fossils using a type of mass spectrometer that, unlike earlier methods, left amino acid sequences more intact and readable.
The deduced amino acid sequence obtained from complementary DNA clones indicated that the apCAM's are a family of proteins that seem to arise from a single gene.
Applying a technique known as mRNA display, the fragments are tagged in specific way, such that amino acid sequences resulting from successful translation events remain bound to the mRNA fragments that generated them.
An antibody to a peptide synthesized according to deduced amino acid sequence reacts specifically with the alpha subunit of Gs.
A bovine brain complementary DNA library was screened with an oligonucleotide probe derived from amino acid sequence common to known G proteins.
The lab reported in the Elsevier journal Biomaterials that a particular hydrogel, a self - assembling multidomain peptide (MDP) with the amino acid sequence K2 (SL) 6K2, is indeed bioactive.
These are proteins whose amino acid sequences show the structural hallmarks of cell surface receptors but whose triggering molecules are as yet undiscovered.
Specifically, the code defines a mapping between tri-nucleotide sequences called codons and amino acids; every triplet of nucleotides in a nucleic acid sequence specifies a single amino acid.
Other research found a string of amino acids within the rabies glycoprotein that is almost identical to an amino acid sequence found in snake venom that inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Small DNA - like molecules, called peptide nucleic acids (PNAs), can shut down specific genes in cultured cells because their nucleic acid sequence binds tightly to complementary target DNA or RNA sequences, preventing the cell from translating a gene's code into a working protein.
Critics also noted that one of the six amino acid sequences reported in the 2007 paper was misassigned and is likely incorrect.
A new nucleic acid sequencing platform, the Sequel System, provides higher throughput, more scalability, a reduced footprint, and lower sequencing project costs compared to the PacBio RS II System, while maintaining the existing benefits of single molecule, real - time (SMRT) technology.
On closer (albeit discrete) inspection, I immediately blurted out: «You're wearing a multiple amino - acid sequence alignment
The scientists found that Rumi recognizes a six - amino - acid sequence on many of the 36 repeat folds of Notch.
To try to block elastase, biochemist Drew Smith of NeXstar Pharmaceuticals in Boulder, Colorado, earlier this year synthesized a nucleic acid sequence called an aptamer, which is designed for its shape.
By tacking an amino acid sequence onto the end of a protein, the bug manages to set up camp inside a host cell, safe from the immune system, without killing the cell.
The deduced amino acid sequences indicate an evolutionarily highly conserved protein that spans the membrane four times.
The researchers then made sequences of RNA which would bind to LAP's messenger RNA — nucleic acid sequences which are used as templates to construct the peptide.
«Obtaining amino acid sequence data can show where extinct animals fit in the tree of life,» she says.
Modern molecular technologies (genomics and other omics), through comparing nucleic acid and amino acid sequences across living species, are enabling the identification of genetic components and patterns stingily conserved by evolution, from those in which times of evolutionary branching of the tree of life can be inferred.
In PLOS ONE, the researchers describe how they altered this model to use markers that detect Zika nucleic acid sequences instead of those for HIV.
Sanger sequencing methods represent the most popular in a range of «first - generation» nucleic acid sequencing technologies.
In 1999 the nucleic acid sequence archives contained a total of 3.5 billion nucleotides, slightly more than the length of a single human genome; a decade later they contained more than 283 billion nucleotides, the length of about 95 human genomes.
In the lab Fawzi is now studying how altering amino acid sequences affects FUS behaviors in hopes that it will lead to a clinically useful strategy against ALS and cancer.
Research shares that they are made of amino acid sequence distilled using recombinant DNA technology.
A concept referred to as «molecular mimicry» underlies the direct relationship between these peptides and immune response agents that end up attacking tissues that share amino acid sequences with the offending intruder (i.e. bagel).
It has the same 191 amino acid sequence as the human growth hormone (HGH).
After that, the researchers back - translate the amino acid sequence into a genetic sequence, buy the DNA base pairs to build the gene spelled out by that sequence, and then turn the gene loose in bacteria or yeast that have been programmed to manufacture the protein.
«For dog - related rabies, host jumping was linked to multiple evolutionary patterns, such as parallel changes in amino acid sequences between different host species, suggesting that dog - related rabies may not need to evolve much to jump to new carnivore hosts.»
Specific amino acid sequences within the gliadin proteins are responsible for this activity.
The tools included TCRdist, which researchers used to calculate the similarity and differences of key features of T cell receptors, such as amino acid sequences in important regions for antigen recognition.
In the December issue of Geology, the team members report that they isolated a protein called osteocalcin from the bones and recovered the first intact amino acid sequences from an ancient specimen.
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