Sentences with phrase «acid threshold»

The phrase "acid threshold" refers to the limit or point at which a substance becomes acidic enough to have a noticeable effect, cause damage, or trigger a particular reaction. Full definition
The average heart rate during that 20 to 30 minute effort would be approximately your lactic acid threshold heart rate.
To illustrate how it works in practice, Koenig offers the example of a professional hockey player whose profile shows that he has gene variants found in people who respond rapidly to lactic - acid threshold training.
A first time marathoner or triathlete (or even an intermediate level endurance athlete) will RARELY be performing at or near their lactic acid threshold for extended periods of time.
min - 1) and superior lactic acid threshold (let's say 85 %) should be able to do an easy 2:30 - 2:45 marathon, however this is often not the case (If you're wondering where this data came from, MJ Joyner wrote an excellent piece in the Journal of Applied Physiology back in 1991 discussing «ideal» models for performance).
The stronger you get, the higher you increase your lactic acid threshold and are able to tolerate your work output.
They will increase your lactic acid threshold.
It is a mixture of power and strength training done at intensities to challenge lactic acid threshold.
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