Sentences with phrase «action elements»

"Action elements" refers to the parts or components that contribute to the progress or movement in a particular activity or situation. It generally refers to the elements that generate action or bring about a change in a given context. Full definition
The figure, which speaks, is a combination of computer animation and live - action elements of a face.
The lack of combat makes this more of a puzzle game with action elements than an action title.
With many action elements in the final act, the movie offered plenty of opportunities for solid information.
The video transfer is excellent - with the CGI effects seamlessly integrated with the live action elements.
It took some survival horror aspects and introduced new action elements that were very much welcome.
It's a colourful, very pleasant score, sadly lacking some of its important action elements because they were simply too damaged to include.
The featurette looks at various stunts, some weapons training, and other action elements.
As the tower defense genre has incorporated action elements, games in other genres have borrowed its core mechanics.
The trailers may have you thinking it's a standard action / crime thriller, but this is a much more intricate drama with only the occasional adrenaline - rush action elements.
The sort of endless runner with action elements genre can be a tough sell for some folks when there's a ton of those games out there.
This adds a very welcomed action element to the game making it much more than a strategic experience.
At this point the game turns into somewhat of a third - person shooter, which gives the game some interesting action elements and some versatile gameplay.
In this game, players will find that the action / RPG gameplay will now emphasize stealth mechanics, as opposed to just action elements.
It's a term familiar in any gaming circle imaginable and its meaning is self - explanatory — an experience with both stealth and action elements woven with varying degrees of severity.
Outside of the fantastic, time - bending visuals, the story and combat are merely fine, and the live action elements are nothing short of a chore to get through.
It's like a strategy game, but with action elements.
One of the most popular RTS games for PC / Mac and iOS is Anomaly Warzone Earth which blends more action elements into the tower defense genre, making it more on the offensive side rather than defensive.
Since the early 1980s supernatural monster films have utilized more and more action elements to captivate an adrenaline - hungry audience who might not be so...
I really hope that it's going to open up the eyes of many FPS people and get them really excited about something that they may have never played before which is a really driven, story based role playing game with these really cool action elements in it.
«Create a «new Final Fantasy VII» not limited to a simple remake as a new Final Fantasy with action elements added to the traditional strategy, and deliver your creativity to the world,» the job listing clearly says.
Coded is a puzzle game with action elements mixed into the gameplay.
PlayStation LifeStyle: When it comes to the third - person action elements in Horizon, did the Uncharted 4 team offer any advice or guidance?
Clock Tower II is a point and click horror adventure for PSX which tries to combine action elements into the proceedings.
The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle is a hilarious tongue - in - cheek point and click adventure game that mixes the classic formula up with riveting action elements all weaved together lovingly by Rumpus Animation.
The tabletop side and the new action elements blend together well to keep the excitement levels high, as do the new mini-games to test your nerve, skill and luck.
The game mixes stealth and action elements together and can be played either as a pacifist or a genocidal maniac.
It's a popcorn film that forgets it is a popcorn film, failing on every fundamental level because they want us to take the ludicrous plot as something we should take seriously in between the heavily explosive, stylized action elements.
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent but if your expecting a full on action film, throw that away because it's mostly a sci fi drama with action elements thrown in
Tatum and Foxx work well together and it's a shame that Emmerich and Vanderbuilt couldn't fully commit to making the Secret Service / President buddy action element the centerpiece.
The re-watch factor is huge here, with outstanding action elements that fans will want to revisit time and time again.
«Elysium» buzzes with exciting sci - fi action elements but fizzles when it comes to the characters who inhabit Blomkamp's gritty world.
Using a battle system that has both strategy and real - time action elements Dragon Ball Fusions will see players create their characters, travel the Dragon world collecting items and creating alliances with other fighters.
SPAZ 2 is a great melding of RTS and space action elements in a fleshed out universe with loads of content and fun!
When I first saw early trailers for Battle Chef Brigade — a match - 3 puzzle game with 2D action elements — I thought the concept looked great, but that the game itself looked unfinished.
Alienation is in fact a spiritual sequel to Dead Nation taking all the good action elements of the original title, but as a completely new game it makes an interesting twist as an Action RPG with a loot system and character progression that takes the best of genres like modern social shooters and classic dungeon crawlers.
Scalebound is definitely going to feel different from the other Platinum Games» developed titles, with the team focusing on the role playing game elements and non-linear exploration rather than the usual action elements, but what we have seen so far shows incredible promise.
Crypt Of The Necrodancer A turn - based roguelike that also incorporates rhythm action elements.
The developers did add a sort of tense action element to the gameplay, but it seems more tacked on rather than fully fleshed - out.
Are Quantum Break's live - action elements going to work when mixed with gameplay?
Gameplay involves story - driven adventure, collecting, puzzle solving, and enlightening action elements.
When asked whether the game will be rooted in the horror genre, Carmack indicated that it will instead focus more on pure action elements a la Doom 2.
You have to smack the demons coming at you, a little action element that makes studying the map difficult as you always have to be at the ready.
It's definitely something Telltale can pull off since they don't have big action elements to worry about as long as they don't stray from their usual modus operandi.
With fun platforming and action elements Elliot Quest is both challenging and enjoyable.
It has the exploratory action elements of the genre's best, a brilliant combat system, tons of stuff to find, craft, equip, a compelling, well written story with memorable characters in a fantastically detailed world, a gorgeous, distinct art style, brilliant sound design and a top - tier soundtrack.
Brendel paid close attention to alleviating adventure gamers» biggest fear: that with the change of the interface he'd also introduce action elements.
«But at the same time, it wouldn't be ThunderCats if it didn't have super cool action elements because that's what people came back to.
The game will be «A new Final Fantasy with action elements added to traditional strategy».

Phrases with «action elements»

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