Sentences with phrase «action pieces»

"Action pieces" refers to exciting scenes or sequences in movies, books, or other forms of storytelling that involve thrilling or intense action, such as fights, chases, or stunts. Full definition
The first is services, which should make putting the money tips you've learned from the blog into action a piece of cake.
The bus sequence seen in the trailer is one of the big action pieces in the film but comes before the biggest final action sequence.
It is a slow - burning movie, yes, but it understands the importance of rewarding our patience with some solid action pieces.
On one hand, I like its many exciting action pieces, but on the other, it doesn't have much else going for it.
There's some decent action pieces, but the story is what captured my attention.
I'm glad I didn't know, because I could then sit back and enjoy what's a pretty tight, very well assembled action piece.
Sure, it's absolutely a dumb film in regards to the fact that it's a straight - up action piece with no need concentrate on the storyline.
I love great action pieces, but if you take all this time to set it up, why not show me what is happening?
Live Action pieces are very well integrated, telling a side - by - side rendition of related instances and characters which often include the primary cast.
Also this films standout scene is the church massacre, many are saying its one of the best action pieces in the last decade.
The film makes fun of those 1970s style exploitation flicks that were more just excuses to attach action pieces.
While the sleek, well - constructed action pieces do impress, it's almost a shame that there are moments of dialogue in between them.
What the story becomes is a bare - bones plot to hang action pieces on.
But he's also made hard - boiled genre action pieces.
Without a real stand - out action piece, and with far too much exposition that has been covered before this Amazing movie feels anything but.
Looking into the facts after seeing the film may have one appreciating this standard action piece a bit more.
The setting and / or backdrop really doesn't factor into how one will take this predictable and fundamental action piece.
It includes some solid action pieces and production values but suffers from thin characters and a dull story.
There are some monster set action pieces in This Means War that rival anything Die Hard ever wanted to put on the screen.
And The Economist also seems blissfully unaware that stabilizing anywhere near 450 ppm atmospheric concentration of CO2 would require immediate and sustained action to replace the world's fossil fuel system with one based on carbon - free energy — precisely the kind of aggressive action this piece seems designed to undercut.
I don't have nearly the same sense of ire you do regarding DISTRICT 9, but I got ta agree - the bait and switch turned what was shaping up to be a refreshingly intelligent science fiction film into another sci - fi action piece.
And some of the bigger action pieces in The Dark Knight are poorly shot, but because everything else is so over the top great, you forgive it.
Yes, there are some moments of grotesque images and the occasional scare, but those are merely set - ups for several action pieces that are liberally spread throughout the movie.
There are a few action pieces (a visit to another district, a daring raid on the capital and the like), but this is an otherwise quiet, lower key and viscously paced affair, often having difficulty engaging in the in - between moments.
This is the BEST James Bond film ever made as it is full of style, amazing action pieces that really dazzle and entertain, Pierce Brosnan is an excellent Bond (wit, humor, action, style, brutality), Xenia Onatopp is the greatest creation of a villain and Bond girl (because her weapon is
In addition, Cuarón has produced several incredible action pieces, which are absolutely enthralling and completely immersive.
Like the first outing, the action flies fast and furious, with excellent stuntwork and impressive action pieces.
Four black females will perform a choreographed action piece, derived from dismissive gestures often characterized as «ghetto.»
Walter Hill's existential action piece, rendered in a complete stylistic abstraction that will mean tough going for literal - minded audiences.
Nonetheless, Sicario deserves praise for a gripping story, stellar and intense action pieces, strong performances in most characters as well as a chilling finish which will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
shia was on top form and some of the slo» mo action pieces were incredible.
Kong feels rather unbalanced, with huge chunks of action pieces clumped together, making the calmer moments all the more mundane.
if you expect sustained passages of the same superior rhythmic pacing and thematic bombast of Rambo: First Blood Part II in the equivalent action pieces of Rambo III.
The film starts off gloriously enough with a brilliantly filmed action piece set in Mexico City's Day of the Dead parade, but Mendes and crew soon settle into a muddled, anti-climactic mishmash of old tropes and familiar ideas.
Anorak: «The film flows at a good pace, and even without the fantasy action pieces every 20 minutes the events transpiring in the whorehouse world are captivating in and of themselves.»
Its predecessor gave us a smorgasbord of completely needless supporting characters and padded action pieces, while this one stays the course of the war for Zion and Neo's messianic quest.
Without spoiling anything, Thor manages to evade his captor in a highly entertaining action piece and heads home to stop Ragnarok, the end of days of Asgard.
If you're a fan of 2009's Star Trek, you were likely charmed by director J.J. Abrams» ability to enthusiastically introduce us to a set of well - matched characters, commandeer thrilling action pieces and confidently usher his audience through a reasonable (albeit not particularly sophisticated) plot.
On a purely technical level, Yimou's film does merit a look for its mesmerizing beauty and graceful action pieces.
The key to making a decent film when the plot is dull is to bolster it with good humor (a la Rush Hour) or some unbelievable action pieces (a la Who am I?).
The film ironically feels more humanized this time around, but holds back on delivering over-the-top lock - and - load action pieces.
Jackson with his fellow screenwriters Fran Walsh, Phillipa Boyens and Guillermo del Toro, do a fantastic job of letting «The Hobbit» find strength is these smaller moments and themes that add potency to the spectacle of the enormous action pieces.
Think of exposition as the lubricant between the mechanical action pieces of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the bigger, longer, more expensive and completely unnecessary sequel to the amusing 2007 blockbuster about giant alien robots that transform into cars and trucks while causing epic amounts of property damage.
At some point, the movie itself crosses the line, from a modestly thoughtful attempt to extrapolate a drama from real and urgent events to a generic action piece with predictable good and bad guys and pat, civics - book morals.
Kenneth Branagh was also smart enough to not take the story he's adapting too seriously, creating some genuinely fun light - hearted moments on top of some brilliant action pieces.
Meanwhile, speaking to the outlet, director J.A. Bayona teased an exciting opening to the sequel, stating that: «Fallen Kingdom stars with a massive action piece that feels like a James Bond prologue.
S. Craig Zahler follows up Bone Tomahawk with an equally brutal tense action piece, this time starring Vince Vaughn (of all people) as a man trying to provide for his family who falls back into the drug world and ends up in prison, forced to carry out hits to ensure his wife isn't killed by his former employer.
What ensues is a rousing adventure, with some genuinely moving character revelations, some wonderful thrill - ride action pieces and more than a few tears - inducing moments.
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