Sentences with phrase «action projects»

Action projects refer to practical initiatives or plans intended to produce concrete results or bring about specific changes. They typically involve taking action and actively working towards a goal or solving a problem, rather than just talking about it or planning it. Action projects are focused on tangible outcomes and involve taking steps to make something happen. Full definition
Those prices are not going to attract a diverse range of candidates but the good news is that the party is raising funds for candidates to set up social action projects in their constituencies.
In order to convey a clearer picture of the many kinds of mental health action projects which churches can initiate, here are some examples in these four areas.
All participants are required to design action projects in which they identify an issue of equity in classrooms, schools, or the district and develop a research - based intervention to address it.
In addition to our normal growth, we're looking for around 100 developers to join us on a new, non - racing, open - world action project.
His approach to prevention and alcoholism action projects will be colored by it.
The key point here is that in almost every case of a successful action project, one person started the ball rolling.
There must be enough consistency in both the local congregation and the national denomination to stimulate the growth of membership and to allow effective expression in compatible action projects.
It featured videos, teacher testimonials, kids action projects and their thoughts on climate change.
In social action projects, too, there is always teaching as well as action.
They learn to assess data and design action projects, along the way learning skills in writing, data - focused math, communications, and specific issue areas that arise.
The guidelines and examples are based on a survey looking at climate action projects at 55 schools in 12 countries of UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet).
The article also included an incorrect name for the Community Action Project of Tulsa County and misspelled the name of Monica Barczak, the director of the project's Innovation Lab.
The Conservation Fund has developed several early action projects eligible for California compliance, including the Garcia River IFM project registered with the Climate Action Reserve (CAR).
Community Action Project of Tulsa County Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Community Service Council of Greater Tulsa Credit Counseling Centers of Oklahoma CREOKS Behavioral Health Services Crossroads Clubhouse DaySpring Villa Dillon International, Inc..
The forum, sponsored by «The Middle Class Action Project ``, featured the candidates in sequential appearances.
San Diego, February 2018 — The Spay - Neuter Action Project of San Diego, today announced that it has received a donation of FIRST SHEILD ™ Trio Flea Treatment from the Banfield Foundation flea & tick prevention program, to further motivate people to -LSB-...]
The Ballymun Youth Action Project has been to the forefront of this response from the outset, through the development of prevention education, community based treatment responses, and research initiatives designed to identify community specific patterns.
Pupils from Rowan Preparatory School chose to base their social action project on supporting endangered animals around the world.
Since the CCF organised a social action project at spring forum last year it's becoming a tradition to do one every time the party has a national event.
That's the premise of TREExOFFICE, an environmental civic action project by Australian American artist, engineer and NYU professor Natalie Jeremijenko.
My first contact with prison abolitionists was at a two - day «Alternatives to Prison» seminar where the leadership was provided by Fay Honey Knopp and Jane Kathryn Vella of the Prison Research Education Action Project (PREAP).
Retail Action Project Release Survey of CUNY Food Service Workers And Their Workplace Conditions
Seniors at Monticello High School have to complete a Citizen Action Project in order to graduate and pass their government course.
In the Carbon Action project, the Yasso model will be further developed, particularly for use in making reliable assessments of carbon fixing in agricultural land.
10:20 We speak with Maria Wallstam of the Carnegie Community Action Project about the retail gentrification of the Downtown Eastside.
While the push for equity of access to rigorous upper - level academic experience is an important first step, the Knowledge in Action Project team also believes that working toward equity of outcomes for all students is what it takes to truly eliminate the achievement gap for students.
If teachers and students choose to develop a more concerted plan of action, the Constitutional Rights Foundation s provides a short nine - step - guide, designed to empower teachers and students to plan and implement civic action projects within their local communities.
Treasurer for the Childhood Lead Action Project, which educates homeowners about lead - based paint, and a board member of the Greater Providence Board of REALTORS ® and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
While the former's body of work considers the representational language inherent in painting, the latter's participatory action projects activate the audience's presence.
The Presidential Climate Action Project is a non-partisan effort to develop a comprehensive menu of policy options, rooted in science, for the next president to begin implementing immediately upon taking office.
These schools engaged more than 300 students in action projects focused on student - driven anti-discrimination work focused on stopping bias against race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other issues in school.
«NIOST has a 35 - year history working as a research action project in the fields of school age child care, afterschool and youth development,» said Ellen Gannet, M.Ed., NIOST director.
Fifth - graders from Glassbrook Elementary School in Hayward, CA recently participated in a unique environmental action project that gave them special access to beautiful private Bay Area oak woodland and grassland habitat.
Maybe we should brainstorm or action a project so that going forward we can think outside of the box and make sure we are all singing from the same hymn - sheet.
It is important to maintain this inreach and outreach balance in mental health action projects.
A social action project aimed at mobilizing congregational support of legislation to provide more opportunities for job training for the poor (primary prevention).
For the next four years she was director of a community care special action project in Birmingham.
By coordinating this Marie Sklodowska - Curie Actions project, which is funded by 3.6 - million - Euros of the Horizon 2020 programme of the EU, Enikö Kallay facilitates the cooperation of 13 research groups in eight countries — a network which will foster research excellence centred around the MedUni Vienna.
Thanks to a grant from the Citizens» Monitoring and Technical Assessment (MTA) Fund, Paul Robinson, Research Director, has compiled a comprehensive summary of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project (UMTRAP), entitled: «Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Performed by the U.S. DOE: An Overview.»
Prof. Dawkins is leading the Australian efforts in the development of a National Plan for Rare Disease, in concert with this policy position he is also coordinating the Australian partnership in a European Commission Framework Program 7 applications, RD - CONNECT and concerted action project RARE - BestPractice and a Chief Investigator on the NHMRC Australian European coordination grants.
The Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project (NSRAP) seeks equity, justice, and human rights for 2SLGBTQIA + people in Nova Scotia.
New production dates for the Ang Lee sci - fi action project suggests that it has already begun filming in Atlanta back on December 4th...
«Crimson Peak» director Guillermo del Toro says he hopes to return to «smaller, weirder» films, and only tackle action projects that are «very, very close to my heart.»
All three Expendables veterans have new action projects coming at you, undoubtedly greenlit to draw in the mobs who helped their fully - loaded collabo make a killing.
The most powerful PBL I have experienced takes relevance and student voice even further by engaging students in action projects where they investigate and address critical problems in their communities and around the world.
Hot - button issues such as sanctuary cities, homelessness, and domestic violence were addressed this year by high school students taking part in the Civic Action Project of the Constitutional Rights Foundation.

Phrases with «action projects»

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