Sentences with phrase «action star»

The phrase "action star" refers to a person who stars or acts in movies that are filled with exciting and thrilling activities, such as fights, stunts, and explosions. Full definition
A lot of them, one will probably recall, were sold as the vehicle for one of the handful of action stars of the era.
He has a distinct presence, different not just from previous Bonds but from other action stars in general.
Yes, female action stars do tend to take opponents down with their thighs a whole lot.
Never, ever underestimate the power of nostalgia, especially since we're living in an era where it seems like no new great action stars are being made.
Will anyone spend 15 - plus years trying to make either of them into action stars?
But male action stars aren't put in the same position.
And it's part of his aim to bring a little gender parity to older action stars.
After all, it only seems natural to respond to B - movie action stars when your president was one as well.
The legendary action star discusses returning to the sci - fi franchise that made him a superstar as a T - 800 that actually acts his age.
The point is to see a veteran action star and a veteran director make an ass - kicking action film.
Escape Plan isn't the first time the two 80s action stars have worked together.
It's good to see the 80's action stars getting a resurgence.
Check out The WOW Report, where they have a bunch of classic action stars wielding selfie sticks instead of guns.
His acting is here - and - there, but he does show some promise in being a rising action star.
In recent celebrity news, a normally muscular action star was accused of having a «dad belly» in a candid photograph.
A surprise cameo appearance by a major action star adds some flare (literally) to the predictable final act.
The other part is seeing the world's greatest action stars share the screen like a kid playing with all of his favorite action figures at the same time.
With the exception of a mixture of 80's, 90's and current action stars, what separates this movie for the other action movies that come out yearly?
They need to pick a better stable of younger, recognizable action stars to carry it on or this franchise is done.
I guess he could make a decent action star, but his first step should be to find better material than this.
The first movie was a bit of a disappointment because the story didn't live up to the hype of having a collection of»80s action stars all in one place.
He certainly fit the unknown action star mold the studio seemed to be looking for.
He's terrific, a refreshing change from the way child action stars are too often used.
She is a strong, capable female action star.
He's a great action star and his movies always deliver.
There's also a good bit of nostalgic value to be had here as well, for any who have been long - time followers of these legendary action stars.
So what if beat up action stars got this stuff that they think is low t medication that's actually makes them themselves in the 80's again?
The trend of tooling up seasoned dramatic leads as action stars looks set to continue regardless, with the release of Sean Penn's The Gunman coming this Friday on both sides of the Atlantic.
As Detective Cruz sets out to find her, the clues send him into the city's seediest corners, from a Hollywood action star with a dirty little secret (James Van Der Beek), to an enterprising porn producer who takes a personal interest in his own work (Snoop Dogg), and a kinky waitress with an unusual fetish for particle physics (Autumn Reeser).
LMD: When you think of the great Hong Kong action stars of the last 40 years there's Bruce Lee, there's you, there's Jackie, there's Jet Li and Donnie Yen, but it doesn't seem like there's anybody behind you guys.
But I also think it's worth considering what kind of approaches slighter women would have to take to get the same result as male action stars who are bigger than them.
Among the 2012 winners are Lucy Alibar, who received the Best Woman Screenwriter Award for «Beasts of the Southern Wild,» which she co-wrote with and Benh Zeitlin; Jennifer Lawrence who grabbed the Kick Ass Award For Best Female Action Star for her role in «The Hunger Game»; and the «Brave» heroine Merida, voiced by Kelly Macdonald, which drew Best Animated Female.
Disney «is planning a live - action Star Wars TV series to air on its entertainment streaming service that is expected to launch by the end of 2019.»
Whenever someone talks about Dwayne «The Rock» Johnson around me... I always wonder why he isn't the biggest action star on the planet.
Liam Neeson continues his late career resurgence as an aging action star by re-teaming with his Unknown director, Jaume Collet - Serra, for Non-Stop.
Nevertheless, that's progress, and while becoming one of Hollywood's most bankable action stars on the strength of the success of films like the Avengers franchise and The Jungle Book, Johansson has yet to abandon her indie roots, making her one of Hollywood's most versatile young actresses.
Joining the midseason lineup is «The Titan Games,» a physical competition series co-produced by action star Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia and the creators of «American Ninja Warrior.»
BIRDMAN, which has won the Oscar for Best Picture of 2014, is an unconventional comedy about a former Hollywood action star who wants to prove himself on the Broadway stage.
This movie marks the evolution of the stock action movie from the realistic style of actual action stars like Jackie Chan or Jean Claude Van Damme and into the domain of CGI blockbusters with trained actors at the helm.
No matter how bad things get in his recent apocalyptic action movies, action star Dwayne Johnson frequently seems in a weirdly good mood.
If their work in films of the future can match some of the impressively shot and mounted sequences they've developed in District B13, these two may have the chance of being international action stars in their own right, and not just bit players.
Zoe Saldana proves to be one of the best action stars working in the business.
Even with war paint on their faces and shotguns, they didn't suddenly turn into stone cold action stars at the end, but instead had real emotions.
We all have our favorite action stars from the present and the past so what Stallone was able to do as a huge fan service was bring them all together on the same screen.
Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen (Ip Man) plays Chirrut Imwe, a blind warrior monk who is not a Jedi but follows the path of the Force, and Chinese martial - arts actor and director Jiang Wen (Devils on the Door Step) co-stars as Baze Malbus, Chirrut's Force - doubting rough - and - tumble protector.
He is one of the less known action stars in Hollywood and one of the most underrated.
MGM has their»70s reboot Death Wish starring»80s /»90s action star Bruce Willis in 2,847 and that $ 30M net budgeted pic hopes to land somewhere in the mid-teens, and an iffy $ 20M.
It usually involves a ridiculous plot, some cheesy dialogue and a cool action scene or two, but the real draw continues to be seeing how many former action stars Sylvester Stallone can cram into a single film.
The American football player turned action star spoke out last year (17) after...
Liam Neeson has become one of the top action stars of the 21st Century.
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