Sentences with phrase «active breed»

The phrase "active breed" refers to a group of animals that are naturally energetic and require regular exercise and physical activity to stay happy and healthy. Full definition
This is a very active breed and need a daily release of energy or else they can get into trouble.
Young dogs and even older dogs of active breeds require substantial exercise every day, or behavioral problems will arise.
But the larger, active breeds with short coats need much less care and can be done by you at home.
His personality makes him more fit for apartment living than many smaller, more active breeds.
If you don't have the space, consider a smaller or less active breed.
This is a moderately active breed and requires daily exercise.
The German Shepherd is a highly active breed, developed for work and activity which means they require regular physical exercise.
This is a fairly active breed that needs daily exercise to stay mentally sharp and physically fit.
For instance, you could pick the 10 most active breeds in general or the 10 most active for families or health enthusiasts.
This is an extremely active breed that requires regular mental and physical stimulation.
We can only lessen the risk in our dogs through education, pro active breeding and careful puppy selection.
There are choices for medium and large dogs that are active breeds ready to hit the jogging paths.
Active breeds tend to require more frequent feeding than couch potatoes.
Whether to test them or not will depend on whether they are still active breeding or if results will indicate a serious health concern for the dog itself.
They are also a pretty active breed and will require at least an hour of exercise a day.
This is a very active breed and will probably do best in a setting where he can run and play off leash.
If you can not commit to vigorous daily exercise, avoid getting a young dog or dogs of active breeds.
More active breeds may require a greater commitment from their owners to ensure these animals get the exercise they need.
If you can not provide a boxer with both, then maybe consider another less active breed.
It is also, however, a fairly active breed and would do well with a dog food formulated for active dogs to ensure that his energy needs are met.
They are an extremely active breed, and exercise is an important part of their daily care.
Excellent for highly active breeds like Jack Russell Terriers and Border collies, it's a democratic sport in which everybody can participate no matter their size, age, color, speed and agility.
Our walking pace must be painfully slow for them, especially for active breeds such as springer spaniels and pointers.
Your Doodleman Pinscher is the product of two very intelligent and very active breeds so picking up on commands is not an issue.
To maximize your Polish Hound's lifespan, make sure you feed him a healthy, high - quality diet formulated for large - breed dogs or choose one designed for active breeds.
The Cojack is a loyal and extremely active breed also being affectionate and family - friendly.
The best dog food for Irish Setters is generally a high - quality working or active breed formula.
The Bassett Hound is a loyal and active breed who gets along with people and other pets alike.
Given that the Kai Ken is a naturally active breed, you should consider providing him with a dog food formulated for active dogs.
One of the most common is hip dysplasia a common joint problem associated with this large active breed dogs.
Other active breeds are the Somali, Bombay, Cornish and Devon Rexes, Sphynx, and Egyptian Mau.
If the animal is left alone for long periods of time, is an overly active breed of dog, is not properly exercised, or has no toys of his own, he may develop unwanted behaviors.
For example, if active breeds such as Australian Shepherds do not have an appropriate outlet to expend their energy, they may have behavior problems such as excessive barking or destructive acts like chewing.
Shih Tzu may be small but they are one of the most active breeds out there.
While a dog mixed from active breeds like a Labradoodle might prove to be a champ, sometimes that's not the best way to tell if a dog will be super active.
Just like its close cousin, the Norfolk Terrier is an intelligent and active breed without any nervousness associated with a lot of the smaller breeds.
This is considered a slightly active breed, so if you aren't an active person, a Schapso could be a great fit.
The Lurcher is an incredibly active breed so it is recommended that you offer a dog food formulated especially for active dogs.
Exercise is especially important for large breed, working, and active breed types.
English Setters are a very active breed throughout their lives.
Setters are also a very active breed which require long, devoted daily walks and running in wide open spaces (after they're trained for off leash running of course, or they may continue to run and run and run!)
Some great active breeds include the Border Collie, the Australian Cattle Dog, the Brittany Spaniel and the Jack Russell Terrier.
The German shorthaired pointer is recognized as a gundog and is an exceptionally active breed.
In this episode, we highlight the most popular active breed dogs
As the Aussie is a highly active breed playing fetch is arguably the best method of play to keep them engaged.
Currently, there are only 10 nesting locations, representing a 65 percent decline in active breeding areas.
The island is one of two known active breeding colonies of elegant tern in Mexico.
Because the Cirneco dell» Etna was bred for hunting it is a fairly active breed with fairly high exercise requirements.
The Cane Corso is a moderately active breed so if he has regular daily exercise — or more — he will need more calories.
More active breeds such as Labs, Border Collies or Terriers need as much as 2 hours of vigorous exercise a day (jogging, swimming, fetch).
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