Sentences with phrase «active steps»

The phrase "active steps" means taking action or doing things to achieve a certain goal or outcome. It refers to being proactive and not just waiting for things to happen. Full definition
Interest — In this stage, your potential client knows that they need an attorney and is taking active steps in researching their options to find the right attorney for them.
Instead, you should take active steps in ensuring that you're fully protected and if something bad does happen, you can recover fairly easily.
Your test inspired me to take active steps towards pursuing my life - long interests.
Better understanding of your credit allows you to take specific, active steps toward greater financial health.
So you can see, aside from medical treatment, you need to take other active steps to assure you have evidence to prove negligence and damages (See above).
This requires awareness of these dangers and active steps on your part to help your pet avoid them.
The South Korean tech giant apparently doesn't approve of such devices and has made active steps to render them nearly useless.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss active steps you can take today to be a better leader, sales coach, and create a culture where your reps will thrive.
Some moms hope to conceive twins or even higher - order multiples and will take active steps during fertility treatment to increase their odds.
Instead of just aiming to «ignore» differences, lawyers can improve their working relationships by taking active steps to adapt to people from diverse communities.
Given that cancer is the leading cause of death among Latinos in California, and recognizing that our primary service area is 46 % Latino, we are taking more active steps to better understand and serve the Latino community.
In many human services programs, enrollees must make a series of decisions and take a number of active steps in order to access a benefit.
Although there has been firm bipartisan support on the issue, this has resulted in few active steps to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the process moving forward and a lack of clarity of what that process will look like.
This article provides practical steps for conducting a simple agency assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses of being able to effectively address trauma, as well as active steps programs can take to avoid retraumatizing women in treatment programs
«37 A further active step is needed — from penitence and pardon to the new life that emerges from it.
So what I would suggest is, first of all, you do make sure this child has a healthy environment in every way that you possibly can, but there are several active steps you can take.
Other singletons may be interested in dating but don't take as many active steps to finding someone as the online dater does.
When the shelter in the example above took in 10 more animals than were adopted one day, the next day they had an extra 10 in their care, and this will be sustained until active steps are taken.
And a major international meeting of scientists in Toronto called on governments to undertake active steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The standard for inducement or contributory infringement in patent law is very strict: it requires active steps to specifically encourage infringement.
Simultaneously, while taking the supplement, you must also take active steps towards burning fat.
«If these findings can be replicated with cohorts that have court - verifiedrecords of abuse, it suggests that women who survive childhood abuse maywant to be aware of the potential health implications,» says Chen, «and perhaps take more active steps to engage in healthy behaviors that could hopefully offset some of these risks.»
Indeed, if you're serious about finding love, there are a couple of active steps you need to take to increase your chances of finding a Valentine's Day date.
If you don't want to follow the FTC's advice, you should take other active steps to ensure that your website is not directed to children and that you are not collecting personal information from children.
If you want to improve your credit score, but can't wait the seven years it typically takes for negative information to naturally fall off your credit, here are a few active steps you can take:
This new book by Tom Schimmer provides educators with active steps to positively change grading and reporting in their classrooms.
Gratitude, however, often focuses on immediate or past events, and while it may have benefits, these may be less connected to taking active steps in managing one's health, he said.
Labor and delivery can be very hard on your body so you need to wait at least six weeks until you start to take active steps towards losing weight.
Take active steps to do that.
«The time has to be spent understanding what went wrong and taking active steps
Although Four Seasons declined to disclose information about the composition of the board, it looks like the company is taking active steps to diversify.
Taking active steps to create long - term thinking is even more important today than it has been in the past.
Essentially, the GDPR demands that online businesses must take active steps to protect privacy and submitted data from visitors in the EU.
As government agencies take active steps to ensure a commercial presence in low - Earth orbit and the lunar region, private companies are ramping up their efforts to deliver commercially - viable technologies and services to market in the very near future.
For both social justice and business reasons, we need to take active steps to turn the tide when it comes to gender diversity.
They may only have been taking active steps to stem the exodus from the Garden State's sky - high taxes and housing costs.
If I really wanted to, I * could * sell everything and live in solidarity with the poor, to take an active step against the systems of the world.
«The beverage industry in Australia is already taking active steps to increase the availability of smaller portion sizes, such as 200 ml mini cans which are now more widely available across a range of products and brands.
So Clenelo / Cancelo / etc did intimate that GGG is scared of fighting a man who was now taken active steps to avoid fighting him on two separate occasions.
The league has acknowledged that relationships between the players and officials have deteriorated somewhat this season, and that there have been active steps to regain trust between the two sides.
However, he failed the moral test by failing to notify the local police and taking active steps to ensure that the acts were investigated when it became clear that the University officials he'd reported to had (a) done nothing; and / or (b) had not informed him that they'd taken some action after he reported to them.
It's not just that I like the relationship, which is true, but that I'm going to step up and take active steps to maintain this relationship, even if it means I'm not going to get my way in certain areas»?
Our intention is to increase access to support services and care, and we believe that diversifying from within is an active step towards that goal.
For years, PSI has taken active steps towards increasing diversity within their organization and outreach to underserved communities; bringing PMHA - WOC on as a part of the agency further demonstrates PSI's commitment to bringing anti-oppression to the center of their work.
According to Charles Clarke, speaking before Brown moved to clean up MPs» expenses: «It is now absolutely essential for the Prime Minister to take active steps to restore confidence in politics — Labour politics in particular.
Shortly after the News - Review broke the news of the county's findings in 2009, government officials, including U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, pressured the Navy to take active steps to clean up the contaminated plume.
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