Sentences with phrase «activities involved»

The phrase "activities involved" means the things that are being done or the tasks that are being carried out. Full definition
The wide range of activities involved in food growing enables engagement to be flexible and accessible to people of all abilities whilst leading to the development of an array of different skills.
Because of the types of activities involved in the commission of white collar crimes, these cases are typically heavily investigated before formal charges will ever be filed.
That's a lot to read but represents only a small portion of the articles written about «green» corruption, especially regarding activities involved with cap and trade schemes.
One of her favorite activities involves students in writing «character transformation» stories.
However, there are gender and age differences; the likelihood of engaging in activities involving physical contact decreases with age.
Each parent should have the opportunity to participate in other activities involving the child even if that activity does not occur during his or her parenting time.
Many activities involve direct contact with the animals but there are many opportunities that also provide supportive and administrative functions.
The legal age of consent is 18 years for sexual activity involving prostitution or.
He is the perfect match for you if your favorite activity involves taking the dog and the kids to the park for a fun game of football.
Over 20 worksheets of simple activities involving money that are illustrated and designed for use mainly with adults and teenagers.
Do activities involve appointments and other people's schedules?
Now that summer is on, and there are a lot more activities involving food, it is nice to have something tasty but healthy handy.
Among many things -LCB- think outdoor activities involving water -RCB-, all the fresh fruits and veggies are my favorite things about summer.
It added that it currently was evaluating how it should regulate activities involving digital tokens, which did not function solely as virtual currencies, against money laundering and terrorist funding risks.
Certain sporting activities involving dogs are not allowed in areas infected with foot and mouth disease.
A miniature microscope (right) about the size of a quarter let researchers peek inside mice's heads and glimpse neural activity involved in social behavior.
This complex activity involves knowing whether a partner is suitable for a long - term commitment as well as knowing yourself, and whether you are suitable for your soulmate as well.
A character talks about being uncomfortable while watching sexual activity involving animals.
Finally, open source software can present obstacles to M&A - related activity involving software assets.
This was a stand alone year 9 lesson with the main activity involving party planning to practice good group work skills.
She says her inspiration for this project came as she was sorting her recycling and realized how much of her daily activities involve packaging.
Most classroom activities involve students listening to and participating in spoken communication with teachers and other students.
But many common activities involve risk, including driving, co-sleeping and sleeping in cribs.
Every single activity involving community participation and cooperation is encouraged!
Middle school and high school students have more refined reading skills, so instruction and activities involve increased computer use according to educational standards.
Effective professional development activity involves teachers with content that is directly relevant to their work.
All of these normal activities involve puppies using their mouths and their needle - sharp teeth.
Lots of sports and recreational activities involve a degree of risk.
In addition, at least 2 days per week of moderate to high intensity muscle strengthening activity involving all major muscle groups can provide further health benefits.
The bulk of the new activity involves retailers following residential development into urban areas.
Help them learn to experience life to it's fullest by balancing activities involving mind, body, and spirit.
The survey found that the most common activities involving smart speakers are listening to music, getting weather updates, and asking general questions.
In some schools, inquiry - oriented data use was being modeled by the principal, but had not yet evolved into a more collective activity involving teachers, as well.
What are the key activities involved in the process of language policy development and implementation?
In addition, if you note any fraudulent activity involving your financial affairs, make additional reports with the police.
Night activities involve taking a bath, studying and stretching, with the latter two providing stats bonuses for the following day.
Similarly, even the officials participating in crypto activities not related to their jobs have been affected and will not be allowed to take part in any trading activities involving the digital assets.
STEM activities involve 1 or more of these disciplines to teach your child about the world around them.
The script activity involves selected students ripping up A3 paper and dividing it amongst the class.
He suggests that consciousness results from «patterns of activity involving thousands or millions of neurons» (AT 44).
A series of mathematical activities involving proportion and conversion between different units of measure.
Another fun and great sensory activity involving ice cubes which kids learn about ice and how it melts.
The first fine motor activity involves a purchased wood bench.
My son's favorite kind of activities involve mixing things together.
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