Sentences with phrase «activities of individuals»

The phrase "activities of individuals" refers to the things that people do or the actions they engage in. Full definition
They do this by looking at the electrical activity of individual neurons in a live mammal brain to build a bigger picture of its function as a whole organ.
Below is sample of the production supervisor job description consisting of specific duties, tasks, and responsibilities that makes up the work activities of individuals who work in that role.
«We have seen buying activity of individual properties pick up significantly over the past 45 days,» he notes.
LAWPRO encourages Ontario lawyers to be on the alert for real estate deals involving this individual or scenario, as it is not clear that the vendor and new first mortgagee understand all the details of the transaction, and the volume of activity of the individual concerned.
With colleagues from Huntington Memorial Hospital, using electrodes placed deep in the brain for unrelated diagnostic purposes, investigators recorded electrical activity of individual neurons and found a subset that were «emotion - selective» because their responses distinguished between happy and fearful faces.
The wires enabled the researchers to monitor the electrical activity of individual nerve cells in the medial temporal lobe and to detect neurons that would respond more to the perception of one person than to that of another.
In use for only about a decade, optogenetic technology combines techniques from optics and genetics, allowing scientists to precisely control activities of individual neurons using light.
Shown below is a sample of the head sushi server job description, showing common duties, tasks, and responsibilities that form the daily activities of an individual working in the position:
If you are looking to hire someone for the role of a healthcare manager, here is a job description example you can use; it shows the typical duties, tasks, and responsibilities that make up the daily work activities of individuals who hold the position in most firms:
It is more common than many people realise, has a major impact on the health and activities of individuals with the disease and it is associated with a significant risk of dying prematurely — reducing average lifespan by about 25 years.
One of the ethical issues raised by these facts is whether nations which may have much smaller national emissions reductions commitment obligations for the nation derived from an acceptable equity framework should nevertheless be expected to limit activities of individuals causing high levels of ghg emissions.
One of the ethical issues raised by these facts is is whether nations which may have much smaller national emissions reductions commitment obligations for the nation derived from an acceptable equity framework should nevertheless be expected to limit activities of individuals causing high levels of ghg emissions
The Swedish team monitored the brain activity of individuals using an electroencephalography (EEG) while the subjects viewed fractals with different dimensions.
Here is an example of a typical accounting supervisor job description, showing a list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that usually make up the day - to - day activities of the individual holding the position.
By showing how the risk - taking activity of individuals contributes to social benefits, economics helps societies to accommodate what Augustine called our «restlessness of heart.»
The various and diverse customs of a civilized society, be they economic, political, religious, etc., essentially organize the assorted activities of individuals into determinate and meaningful relationships, and thus there is «order» in civilized society.
In other words, it is only through the coordinated activity of individual persons acting concordantly that the social order of society has any real and lasting efficacy at all.
If this is so, then the «purely»» political must of necessity bear a theological interpretation, whether we are talking about political institutions or the political activity of the individual.
The feds say in court papers that Savino could apply to enter the witness protection program as the entrenched ex-politico's cooperation «is likely to reveal activities of individuals who might use violence, force, and intimidation against» him and his family.
What is paradoxical is that the average firing activity of individual nerve cells does not differ that much in deep sleep and quiet wakefulness.
Using single - cell RNA sequencing, the team was able to profile molecular features and metabolic activity of individual beta cells to determine how dividing beta cells differ from non-dividing cells.
Based on the gene expression data, they constructed models for retrospectively predicting locomotor activity of individual mice.
A persistent challenge in unraveling mechanisms that regulate memory function is how to bridge the gap between inter-molecular dynamics of single proteins, activity of individual synapses and emerging properties of neuronal circuits.
Antimicrobial activity of individual and mixed fractions of dill, cilantro, coriander and eucalyptus essential oils
Improve student assessment with a comprehensive Reading Report that tracks the reading activity of each individual.
There are a number of legal qualifications that determine whether an individual is legally considered to be disabled but most simply put a disability is an impairment that limits any major life activities of an individual.
The People's Biennial explores and presents the creative activities of individuals and collectives as expressions of society's cultural diversity that would otherwise be overlooked, neglected, or even actively repressed.
The parliamentary record indicates that section 13 was initially included in the legislation to address activities of individuals and groups who used the telephone system to disseminate hate messages.
While Canadian governments are bound by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms («Charter») each province has individual human rights laws that apply to selected activities of individuals and governments.
McAfee's software also monitors the network activity of individual devices for threats such as visits to known malicious sites.
«We do not consider the personal political opinions and private activities of individual employees when making decisions.»
«We focused on the electrical activities of individual neurons in the medial temporal lobe, a set of brain regions that serve as a bridge between visual recognition and memories,» said Dr. Nir.
In April it will start in Venice a dual event dedicated to the last ten years of activity of this individual, with exhibitions at Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana.
An intracortical BCI uses a tiny silicon chip, just over one - sixth of an inch square, from which protrude 100 electrodes that penetrate the brain to about the thickness of a quarter and tap into the electrical activity of individual nerve cells in the motor cortex.
Here is a job description example that contains the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities that typically make up the daily activities of individuals who work as accounts payable manager in most firms:
The job description example below shows a list of major duties, tasks, and responsibilities that constitute the daily work activities of individuals who work as a leasing manager:
Review and approve the Company's incentive compensation plans, stock option plans, profit sharing / retirement plan and oversee the activities of the individuals and committees responsible for administering these plans.
Equity securities may fluctuate in value in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions.
Nevertheless, in all cases, what is essentially implied is the activity of an individual substance on an individual substance, the transmission of form, the assimilation to some extent and in some way of the effect to the cause.
I recently visited a laboratory in which the activities of individual neurons were being monitored by transducing the neural impulses to pulses of sound.
In answering, he noted: «Like elsewhere in the world, the activities of individuals, of groups...
«And suddenly, the activities of individuals, of groups, a certain awareness, a development grew and grew stronger and it forced a change in law.»
«I think it is something that is bound to happen like elsewhere in the world, they are activities of individuals of groups», he said.
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