Sentences with phrase «activities of man»

The phrase "activities of man" refers to the actions, behaviors, or things that humans do. It includes everything humans engage in, such as work, play, study, or any other actions that people perform in their daily lives. Full definition
In it she analyzes what to her are the three primary activities of man: labor, work, and action.
Sociology of religion shares with the sociology of other activities of man certain problems and, in addition, has its own problems due to the peculiar nature of religious experience and its expression.
Rand sees the only logical activity of man as pursuing his own self - interest.
All saving activities of men are only a response, and even the very possibility and act of this response is once more based on God, who gives that we can and do accept his action.
Thus, in the midst of the multifarious, cacophonous activities of men and nations, God works to bring the goods and goals of individuals and societies nearer to the inscrutable purposes he holds for each.
[But] if modern man's most sophisticated relation to art is to be casual and humorous, is to resemble the attitude of the vacationer at the fair grounds, then the conception of Art as an all «important institution, as a supreme activity of man, is quite destroyed.
While there is no suggestion that the DUP has broken any law, the question we put to them then remains: how is it possible they did due diligence on a donation while knowing neither the basic facts about the business activities of the man channeling them the money nor, as it transpires, that he had failed to follow the basic legal procedures required of those giving such donations?
The team also used fMRI brain scanners to look at the brain activity of the men as they viewed photos of their kids.
As men go about with the daily mundane routines of life, with engagement in the politics of domination, in blind religious fanaticism, in the various shameless reprehensible activities of men in high positions, the destruction of the Earth goes unseen by men blinded by material power, and the impending backlash on modern society is set in nature's abrupt, surprising theater of operations.
While man is busy making wars, the Earth has already prepositioned itself to thwart all the violent intents and activities of men through a series of earth - shaking, earth exploding and a series of huge water splashing turbulence.
On this Earth Day 2016, there is a great deal of frenzy about how our Earth is going to become uninhabitable, as the civilized activities of man allegedly trigger unstoppable global warming and climate change.
Work is the activity of man the craftsman the maker of things, creating a stable and durable world for himself and his posterity: a table, a city, a painting, a car.
No activity of man is so potentially dangerous or rewarding, nor so uniquely human.
The characteristic form of this tradition is that of a two - part pronouncement with the same verb in each part, in the first part referring to the activity of man and in the second to the eschatological activity of God.
God is the remote God, which means first of all: God is not a part of that world which the thought and activity of man can control.
In any of the activities of men which are most vital to their deepest human interests, such conservatism is generally found.
Religion is not simply an activity of man, or even a dimension of his personality.
Howe, who as a lobbyist had access to the highest levels of the Cuomo administration, and Percoco, whom Cuomo has described as being like «my father's third son,» were cut off from access to the administration after Bharara served a sweeping subpoena related to the activities of both men on the governor's office in late April.
The four people killed were men of the Nigeria Police Force, who braved up to stop the activities of the men of the underworld.
«I want to say specifically that we kept sealed lips about some of the activities of this man believing that we could still find a rendezvous at which we could work together for the progress of the PDP.
It was a very complicated and sensitive position, as it required her to work, supervise and control the activities of men at their construction jobs.
Mr. Gore and his crowd would have us believe that the activities of man have overwhelmed nature during this interglacial period and are producing an unprecedented, out of control warming.
I'm not one to attribute every man — activity of man to the changes in the climate.
I am not saying that carbon levels do not play some role in global temperatures, but I am saying that it is irresponsible to suggestion «solutions» until we better understand that causal relationships between the activities of man and the environment.
Few of those familiar with the natural heat exchanges of the atmosphere, which go into the making of our climates and weather, would be prepared to admit that the activities of man could have any influence upon phenomena of so vast a scale.
However, soot (an activity of Man) is probably a far greater cause of glacier and Arctic ice melting than CO2, but that kind of reasoning cuts the grants» umbilical cord.
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