Sentences with phrase «activities of the day»

The phrase "activities of the day" refers to all the things you plan or have to do during the day. It includes tasks, chores, events, or anything else that you need to accomplish within that particular day. Full definition
This was our last activity of the day and time was given for the divers to rest.
A daycare director is a person who is responsible for handling all the day to day activities of a day care and ensuring the fact that all the activities are smoothly run and managed.
We didn't know it that first day, but it was soon to become one of our most favorite activities of the day.
You have the freedom to take it in and continue to engage in the other activities of your day!
In the busy activities of day to day life, it's easy to forget to lock your car or activate the security system.
For eating, instead of being the comforting, colorful, expressive activity of days long past is now a merely a means of survival.
Even though they were exhausted from the water activities of the day we had to drag them away.
It's where the main activities of the day happen, such as playing, eating, sleeping, and washing hands.
Guided tours of the shelter's visitor - friendly areas were another highlight activity of the day.
This was our last activity of the day and time was given for rest afterwards.
Working out in the morning means I get my least favorite activity of the day over with first.
A Resident Care Aide (RCA) helps residents with activities of day by day living with professionalism, dignity and admiration.
Assist classroom teacher with transitions and other activities of the day including mealtimes, clean - up, rest, circle, story, outside time, bathroom time, and naptime.
Rather than spending a lot of time planning PAT, these teachers just need to pick the best activity of the day and call it PAT.
Activity can also aggravate symptoms: «If it gets worse the more you do and the more you're up and down after activities of a day, that makes us think more of an osteoarthritis situation and not an inflammatory situation,» says O'Dell.
Assisted with day - to - day activities of the Day Program with the MRDD population ensuring quality care
Central Michigan - Northern Illinois is seeing the most lopsided betting activity of the day, with almost 90 % of all bets taking the visiting N. Illinois favorites.
Toddlers often need help shifting gears from the animated activities of the day to the more passive pursuits of bedtime.
He appeared nervous and fiddled with his BlackBerry when asked to recount activities of the day.
Educating children on the importance of physical activity and promoting a healthy lifestyle is a must - have for today's curriculum, and reducing the barrier to entry for children is paramount to leaning on classic activities of days past.
A second room exhibits The Yearbooks by José Antonio Suárez Londoño, notebooks that document the artist's readings and the first activity of each day.
Bath time has its own pros and cons, but for some reason I never seemed to mind this activity as much as some of the other parental duties — probably because it was the next to the last activity of the day.
I sat at the family dinner table on an ordinary Monday night, cutting a pork chop and listening to my five - year - old rattle off her favorite activities of the day — recess, snack time, blowing bubbles in the yard.
It will strengthen your sense of calmness and inner peace, and you can carry this feeling with you throughout the busy activities of the day.
Rather than spending a lot of time planning PAT, these teachers need only pick the best activity of the day and call it PAT.
Instead, let's shift our attention to the activities of the day and give the ice cream approx 30 minutes from start to finish.
You and your family will likely be wiped out from the activities of the day before, so why not take a day to recover and sleep in late.
Do this before jumping into the activities of the day.
A bedtime routine needs to focus around leaving behind the excitements and activities of the day and getting mentally ready to rest.
Also, they require a good night's rest from the activities of the day.
So the activity of the day is to conduct an age - appropriate treasure hunt for pre-verbal toddlers.
It's a time when the activities of the day begin to blur with our inner thoughts.
This may be due to the fact that your child's brain is still developing and taking in all the activity of the day.
If your child can't read yet, use drawings or symbols to show the activities of each day.
It's a relaxing way to transition from the activities of the day toward bedtime.
Just as adults can't go right from the busyness and activity of the day into sleep, neither can your child.
Held on the main campus of Princeton University, the conference exposed students to topics ranging from pharmaceutical science and forensic anthropology to climate change and plasma - physics through the activities of the day.
Having breakfast as the largest meal of the day ensures that the energy consumed from breakfast will be burned off by the activities of the day.
In this state, your weight stays consistent, and you are eating enough food to support your activities of day - to - day living.
Plus, this is a way you can make the best out of any garment since you can wear it anytime and during the majority of the activities of your day.
She wakes up the next morning thinking she was dreaming, but when the day proceeds, she recognizes what is happening — and she can predict the activities of the day including a lesson from her teacher, Mr. Daimler (Diego Boneta) about Sisyphus.
Many schools connect the activities of the day to a school - wide theme.
The seemingly «boring» activities of the day - to - day have reason, relevancy and purpose, and then guess what?
Students start their official role as Sprinklers by joining a younger class» morning meeting to be introduced and participate in the greeting, sharing, and activity of the day.
Like other children with autism, Daniel would not understand the activities of the day without his schedule book.
But, while it's exceedingly desirable, it's far from ideal for the activities of every day life.
He always knows what time it is, how much TV he can watch, when the activities of the day will occur.
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