Sentences with phrase «activities of the state»

"Activities of the state" refers to the actions, tasks, and functions carried out by the government in order to fulfill its responsibilities and serve its citizens. It involves various tasks such as making and implementing laws, maintaining order and security, providing public services, promoting and regulating economic activities, and representing the country internationally. Full definition
Tick off the Haflida Skra or Gràgàs in Reykjavik, the Field Code from New York and UN resolution 1962 of December 13, 1963, on the «Declaration of legal principles governing activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space».
Over the weekend, the duelling duo have guessed the Haflida Skra or Gràgàs in Reykjavik, the Field Code from New York, UN resolution 1962 of December 13, 1963, on the Declaration of legal principles governing activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, De Indis et de ivre Belli Relectiones, by... [more]
By providing important knowledge about the structure and activities of state government, Governor Cuomo's education project will help teach students how to become involved in the world around them.»
Liu Jiangsu assured the state of fruitful partnership that would bring change to the economic activities of the state and as well create a robust bilateral economic relation between the state and Chinese firm.
For example, if China was sued for violating a utility patent on the Humvee design and a U.S. federal court found that it was a commercial activity of a state owned company rather than an act of the Chinese military, per se, the U.S. court could enter a judgment against China and the patent owned could collect it by seizing U.S. Treasury bonds owned by China.
The surface activity of the state appears to be progressively attenuated to make way for the next actuality, while the past or depth of the state is renewed with greater conformance.
The federal government does not tax most activities of states and municipalities, thereby giving most muni bonds tax - exempt status.
It also promotes activities of state and local bar associations, ABA entities, and other legal groups that educate the legal community about affordable housing and community development matters and provide assistance by way of special projects.
While in law school Joe served as a law clerk with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel in Washington, D.C., where he focused his efforts on the Hatch Act, a complex statutory scheme governing the political activities of state and federal employees.
With the high salary afforded you in New Jersey, you'll be able to take in all of the various activities of the state without interfering with your financial stability.
A key activity of state deaf - blind projects is to partner with parent centers to serve families in their states.
Over the weekend, the duelling duo have guessed the Haflida Skra or Gràgàs in Reykjavik, the Field Code from New York, UN resolution 1962 of December 13, 1963, on the Declaration of legal principles governing activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, De Indis et de ivre Belli Relectiones, by Francisco de Vitoria (1532), Pothier's Digest of the Pandects, Coke's Institutes, Stair's Institutes and the Tang Code.
It said: «Currently the economic activities of the state has run «berserk» due to executive misapplication of strategic management of human and business relationship.
Under the United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, for instance, states agreed to explore space for the benefit of all humankind, not place weapons of mass destruction on celestial bodies and avoid harmful contamination.
«Under the United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, for instance, states agreed to explore space for the benefit of all humankind, not place weapons of mass destruction on celestial bodies and avoid harmful contamination,» Maynard explains, but that was way back in 1967.
The Outer Space Treaty — officially it is the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space — declares that «the moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all states parties to the treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes.»
Hence, a democratic constitution implies not only the possibility of valid substantive prescriptions but also a universal principle to which all the activities of the state or legislated norms governing social action ought to conform.
Full debate requires that the argument stretch to the ultimate ideal by which all activities of the state ought to be informed, and this means that citizens should be free to advance and defend any religion they find convincing.
Olubunmi Siyanbola also disclosed that 6 Consultants have been sent to the different geo - political zones to make a report on the activities of the states around the 22 action points of the FSP and their success stories so far.
Giving more details on the partnership, Chief Executive Officer of Mansard Insurance, Mrs Yetunde Ilori said having keenly followed the activities of the State Government and the passion of the Governor on healthcare delivery, the firm thought it important to partner with government in the best interest of the people.
But by Sugarman's legal reasoning, in this case and in the past, the activities of the State Democratic Committee two years ago aren't really comparable.
For more than a year, a major priority of the New York's lobbying and ethics watchdog panel has been writing «comprehensive lobbying regulations» that would govern the activity of state lobbyists and their clients.
Mr. Cuomo's abrupt scuttling of the Moreland Commission in 2014 following an agreement with the State Legislature prompted Mr. Bharara to take a closer look at the activities of the state's most influential figures — culminating in the corruption convictions of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos last December.
There is too much political interference in the activities of state agencies especially within the Police Service that disables their ability to tackle the menace of party vigilantism.
Numerous news reports have accused the governor's aides of interfering in the activities of the state commission investigating corruption in government.
The Managing Director, Bayelsa Electricity Company, Mr. Olice Kemenanabo, gave the assurance on Friday while showcasing the activities of the state ministry of power since the inception of the Seriake Dickson administration in 2012.
«It is also apposite to employ his medium to bring to your attention some activities of the state government in recent time that are calculated attempts to prevent a free and fair election in the state.
«Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.»
The News Service of Florida provides journalists, lobbyists, government officials and other civic leaders with comprehensive, objective information about the activities of state government year - round.
The ADA protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in the services, programs, or activities of state and local government entities.
Protect Responsible Pet Owners,» is designed to encourage pet owners to get involved in the activities of their state and federal government related to pet ownership and pets.
The «Don't Mess with My Pet» campaign is designed to educate responsible pet owners on the legislative threats to their pets and their ability to own pets, as well as encourage pet owners to get involved in the activities of their state and federal government related to pet ownership and pets.
However, Article 1 (3) of that Directive states that the Directive will not apply to, amongst others, «activities concerning public security, defence, State security -LRB-...) and the activities of the State in areas of criminal law».
By contrast, whether the Charter also applies to the national rules determining under what conditions police and judicial authorities can access the retained data is less obvious, because Directive 2002 / 58 / EC does not cover «activities of the State in areas of criminal law» (Art. 1 (3)-RRB-.
The Court's intervention has galvanized the activities of the states concerned.
As @Greendrake has already commented, property ownership rights are not affected by an object being in outer space — this was agreed in the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the «Outer Space Treaty»), which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1966 and entered into force on 10 October 1967.
As a suburb of the state capital, the city of Elk Grove is heavily dependent on the jobs and activities of the state and local governments.
Integration with the activities of State / Territory and local governments is also fundamental to achieving local outcomes and this is being pursued through bilateral agreements.
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