Sentences with phrase «activities someone have planned»

The phrase "activities someone has planned" means the things that a person has scheduled or organized to do in the future. Full definition
Dogs are selected by shelter staff, giving priority to those that are most in need, and taking into consideration the location and activities you have planned for your day foster.
This mama is excited for all the fun activities we have planned this weekend, but I think I am more excited for my alone time.
Start your day out with these pancakes before wrapping presents, decorating the tree, baking cookies, or any other holiday activities you have planned.
And gets you ready for any summer activities you have planned this weekend.
I love a weekend look that seems effortless and easy and can carry you to any weekend activity you have planned!
Once the students are grouped, they can begin their introductions or whatever other group activity you have planned.
This mama is excited for all the fun activities we have planned this weekend, but I think I am more excited for my alone time.
In order to remain an Ambassador, Ambassadors will be required to participate in at least 2 activities each year that meet one of the goals and every Ambassador will submit a one to two page report at the end of the year detailing the activities they participated in as an Ambassador during the past year and what activities they have planned for the upcoming year.
Each of the separate tabs includes more specifics about all of the content activities you have planned and will vary based on what you offer.
Holloway hasn't been able to start up all the public engagement activities she had planned for her fellowship year.
To help you get your confidence on in your bikini this summer, or for any skin - baring activity you have planned, Waxing the City Ballard and I are giving away a $ 100 Gift Card to one lucky reader to use on products and / or services of their choice.
I'm not talking about getting the perfect beach body, I'm talking about the little things we can all do to help ourselves feel a bit more confident when it comes to doing whatever fun activities we have planned across the summer months.
When calculating your trip cost, be sure to include all transportation expenses (such as airfare, shuttle buses, ferries, etc.), lodging expenses (the portion not included in your Sea Quest vacation package), and various tour costs (your kayak tour plus any other additional tour activities you have planned as part of your vacation).
«We're excited to be attending gamescom again this year,» said Phil Rogers, CEO of Square Enix in Europe & the Americas, «Gamers in Germany are so passionate and I'm sure our strong line - up of titles and fan activities we have planned for this year's show will not disappoint.»
Providers should not show activities they have planned and then ask families to fit them into their day.
The contents of this package will include details about where I'm headed and what activities they have planned for me so be sure to tune in on our Facebook page on Friday and follow the hashtag #SouthwestPassport on Twitter and Instagram!
No matter what fun activities you have planned for this summer, the Feminine Encounters can help take your outfits to the next level.
In the weeks leading up your holiday, you were picturing that beach and all of the fun activities you had planned.
It is important for you to consider your demands and wants along with the activities you have planned for the stroller.
No matter what activity you have planned that day, packing a change of clothes is almost always a must, especially for the littlest kiddos!
As parents, you might feel impatient to get busy and get your child to the activity you've planned.
That was the right choice for the activities we had planned.
It will keep you well fueled for all of the activity you have planned.
The activities I had planned were enough to keep everybody's mind off of the clutter.
The flyer (see below) says that parents can meet principals of their new «home» schools (not Batchelder, of course) and learn about these schools, the transition process, and «activities we have planned
Be honest about the activities you have planned and any personal circumstances that could affect the cover you need.
Always consider your dog's overall health and stamina for the activities you have planned for your trip.
Projects depend on the time of year and events or activities we have planned.
You'll want to be comfortable with all the activities they have planned for you and that you are in good physical condition and health to participate.
In addition, note the activities you have planned (ie, sky diving, white water rafting) and, if possible, get coverage that encompasses them.
All the activities I had planned were booked through tour groups (my current style is to book everything myself.
Though you may be eager to begin your journey through this amazing country, you mustn't forget to have a reliable travel insurance policy in place, covering you for all the activities you have planned.
Take advantage of the business center, the 24 - hour fitness center, or the indoor saltwater pool, depending on the activities you have planned.
Check the schedule near the top of this post to see all the activities we have planned on our stage, and read on for a list of the games playable in our booth.
«With all the activities we have planned throughout the month, I know our Tenno will rise to the occasion with donations to help fund Movember's programs to improve men's health worldwide.»
Another activity we've planned is «Pin the Tail on the Fawn».
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