Sentences with phrase «advice agencies»

"Advice agencies" refer to organizations or services that provide guidance, suggestions, or recommendations to individuals or groups seeking help or information on a particular topic or issue. These agencies offer advice and support to assist people in making informed decisions or resolving problems. Full definition
You can get free, impartial and confidential advice from many different money advice agencies.
Cases must be referred by advice agencies or solicitors.
Advice agencies offer a wide range of support to those who can not afford or eligible for free legal representation.
This will allow users either to handle their own cases or to make better use of the restricted resources of hard pressed advice agencies.
Advice agencies do a fantastic job in preventing homelessness, resolving debt problems, gaining care for the elderly and disabled and fighting exploitation.
Next you should seek advice from money advice agencies or from friends or family you know that manage their money well or are in the financial sector.
The London Legal Support Trust works to support law centres and legal advice agencies in London and the South East by providing them with grant funding alongside other forms of support.
«It's no surprise as the cuts bite, law firms pull out of what remains of the legal aid scheme, not - for - profit advice agencies go to the wall, and then there is the maddening bureaucracy of legal aid,» Robins writes.
The Notice must make the tenant aware of the intended proceedings and, in accordance with section 128 (7) of the Act, shall also inform the tenant of local advice agencies that can assist if s / he requires any help in relation to its contents.
The Trust helps to raise money to fund CABs, Law Centres and other free advice agencies in London and the South East.
Compelling trainees to undertake pro bono work, even with the support of the wider legal profession, is no compensation for the forthcoming closures of law centres and other advice agencies, the queues outside MPs» offices and the many vulnerable, marginalised individuals who will go without legal assistance.
If you are using an approved money adviser from a free advice agency, the DAS Administrator becomes responsible for the administration of your debt payment programme.
Actually, it's no surprise as the cuts bite, law firms pull out of what remains of the legal aid scheme, not - for - profit advice agencies go to the wall, and then there is the maddening bureaucracy of legal aid.
But ministers should acknowledge that the delay and uncertainty is costly and disruptive to charities and advice agencies working with families who have been gearing up for Universal Credit.
You will need help from an approved advice agency such as a money advice centre, citizens advice bureau or National Debtline, to fill in an online application.
Steve Hynes, director of the Legal Action Group (LAG), said legal advice agencies across the country faced potential closure due to funding cuts, and that both Birmingham and Ealing Borough faced cuts of more than # 1m.
A procession of walkers from all areas and levels of the legal profession and associated industries will walk from Carey Street through central London to raise vital funds for law advice agencies.
Research published by the Law Society in August this year demonstrated that in some areas of the country, for example Suffolk and Shropshire, there were no solicitors or advice agencies providing legal aid in housing cases.
Lawyers continue to offer their time for free, but without advice agencies such as Law Centres and clearing houses such as the Bar Pro Bono Unit, those lawyers would have nowhere to go.
Earlier this year LAG revealed, in support of its contention, that # 117m less had been spent on legal aid services than the Legal Advice Agency budgeted for.
If a local law firm, advice agency etc has been forced to close down, then the person who would otherwise have turned up at their door and been referred on to the correct agency is going to face an even greater struggle.
Thirdly, without advice it is conceivable that ETs will receive unmeritorious claims, which would have otherwise been filtered out through advice agencies operating with legal aid grants, resulting in an increase in cost for the Tribunal system and ACAS.
That could be the Citizens Advice Service, the leading national information provider (not please, please some generalist out - houser picking up contracts across government); a development of the CourtNav process developed by the Royal Courts of Justice CAB (which guides some litigants through the process); the national AdviceNow website (which already contains material for self - represented litigants); or some new consortium of law centres and other specialist advice agencies like Shelter.
TV Edwards took part in the Great Legal Bake to raise money for legal advice agencies around London.
In England and Wales, by contrast, there has been less systematisation of the process of referral but Lasa's is a beginning — an online searchable database of local advice agencies.
During the debate on the second reading of the Bill, the justice secretary Ken Clarke revealed the possibility «up to # 20m» to help Citizens Advice Bureau, law centres and other not - for - profit advice agencies to provide social welfare law advice.
They also warned of the «knock on» effect of increased demand on other, already overstretched local services, especially welfare and money advice agencies, and local libraries.
The funds raised support a network of seven Legal Support Trusts across England, Wales and Scotland working with the Access to Justice Foundation to support free legal advice agencies.
Governments to provide additional funding to disabled people's organisations and advice agencies, to increase the supply of independent advice and information regarding housing options, including adaptations, with a particular focus on the private - rented sector.
Nearly # 60,000 (39 %) is being cut from the financial support given to information and advice agencies — the sort of people that give advice to the homeless.
If you wish to defend a case, you would usually need help from a legal aid solicitor or an advice agency such as a citizens advice bureau or law centre.
The exempted will be dealt with by the Compensation (Exemptions) Order 2006 (published in draft) and will include legal practitioners, charities and not - for - profit advice agencies, independent trade unions, students» unions, the MIB and the medical defence bodies.
The cuts threaten to destroy an already overstretched and underfunded network of advice agencies.
It works closely with local firms, advice agencies, voluntary sector organisations and schools to develop pro bono opportunities for Nottingham Law School students.
If the cuts go through on the scale proposed, then the network of law centres, CAB and advice agencies will be significantly reduced anyway as they lose one of their main sources of funding.
Providers and legal advice agencies are already taking advantage of mobile technology to facilitate access and provide information about advice options.
Working together the Foundation and Trusts are able to fund and support local pro bono and free legal advice agencies, ensuring funds are distributed where they are most needed across the country.
The researcher examines what the individual did in response to the problem — did they go to a lawyer, did they go to a not - for - profit advice agency, did they go to a friend, did they ignore the problem — and why they selected that course of action (or inaction).
It adds value to your CV and may give you the opportunity to build links with law firms and advice agencies.
She regularly provides training in these areas for other professionals, including other lawyers, social workers, and advice agencies.
They cover the field from the impact of artificial intelligence in commercial practice to the use of technology by an advice agency in Brighton.
Social welfare law represented the core of the legal work undertaken by law centres, citizens advice bureaux and other advice agencies.
A series of legal advice agencies have recently gone out of business: the largest NfP provider in west London, Law for All, and the Immigration Advisory Service (which employed 250 caseworkers) have both gone bust.
The annual London Legal Walk has attracted the support of the whole of the legal profession, fundraising to enable Law Centres, local Citizens Advice and advice agencies to continue to help vulnerable people access legal advice.
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