Sentences with phrase «advice sector»

The phrase "advice sector" refers to the industry or field that provides guidance and suggestions to individuals or businesses on various topics, such as finance, health, or career. It encompasses professionals, organizations, or resources that offer help, information, and recommendations to help others make informed decisions and solve problems. Full definition
Training and qualifications used in the debt advice sector can be submitted for accreditation to an independent external organisation for assessment against our quality framework.
It hardly needs to be stated that the legal aid advice sector is already squeezed.
It is the NfP advice sector as opposed to private practice law firms that will bear the brunt of the legal aid cuts that threaten to slash # 350m from the # 2.2 bn total.
ANZ knew its advisers were giving risky advice, but its acceptance of this goes to the heart of the financial advice sector's problems.
ICAEW is launching its online Personal Financial Planning Community later this month which will be open to both ICAEW members and other professionals with an interest in this increasingly complex and important part of the professional advice sector.
The Trusts focus on engaging the legal profession and encouraging them to support the local free advice sector.
The Big Squeeze report flagged up various problems affecting the NfP legal advice sector including the demise of Refugee and Migrant Justice last year which, the report noted, «left thousands of people needing to seek alternative assistance on partially progressed cases».
The framework provides a single, transparent and consistent mechanism which enables quality standards, membership codes, training and qualifications currently used in the debt advice sector to be assessed against the requirements of the framework and achieve accreditation from the Money Advice Service.
The purpose of the study is to show the size and nature of the UK's advice sector two years after the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) was implemented and commission - based sales were banned.The RDR had several aims — to improve the investment management service to clients, to increase the standards of professionalism for advisers, and to clarify the way advisers are paid for their services.
The APPG discussed the advice sector with groups from CAB, legal advice clinics and Lord Low who is doing a commission on legal support.
Discussion of the move towards online provision of legal services — both by the government via digital tribunals and by the advice sector.
On 16th September 2015 the All Party Parliamentary Group on Legal Aid met to discuss the problems faced by the advice sector as a result of funding cuts.
These events celebrate the entirety of the profession; from the advice sector which works tirelessly at the front line to the professionals who dedicate their time for free.
But, more importantly IARS» research combined with anecdotal evidence from those in the advice sector, suggest that young people do not use law centres or approach advice professionals for a number of reasons.
As in the tax market, in terms of the information it offered, Tolley consistently sought to be in what it described as the «advice sector», below that of strategic planning and litigation but above basic compliance.
We hope that through this pilot we will begin to open up avenues of conversation, collaboration and resource sharing between diverse groups, including academics, the public sector and the advice sector
For the advice sector, virtual practice will also be increasingly important as a way of leveraging scant resources.
In Australia, our colleagues report that scarcity of professionally qualified financial advisers will be a persistent problem facing the advice sector over the next couple of years due to the proposed legislation to raise education requirements and professional standards.
Quality standards and membership codes used in the debt advice sector can be submitted for accreditation to an independent external organisation who will undertake an assessment against our quality framework.
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