Sentences with phrase «advice someone had received»

Where she excels, she gave me the best advice I'd received from all the other critiques combined.
The best advice I've received about writing a book was to simply finish.
Perhaps the most important piece of advice I've received in my writing career is to learn and follow the rules of the game.
As a graduate of many prestigious writing programs, what's the best piece of writing advice you've received so far?
What's the worst advice you've received from a medical expert?
In the process of putting together that post, however, I couldn't help but wonder... what would these same experts say is the BEST piece of marketing advice they have received?
The best health advice I have received is to do the best you can do with what is available.
Hmm... some great decor advice I have received in the past is = decorate your accessories in odd numbers and paint your ceilings!
Whether it's because of some great advice you've received, products you've been recommended or you simply love visiting the store, we'd like to hear from you.
What advice have you received from them that you've bought into?
Some of the best advice I've received throughout my career has come from my friends.
Now this is sensible and helpful and the basis of the best advice I've received when I've asked for it.
The Best Financial Advice The best financial advice I have received is actually a simple list, of 8 pieces that I have gathered from many different people.
The best health advice I have received was to eat real food, stay hydrated, and remember to be gentle on myself.
What writing advice have you received that you would pass on to other writers?
The best pieces of advice I've received were to always give everything a go and learn how to accept rejection.
Her research and advice have received attention from The New York Times, Washington Post, FORBES, CNN, FOX, and Harvard Business Review.
In fact, if you try to increase the gap between his feedings towards the four - hour mark due only to concerns that he is out of line with advice you have received (rather than following his cues), there is the risk that he will be unable to obtain enough milk at a feeding, and this might result in a reduction in your milk supply.
As someone who has toed the line of races ranging from 5Ks to half - marathons and triathlons, I've cherry - picked some fantastic advice I've received over the years and gathered some of the best advice from some of the best in the industry.
One of my favorite pieces of advice I've received so far is to stay in your pjs when people come over to visit — they won't stay as long (unless you want them to!).
HIPPEAU: The best business advice I've received is that you've got to live your life with your eyes wide open.
However, I quickly learned that my real function was to translate in terms that a client could understand the often obscure and overly technical advice they had received from their legal, tax and investment advisers.
We felt such a sense of relief to comprehend what was happening, as well as anger and astonishment over the incorrect lactation advice we had received.
In Setting the Tone, part one of this series on classroom management, I recalled a piece of advice I had received as a new teacher: Do nt smile until Christmas.»
In a message to the HGSE community, Faust said that the search for a long - term dean «is progressing well, thanks to the helpful counsel of the faculty advisory committee working with me on the search and to the insightful advice I have received from so many people across the school and the university.»
But research from the charity found that less than a third (32 %) of the most disadvantaged young people found the careers advice they had received helpful for deciding what to do after school.
I've described my situation in detail in the past and I am greatful for all the great advice I have received here.
Over the holidays, painter and Columbia University MFA student Tatiana Berg has been entertaining questions on her Tumblr, so I asked what was the best advice she has received at grad school so far.
Proceeding would place G in the impossible position of having to second guess the legal advice he had received not to participate in any internal disciplinary hearing whilst criminal investigations / procedures were pending.
In this week's edition of Things I Wish I Knew, New York lawyer Joleena Louis shares the worst advice she has received about starting her solo law practice, and explains what you should do instead.
Julie Fleischer Director, Data + Content + Media, Kraft Foods Group @jfly Hands down the worst advice I've received is to religiously input past results into forecasts of future ones and then build plans accordingly.
She is an Executive Producer of «The Happiness Advantage» Special on PBS, and her research and advice have received attention from The New York Times, Washington Post, Forbes, CNN, FOX, and Harvard Business Review.
(Of ALL the writing advice you've received over the years, isn't that the most common refrain?
Based on other advice I've received, I'll also be staggering the rollover over my Roth 401 (k).
So we reached out to some marketers and asked, «what is the worst marketing advice you have received or witnessed?»
«The other party can't force you to waive your own privilege,» Boswell says, unless your pleading is based on the legal advice you've received.
Over the years as a career professional, I've had clients tell me about some pretty bad resume writing advice they have received.
A UBS - SEO College Scholar's Journey: Listen in as Lateef, a college junior and Marvin Henry, a senior investment consultant in our Asset Management division chat about advice they've received from their mentors, the importance of being brave and asking questions and charting a path for the future.
Specific to personal finance, the best piece of advice I've received is to not try timing the stock market.
[Note: I will say that some of the very best advice I've received about motherhood came from your responses to my «Afraid of Motherhood» post several months ago.
The best advice I have received and believe in is to hire great people, share your vision for the company, provide clear direction and expectations, then get out of the way so they can do their best work.
I'm pretty sure the milk strike would never have happened if I'd listened to the advice I'd received.
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