Sentences with phrase «alternative model»

When comparing with alternative models of plant physiological processes, we find that the largest uncertainties are associated with plant physiological responses, and then with future emissions scenarios.
Do you need more information about alternative models for school breakfast programs?
In doing so they offer alternative models to how societies can work.
Businesses can be contracted to run public schools based on alternative models of school organization.
It seemed at the time obvious that there were alternative models which would much better serve the interests of both clients and trial lawyer.
If we are serious about helping students reach higher levels of achievement, we need to put more energy into creating alternative models of school.
Clearly, it's always useful to do fresh research, develop novel indicators, consider alternative models, and so on.
This is not an argument against exploring alternative models or improving the existing one.
This season, designers have enjoyed us with various alternative models: boots made of «predator» materials, both on the entire length, and also in combination with simple leather.
Creative and interesting Alternative Model with strong ability to change looks and styles based on the needs of clients.
In addition, various smaller alternative models are used to provide information on relationships not well handled by the central model.
I think we need to do serious hard work in producing alternative models without being tied down to what can be implemented in the short run.
Did you compare the results to half a dozen alternative models?
Work from the traditional alternative model — or talent platform — is still about 70 % of their business.
The advent of technology and the economic realities of the past few years have given rise to alternative models for practicing law.
And why are we so fearful and aggressive towards those wanting to offer alternative models.
The authors intend to test alternative models making use of Structural Equation Modeling techniques in the future.
A small pilot can help work out kinks and show the success of alternative models in real time.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Haley along with a number of others began developing alternative models for working with families employing more solution - focused techniques, and Haley's model became known as strategic family therapy.
It appears that now that times have changed, that CREA feels that the «dominant position» scenario and alleged abuse thereof will be judged in a different light, by a court of law if need be, due to the recent relative birth of alternative models now at play, in addition to those continuing to come onto the scene across Canada.
This break with tradition is resulting in the rise of alternative models such as Aldi, in which the shopping experience is highly streamlined to maximize value both in terms of the shopper's time as well as the price point.
The set of SRES emissions scenarios is based on an extensive assessment of the literature, six alternative modelling approaches, and an «open process» that solicited wide participation and feedback from many groups and individuals.
And we present a large number of robustness tests addressing alternative model specifications (in the text and the on - line appendices)!
Human Resources From the archives: Facing rising costs and new ACA rules, independent schools take closer looks at alternative models of health care delivery.
On October 5th, Bonnie Foley - Wong will be speaking about Alternative Models for Funding Growing Companies at the National Angel Summit in Vancouver at 3.40 pm.
But we have yet to cobble together any working alternative model.
While much of his work is gently playful and tinged with nostalgia for the late 1960's, it also challenges the idea of purity in modern art, demystifying the creative process and suggesting alternative models for how art and the role of the artist can be interpreted.
Well - designed, individual portable retirement accounts (somewhat like a 401 (k) plan), hybrid plans that combine traditional pension plans with a 401 (k)- like component, or alternative models called cash - balance plans that guarantee a moderate interest rate could all provide sufficient retirement savings while giving teachers greater job flexibility.
Back in the mid-1980s I spent three years in seminary trying to find alternative models of presenting the gospel that would not be oppressive to our Native American people.
New technologies now offer teachers alternative models of collaboration with schools overseas, but how effective are they as professional development opportunities?
I would welcome any amount of scientific investment by fossil fuel interests to research alternative models to the consensus model of Earth's climate.
The danger of resorting to the imitation model because of its aptness in an individual situation, is that when the complexities of the situation become apparent, and because no adequate alternative model for policy formulation has been developed, purposeful action is not possible.
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