Sentences with phrase «alternative provision»

"Alternative provision" refers to education or support services that are provided outside of mainstream schools. It is a different, non-traditional way of delivering education or helping students who are not succeeding in regular school settings. Full definition
Over half of the places available in alternative provision in these areas are at schools rated «requires improvement» or «inadequate».
Of the schools newly approved today, four are special schools and a further four alternative provision schools.
The move came to light during a hearing of the parliamentary education select committee, which is holding an inquiry into the quality of alternative provision across the country.
Documents relating to the application process for alternative provision settings wishing to become academies.
Schools are increasingly under pressure to show that pupils moved into alternative provision are receiving a decent education.
Where this education is arranged elsewhere than at a school it is commonly referred to as alternative provision.
If you are looking for guides from past AP census collections, visit the «Alternative provision census: closed collections» page.
Are you passionate, enthusiastic, innovative and keen to be an instrumental part of a brand new free school for students that would benefit from alternative provision?
Local authorities must have regard to statutory guidance on alternative provision and on the education of children unable to attend school because of health needs.
In order to generate alternative provision through the civic sphere, it is necessary not for the state to get out of the way, but to provide capacity and resources.
The investigation found one alternative provision centre charging # 25,000 a year for each child placed by a school.
There should also be good alternative provision available so a problem child receives support.
The report did note that, since 2011, there had been an improvement in the way schools are considering the use of off - site alternative provision.
There are also plans to transform alternative provision so that no pupils outside of mainstream education are left behind.
They were able to design their own alternative provision to suit the specific needs of the pupils who they knew were being failed.
New research shows that authorities are pulling data about pupils in alternative provision without seeking consent from the children or parents.
Another incentive would be to make schools responsible for excluded pupils, and have control over alternative provision funding.
Children studying in alternative provision favour teachers who they think teach well, according to new research, a perception which significantly contributes to in - class behaviour.
With schools becoming increasingly involved in, and responsible for, outcomes for excluded pupils, they are also instrumental in securing appropriate alternative provision for them.
High needs funding is funding for children and young people with special educational needs or disability who need extra support at school, college or alternative provision settings.
This includes children in alternative provision (such as an independent school or educated at home) where the place or provision is funded by the local authority.
The education committee held a double session this morning as part of its inquiry into alternative provision.
And during that time, you've (hopefully) built up savings, assets, and / or investments, to have alternative provisions for a spouse or other dependent.
The Home Secretary has urged police commissioners to open alternative provision free schools to prevent troubled children from «falling into a life of crime».
In alternative provision areas, which in Queensland cover about 54 % of the state, (50) the RTN would have been replaced with a right to consult.
These include Solihull Alternative Provision Academy, set up by 3 headteachers of high - performing schools in Solihull, West Midlands, which will help transform the lives of local children who have fallen out of mainstream schooling.
Auditors of the trust's January accounts last year also flagged up the fact the trust had made a loan of # 100,000 to a loss - making trading subsidiary which provides alternative provision opportunities for pupils at risk of exclusion.
Four councils can only offer alternative provision with Ofsted's very lowest rating, «inadequate».
May has previously called for police and crime commissioners to open alternative provision free schools to prevent troubled children from «falling into a life of crime», and her accession to the premiership could certainly put this idea back on the table.
Greening is also due to re-outline her commitment to a review of pupil referral units and other alternative provision schools, a pledge made in an interview with Schools Week in September and repeated in her speech to the Conservative Party conference.
Only around one per cent of young people in state alternative provision receive five good GCSEs.
There were also more posts filled temporarily in the SEND, pupil referral unit and alternative provision sector (which the Department for Education categorises together) at 1.5 per cent, compared with 0.8 across the state - funded sector overall.
Education campaigners have launched legal action against a government requirement for local authorities to share sensitive personal data on schoolchildren for its «Alternative Provision Census».
«Schools don't have to report on [private alternative provision] to local authorities or the Department for Education,» say The Difference CEO Kiran Gill and Datalab's Philip Nye in a blogpost on the issue.
Alternative provision units are therefore expanding and several new ones are in the pipeline using government funding recently announced by Justine Greening.
In line with local authorities» duty to arrange suitable education as set out above, children and young people who are in hospital or placed in other forms of alternative provision because of their health needs should have access to education that is on a par with that of mainstream provision, including appropriate support to meet the needs of those with SEN.
I'm not against schools using alternative provision as long as they take ownership of it.»
[Alternative provision and special schools are included.]
Here, Sam Warnes, a former teacher and founder of EDLounge, a unique platform that gives students who struggle with mainstream education the opportunity to access learning, explains how virtual classrooms and online support systems can provide a great alternative provision for students which adheres to government safeguarding and wellbeing guidance.
Lawyers for the group have written to the DfE to notify it of the legal challenge against the new alternative provision census.
The majority are mainstream (which includes primary, secondary or 16 - 19), but there are also Special free schools and those that offer Alternative Provision for students that have been excluded or are at risk of exclusion.
In response to a clear need for places, a group of headteachers in Solihull, whose 3 schools have all been judged to be «good» by Ofsted, have united to establish the Solihull Alternative Provision Academy.
Schools Week has previously reported on the issue of pupils «disappearing» from school registers or being sent to alternative provision by schools over fears of poor league table performance.
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