Sentences with phrase «alternative treatments»

"Alternative treatments" refers to non-traditional or unconventional methods of healing or managing health conditions. These approaches may be used instead of, or alongside, conventional medicine to promote well-being and address various physical or mental health concerns. Full definition
I have been looking for alternative treatment for both my dogs.
Unfortunately, no scientific studies of alternative treatments have been published.
Check out these five herbs that have proven effective as alternative treatments for common allergies.
There are also other alternative treatment options such as the use of melatonin.
Holistic vets tend to be advocates for alternative treatments in conjunction with conventional practices in order to promote complete, «whole» health.
However, many men look for alternative treatments such as, herbs and lifestyle modifications.
Others use alternative treatments for help in managing conditions that are often difficult to treat, such as depression.
I have used the cold laser many times and I feel that it does not hurt but I have not seen as much improvement with cold laser as other alternative treatments.
This is the main reason many women choose alternative treatments like the use of menopause supplements.
Its recommended that you seek alternative treatments such as a spot on treatment, flea shampoo, natural remedies or rather just seek professional assistance.
Obviously, you are going to want to ask your doctor to help you find alternative treatments that are safe for both you and baby.
This type of situation does not occur too often but when it does it occurs as the result of targeted medications that lack alternative treatment methods.
Holistic medicine blends traditional medicine with alternative treatments based on ancient Eastern practices.
I think the main reasons it happened was that I never gave up and was ready to try alternative treatment so my body was back to normal.
At 360 - MD, patients have access to world - class Western medicine and the best of integrative medicine, including safe and effective alternative treatments, in a comfortable and professional setting.
Get more detailed information on the symptoms to look out for, prevention methods, and effective treatment options (including alternative treatments).
This approach has been used in other brain disorders, such as schizophrenia, which has already led to novel insights and alternative treatment approaches in that disorder.
Talk with your functional medicine doctors about alternative treatment options that will help you experience better health while living with autoimmune disease.
Call your vet to talk and make an appointment so they can do a proper evaluation and diagnosis as well as recommend alternative treatments if necessary.
This book brings together many alternative treatments for pets, with emphasis on the more common chronic diseases, including allergies, GI inflammation, arthritis and cancer, as well as others.
However, a few years back, health insurers were reluctant to cover alternative treatments.
We can provide alternative treatment plans and tiered options of care, and strive to balance your pet's quality of life, cost considerations and the desires of you, the pet owner.
In addition to traditional psychotherapy services, we offer alternative treatment options that focus on whole - body wellness.
But increasing bacterial resistance to these drugs is leading researchers to look for alternative treatment strategies.
You may still want to seek a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis or to discuss alternative treatment options, but that won't change the original diagnosis.
The singer's daughter recently shared some of her mom's alternative treatment plan.
I find myself mad that I didn't research alternative treatments or drugs when she was sick.
However, many alternative treatment programs have cropped up over the years.
Before you look into alternative treatments approaches, take a moment to think about whether or not you had the necessary conditions in place to optimize your chances for success on the diet.
Provide resources for your cat's specific health condition, including what alternative treatments may be available for your pet's condition.
«I have women coming in with cancers that would have been cured a year ago,» he said, if they hadn't chosen to seek only alternative treatments.
It is important to talk to your doctor before you start doing alternative treatment when you are considering of going with this route.
Because few alternative treatments have been extensively studied, little is known about the safety of these treatments.
At the yoga retreat you will also be able to fulfil your health and wellness goals by learning alternative treatments that can help to alleviate certain health issues.
This article reviews the conventional and the unconventional treatments that may be considered in conjunction with conventional approaches or as part of a comprehensive alternative treatment protocol.
• Develop individualized treatment protocols using medication and complementary alternative treatments for a 20 percent increase in patient compliance.
Skin - to - skin could be used as a possible alternative treatment to depression.
That means alternative treatments like wilderness therapy and acupuncture can be deducted.
This means that you can not simply assume all medical bills will be covered and delay receiving care or focus on finding expensive alternative treatments.
She decided to focus on more alternative treatments and addressing the problems that often «occur with age,» which can often be fixed despite what you may have been told.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their dog and what other alternative treatments are recommended?
A good psychiatrist will know if you can try alternative treatments alone or if you will benefit from medication.
It's a massive resource of the best time - tested alternative treatments out there that work.
However, many people use alternative treatments alongside conventional care.
A third alternative treatment also targets cancer's use of glucose in the body.
With high survival rates and holistic alternative treatments, your dog has hope yet.
However, if gastric irritation persists alternative treatment may be necessary.
Since the dread of this disease has been spreading alternative treatment options are also doing rounds.
Almost all the insurers count alternative treatment as an exclusion to the medical cover.

Phrases with «alternative treatments»

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