Sentences with phrase «alternative view»

The phrase "alternative view" refers to a different perspective or opinion that varies from the commonly accepted or mainstream viewpoint. It suggests considering other ideas or beliefs that may offer a different understanding or interpretation of a topic or issue. Full definition
I offer alternative views, but changing your perspective usually comes from trying new behavior based on new beliefs.
There is now so much money and power backing market - driven reforms that it is nearly impossible for alternative views to break through.
You respond to a discussion with alternative view and you can almost hear the record scratch as everything goes silent.
Of course we can't (and shouldn't) «organise» but we all need to investigate alternative view points otherwise only one version of whatever the truth is will be presented.
Other fans and neutrals appear to all take alternative views.
I am not saying we must accept alternative views, but we must at least consider them in light of the rest of Scripture and the historical, cultural, and grammatical contexts.
When they engage in this behavior it leads me to not trust or believe what they have to say, and seek alternative views.
He says its findings have been «strongly challenged» and cites «some scientists... many scientists» who hold alternative views.
There are others who might even admit that I have read material they referred me to, but in any event, I am very comfortable that I am open new alternative views.
In addition, he alleges, the struggle of alternative views occurs not simply in rare crises but more or less continuously.
An intriguing alternative view is that dark matter is made of black holes formed during the first second of our universe's existence, known as primordial black holes.
The research offers a more complex, alternative view of current assumptions in climate change communication.
That only makes it all the more important for those with alternative views to speak louder.
A good journalist will seek alternative views or expert commentary and publish informed commentary.
Journalists are trained to look for alternative views on a story and, as a general principle for achieving fairness and reducing subjectivity across a variety of story situations it is not a bad one.
Carlozzi avoids a predictable installation and hangs the pieces high, low and in between, providing alternative views, as opposed to the standard face - on perspective.
It would be more accurate to say that different theories have been presented that give alternative views on the formation of the universe that coincide with the standards of modern scientific reasoning.
This is a way for students to consider an individuals life (real or fictional), identifying six main events, and offering opinion from the character, as well as space to enter alternative views from other individuals.
Sometimes, it is necessary to go beyond routine and explore alternative views, different opinions, and non-standard insights.
Q: Why do you suppose so few people in risk management, and senior management at major financial firms, were unwilling to consider alternative views of the sustainability of the risks being taken as the risks got larger and larger relative to the equity of individual companies, the industry as a whole, and the economy as a whole?
Until fairly recently in the UK, the Conference of Bishops and the National Council of Priests were dominated by the same liberal dogmatism that simply would not allow alternative views, such as those offered by the Faith movement, to be promoted or debated.
Through his monochrome paintings, the artist Yves Klein proposed alternative views on reality.
Jewish or secularist professors, recognizing that they were in a Christian environment and accepting the responsibility for presenting alternative views within it, would not negate that environment.
In overall, a good persuade essay should do three things: to present your position on the debatable topic; to anticipate possible alternative views with logical and reliable arguments; and to convince the readers to adapt your point of view.
As a mom who breastfed her kids for almost four consecutive years, it never got in the way of becoming friends with women who formula fed, or took some other alternative view of how to feed their kids.
As one can expect, Isabelle's post garnered some flack — everything from she doesn't know how to commit to her wanting her cake and eating it, too, to being «attachment phobic, juvenile, narcissistic» and everything in between — because a good number of people don't like alternative views of what something «should» look like.
The most common prevailing alternative view is that the title in question is actually an unannounced Far Cry spin - off from Ubisoft, taking the franchise into a new direction with a «modern Western» setting.
Plan formal opportunities, such as: (titles on screen)- a regular time to come together with your colleagues to join in professional discussions; - scheduling a time on the agenda at team meetings for reflection, using this time to share alternative views on a significant issue for your service - keeping a journal of significant events along with your reflections.
Burnham, while clearly Catholic in his understanding of liturgy, is nevertheless also able to present in an objective and dispassionate way alternative views more widely accepted by Anglicans.
Perhaps the most comforting alternative view is that secular stagnation may have indeed occurred in the past but is no longer operating in the present.
Other items in this collection supplied countless alternative views of Christianity: though only four explicitly bore the title of «gospels,» dozens claimed to record the words or deeds of Jesus.
Brumbaugh provides a compelling alternative view of education to that expressed by Hirsch and Bloom.
The obvious alternative view open to Kant might have raised the ante precisely in the way that he wanted to avoid, by introducing God as primary perceptor and lawmaker.
«64 Although a Christian philosophy of history can not be rationally demonstrated, Niebuhr argued, an indirect defense is possible by showing that alternative views fail to account for all the facts of history.
But the bigotry that condemns alternative views as bigotry is especially pronounced when it comes to the Catholic Church.
What we have in these chapters, in turn, is an almost gentle presentation of natural theology, a Christian theological proposal that is argued vigorously against alternative views, and a straightforward apologetic for a certain physics - based conception of God's action in the world.
Earlier today on Just Arsenal I posted an article from Anko about the Wenger In or Wenger Out discussion, and we have had many responses, but I particularly liked this one from Storm, who gives a very balanced alternative view.
In responding to the Browne review, both Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP and Business Secretary Vince Cable MP made it clear that although they «supported the thrust of the review,» the government will take into account alternative views before presenting their actual policy.
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