Sentences with phrase «amount districts»

The phrase "amount districts" refers to the number or quantity of districts that exist in a specific area or region. It indicates how many districts there are in total. Full definition
Serving real - meat chicken in place of chicken that was shredded, pressed and molded will cost an extra $ 60,000 — roughly the same amount the district spent on all that ranch dressing last year.
School board president Tony Dill said the increase is the highest amount the district could propose without piercing the state - mandated tax levy cap.
The amount a district can charge to their nutrition department is a percentage of the department budget; it is capped, usually somewhere in the 3 - 6 % area, although the cap varies year to year, state to state, and even school to school.
That debt, said Osborne, needs to be replaced to avoid drawing the tax cap down, which will reduce the amount the district has to work with in future years.
Named for school finance analyst Eugene McLoone, it is «based on the assumption that if all the pupils in a state were lined up according to the amount their districts spend on them, perfect equity would be achieved if every district spent at least as much as was spent on the pupil smack in the middle of the distribution....
The Republic obtained documents Tuesday (January 30) that show Smith's signature on five change orders in 2017 that increased the amount the district would pay PGPC.
We know a great deal about the U.S. education system: the numbers and makeup of the students and staff in schools; the overall differences in student performance by racial and ethnic group, family income, and gender; the amount districts and schools spend and what they spend it on; the numbers of students going to postsecondary institutions; and so on.
CalSTRS has no ability under state law to increase the amount districts and the state must pay in to reduce new insolvencies (or to address current ones).
Is this proposed measure really simply a way to protect property - rich «Basic Aid» school districts where local property tax revenues exceed the amounts districts would otherwise receive from the usual state funding formulas?
That means the Sun Prairie School District could lose around $ 1.1 million next school year, while the Middleton - Cross Plains School District could face a $ 960,450 loss, based on the amount each district receives this school year.
That's the amount the district would still have to cut if the board were willing to tax to the maximum amount allowed under the state revenue limits.
To keep this study simple, we did not include the amount districts might receive in stabilization grant funding.
Last year, a San Diego Unified report found that the amount the district needed to kick into special education rose by more than $ 49 million between 2012 and 2016, because of reductions in federal and state funding and increased special education costs.
On Wednesday, Sen. Leah Vukmir, R - Brookfield, said she feared the amendment — which would reduce the amount districts could raise under state revenue limits by about $ 14 million in the first year — would «obstruct» the bill she and Rep. John Jagler, R - Watertown, drafted.
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