Sentences with phrase «amount ingested»

A small area of the skin should be tested, or a very small amount ingested if using a new essential oil for the first time.
Even a small amount ingested by a cat or small dog can be fatal.
Furthermore, the total fat amount ingested by animals that would affect performance is far bigger than an average human would consume.
Know the approximate amount ingested and time since exposure.
Only tiny amounts ingested and the body is able to metabolize it like any other protein.
Even small amounts ingested over time are dangerous.
He also states, «broccoli is considered safe in dogs if the total amount ingested is less than 10 percent of their daily intake.
Antifreeze is great - tasting to pets, but even a very small amount ingested can be deadly.
Spread it out over the course of the day, and reduce the amount you ingest if there are unwanted effects.
The amount ingested was then slowly increased over a period of six months.
All hypotheses predict blister beetles are ingested, but differ in the amount ingested.
Theobromine ingestion will manifest itself in different forms depending on the amount ingested and metabolised.
If the amount ingested is below a toxic level, the owner may be able to simply monitor their pet at home.
Depending on the amount ingested, this stimulant can build up in our pet's system, producing symptoms that can be mild to life - threatening.
Like any poison, the amount ingested can determine the treatment and the prognosis.
- Susceptibility to chocolate toxicosis tends to vary according to a pet's sensitivity and pre-existing health issues; the amount ingested and type of chocolate are also important indicators of the severity of toxicity.
As always, if you suspect your pet has eaten any of the following foods, please note the amount ingested and contact one of our hospitals, or if afterhours, you can contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center directly at (888) 426-4435.
It all depends on the type of chocolate, amount ingested, and the size of your dog.
Name, strength, and amount ingested (have the product container or packaging available for reference)
Usually the amount ingested is minor and not likely to cause much stomach upset.
For example, whereas angel hair is usually considered to be of low toxicity, it can irritate eyes, skin, and the gastrointestinal tract; the content of Christmas tree preservatives varies and often effects depend upon the amount ingested.
If you suspect your pet has eaten any of these foods, note the amount ingested and contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
With most toxins, the amount ingested versus the body weight is a determining factor as to whether the toxin will be fatal.
As always, if you suspect your pet has eaten any of the following foods, please note the amount ingested and contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
Theobromine affects all pets differently depending upon the pet's size, weight, overall health and amount ingested.
Don't delay if you're worried about your pet — call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now pet emergency clinic or Vets Now 24/7 hospital with as much information as possible regarding the medication (name, strength, amount ingested).
The trees contain a toxin that, depending on the amount ingested, can cause minor reactions, such as gastrointestinal upset, to serious reactions, such as respiratory failure and death.
Depending on the amount ingested and signs the animal is exhibiting, activated charcoal may be administered.
Patients can recover in a matter of hours to days, depending on the amount ingested and if there was anything else ingested with it.
All parts of the lily are considered toxic and only a small amount ingested can be life threatening.
If it is at all possible, have the product packaging available when you call so the amount ingested can be calculated to determine whether your cat has received a potentially toxic dose.
Even small amounts ingested can result in clinical signs within 30 minutes to several hours.
When calling let the Vet or hot line administrator know the type of plant (if you know it), the amount ingested, time and any signs of dog poisoning (difficulty breathing, salivation, vomiting and diarrhea, unconsciousness, shock, irritation around the mouth).
Deracoxib / Deramaxx is just one of several NSAID medications available, and each of them has the potential for toxicity if your canine has a sensitivity, if the amount ingested is too high, or if there are any interactions with other drugs.
It is helpful to have the container or ingredient list of the toxins available, as well as the amount ingested, any signs your pet may be showing, and your pet's information (age, gender, species, etc).
Depending on the amount ingested, chocolate is potentially poisonous to many animals.
Bowel movements may increase in some pets, depending upon the protein type and amount ingested.
Depending on the type and amount ingested, dogs can experience clinical signs of stomach upset, agitation, high heart rates, tremors or worse if left untreated.
The age and health of the pet may be another factor determining whether or not the amount ingested will be poisonous.
Level of toxicity: Generally mild to severe, depending on the amount ingested, time of ingestion, active ingredient, and concentration of the product
Depending on the drug and the amount ingested, this can cause serious illness and even death.
There will be an increase in water consumption and it is possible that the amount ingested by cause damage to the kidneys.
Symptoms of Allium poisoning may appear a day or several days after consumption, depending on the amounts ingested.
Your vet may want you to bring your dog in for a visit depending on the breed and size of your dog and the amount ingested.
Mild signs of poisoning can occur in animals depending on the amount ingested and the animal's bodyweight.
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