Sentences with phrase «amount of homework»

They may need extra instruction on a task or a reduced amount of homework.
You have to do a tremendous amount of homework and then be savvy enough to create a worksheet filled with formulas like the one below that I use for my clients.
Research on the optimal amount of homework is complicated, but there are points of consensus.
Other schools might spell out specific amounts of homework.
Teachers promise to assign a manageable amount of homework, but they don't gather data on how long it takes their students to complete their homework.
Most teachers really do assign only a reasonable amount of homework, so you might want to ask whether the struggle over «too much homework» is really too much struggle about homework.
The authors contend that excessive amounts of homework leave kids little time for recreation, civic service, and family relationships.
I often found myself missing my old friends and my old life at my former school while I worked on the unfamiliar amounts of homework.
The last fifteen minutes of class were spent with the teacher answering questions about what the minimum amount of homework would need to be done to qualify as one assignment.
These contests can lead to certain prizes or privileges for your older students when math homework is completed on time or a certain amount of homework is completed.
I know it may sound a bit subjective, but I think it has a clear technical aspect, and I have done a considerable amount of homework.
I almost dropped out due to the strict deadline and the general amount of homework at the moment.
If you have done even a brief amount of homework on the company before you sent your resume, then you should know enough to answer this question.
To illustrate, Cooper, Lindsay, Nye, and Greathouse (1998) found that in lower grade levels (i.e., 2 and 4) amount of homework assigned (as reported by parents) had a negative correlation -LRB--0.12) with student achievement as measured by state tests and standardized tests.
Dr. Pope's org Challenge Success, which used more than twenty studies on homework for its papers, found similar results, reporting,» [I] n a recent study comparing the standardized math scores across multiple countries, no positive link was found between student math achievement and the frequency or amount of homework given (Baker & LeTendre, 2005).
Family time that could be spent getting outdoors, visiting friends and relatives, and relaxing is being unnecessarily burdened by the large amount of homework kids have to do.
Teachers struggle to meet standards and prepare students for tests without assigning unreasonable amounts of homework.
I'm pretty excited about the weekend, I have a ridiculous amount of homework to do, but Chris...
The challenges included highest attendance, cleanest hallway and lockers, most canned food collected during the annual food drive, number of students on the honor roll, highest amount of homework turned in on time, and most pennies collected during a penny drive.
Small amounts of homework set as a routine prepares them for high - school when homework is unfortunately in abundance.»
To invest profitably in these fields, you've got to do more than the usual amount of homework and trend analysis.
Recent stories in the popular press have featured children burdened with an enormous amount of homework, three hours or more per night.
People hold differing points of view as to whether there is too much, too little, or just the right amount of homework.
Is it wise to cut time for recess, to trim extracurriculars, or to push for the maximum amount of homework, to be completed by solitary would - be scholars?
10, a ninth - grade English teacher at Eugene Ashley High School in Wilmington, N.C., says, «Parents think it is strange when their children are not assigned a substantial amount of homework
Teachers need to be aware that it is easy to overburden and overwhelm a child with dyslexia by expecting the same amount of homework to be completed in the same amount of time as the students without dyslexia.
Poor sleepers are more likely to fail a grade than other students are, even when they do similar amounts of homework (Kahn et al., 1989).
According to statements by the National PTA, Project Appleseed and the National Education Association (NEA), the following amounts of homework are recommended:
Li only invests when there is a huge margin of safety and he does an incredible amount of homework before investing.
Very few of the teachers motivate the child for what they term «accelerated» learning (which in actuality is just an increased amount of homework) and it's next to impossible to get constructive help from the teachers for children who are struggling.
JULIE DELPY: You do let go of them, but when you get back to working on those films, it's like a tremendous amount of homework of figuring out what happened during those nine years.
Teachers struggle to meet standards and prepare students for tests without assigning unreasonable amounts of homework.
I'm pretty excited about the weekend, I have a ridiculous amount of homework to do, but Chris and I are still working on some fun projects.
A small amount of homework is all it takes to reduce your annual premium rates on West Virginia car insurance.
the amount of homework this staff is doing this year, whomever they take at 5 or higher or lower we should all feel pretty confident it's the right choice for this team
Lowering the amount of homework would give students more time to find their passions through extracurriculars.
So, while I can't give one - size - fits - all advice (no one can), I can offer some guidelines and common sense perspective that may get lost amidst the handwringing about how «it's just not possible» given the amount of homework she has.
Moderate the amounts of homework in the only practical way: through student - teacher communication online.
I remember being shocked to see the amount of homework my stepdaughter was bringing home from her second grade Brooklyn class.
Synthesis and meta - analysis of homework studies show that the amount of homework that students complete is positively connected to improved academic outcomes.
While there are no set rules on exactly how much homework a child should have, there are some guidelines to help you decide if the amount of homework is too much or just right.
Children in a kindergarten class read at Henry S. West Laboratory School in Coral Gables, which has instituted a new policy this year to significantly decrease the amount of homework given to students.
If appropriate, the teachers can lessen the amount of homework assigned to your daughter.
Also, the amount of homework children are assigned at present keeps them immobile and snacking after school instead of playing.
It's not uncommon to read about how little recess time kids are getting during their school day, but with the amount of homework kids are being sent home with - many kids simply do not even have enough time after school either.
com, or you're planning to open one soon, it's certain that some amount of homework will equip any crafter with improved knowledge of their unique niche, value, and target audience.
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