Sentences with phrase «amount of loss»

As stated above, these injuries also lead to a tremendous amount of loss in the financial and other senses.
In all, you can deduct the full amount of your losses against gains from other investments.
This value is set to a dollar amount of loss for us to wait for in order to begin trading our original system.
The total amount of your losses on personal property must exceed 10 percent of adjusted gross income.
We expected there to be a certain amount of loss because they were part of the food chain.
Would I put the negative amount of the loss as the taxable amount in box 2?
Your veterinarian will have accounted for a small amount of loss when calculating the required dose of medication for your pet.
Shopping for insurance is not an everyday activity, and your choices determine what types and maximum amount of losses will be covered by a new policy.
A normal car - type cable (up to 10 mm ^ 2 usually - Though 40 mm ^ 2 does occur) would definitely generate a good amount of loss and heat.
If you don't declare your collections, you may not be able to claim the full amount of your loss if your collections are stolen or damaged.
These restrictions are particularly harsh for the banks, which have large amounts of losses to set against future profits.
The extent of the insurer's obligation is limited to the dollar amount of loss actually sustained.
An excess is the first amount of any loss that you are responsible for in the event of making a claim.
If he or you gets someone on there sooner then you can only charge for actual amount of loss but also still full deposit would be owner's as well.
We will aggressively seek compensation for the full amount of your losses, including medical costs, lost wages, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.
To repair or replace damaged property, but only if these costs reduce the total amount of loss that would have been payable.
Some accept a certain amount of loss to predators as part of doing business, and find ways to manage.
You have the burden of proving the fact and amount of loss as a result of our paying the item.
In both wrongful death and personal injury cases, the law allows for compensation based on the total dollar amount of the loss to each individual survivor.
this week, scams related to the digital currency industry accounted for a significant amount of loss for Canadians in 2017.
This is not advisable because undervaluing your car can create issues while claiming the right amount of the loss incurred.
Finally, realize that by being prepared and proactive, your claim will be much easier to handle, both for you and your adjuster (who will be overwhelmed by the sheer number and the vast amount of loss from these wildfires).
Also as expected, a fair amount of those losses can be attributed to the company's Nook division.
The coverage reimburses customers for the total amount of their loss rather than a depreciated amount.
«Fire Island incurred a tremendous amount of loss during the AIDS crisis.
«Individuals and businesses that suffered loss from Katrina should not wait until the adjuster comes knocking to put a marker down, that is, even if one is not be in a position to submit the full proof of loss, it is still advisable to submit a partial proof of loss, noting that the entire amount of the loss is not yet determined.
This proposed new law would say that when insurers are proven to have made an error in denying benefits, the insured person is still required to bear a significant amount of the loss despite the fact that they were entirely innocent and relied on their insurer to make the right decision.
They claim that because of discrepancies in the information given by policy holders, the right amount of monthly premiums were not collected by auto insurance companies, resulting in huge amount of losses in insurance revenues.
Original receipts and list of stolen, damaged or lost sports equipment must be provided along with proof of loss providing amount of loss, date, time and cause of loss, and a repair estimate, if the sports equipment is damaged.
As it pertains specifically to renters insurance, appraisal can refer to an expert assessment of the insurable value of a piece of property, or it can mean a determination of the financial amount of a loss.
There is a very small chance that any individual investment you make will ever see a liquidation event, so when that coveted liquidation event does occur, it should have a chance of being big enough to offset a significant amount of losses in other investment you've made in the venture asset class.
Rider Or Floater Insurance — Did you know that your homeowner's insurance and renter's insurance only covers a small amount of losses on specific items such as electronics, artwork, and jewelry?
As the Better Business Bureau announced this week, scams related to the digital currency industry accounted for a significant amount of loss for Canadians in 2017.
So, in the case of the binary options, the maximum amount of loss could be the entire investment amount whereas in the case of the forex the risk can be mitigated by using certain tools.
For a certain portfolio and time horizon, VaR provides the probability of a certain amount of loss.
There are traps for the unwary financial adviser and sometimes they get it wrong and the consequences can be very expensive; they then need an expert to determine what amount of loss is attributable to the financial adviser's negligence and what is not causally linked.
It was not necessary to await the sale of the property to ascertain the exact dollar amount of the loss, before the limitation period began to run.
They will also be able to carry any amount of loss into future years if they are unable to use it fully in 2017.
Depending upon your income level and the amount of losses you lock in, along with market performance during the wash - sale period, such strategy may amount to a short - term gain, long - term loss.
U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto issued the ruling Monday, saying it did not matter that investors eventually came out ahead since the amount of loss plays a significant role in federal sentencing guidelines.
The offsetting debit depends on the amount of the loss.
Alternatively, if the firm chooses to deduct inventory shrinkage costs separately, it must reduce its beginning inventory or purchases by the amount of the loss, thereby lowering the COGS.
If you try to take your assets and run, they can sue you, and will win, for the amount of their loss.
When it becomes clear that a trade is unlikely to turn positive before expiry, traders can close a trade early and reduce the amount of losses that would be seen later.
The amount of that loss varies from company to company, but over the last two years, most of the big players have decided to take action, and remove pounds from the market.
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