Sentences with phrase «amount of the trade»

These ranges were picked to give approximately the same amount of trades in each bucket.
If you can analyze the currency market with the extreme level of accuracy then even with a small amount of trading capital you can easily make a huge amount of profit.
High - frequency trades are characterized by extremely short holding periods and a high turnover of securities, and account for a significant amount of trading volume in today's markets.
Part of this of course is that it is easier for small countries to have relatively large amounts of trade and foreign exchange.
There was a fair amount of trade between the middle east and the far east.
The exchange will remove the pair even though they account for a considerable amount of traded volume in the platform.
But the key factors are the frequency and dollar amount of your trades during the year and the typical holding period for a security.
You'll also need a sizable amount of trading money to maintain an efficient day - trading strategy.
The major downside, though, is that you are required to make a certain amount of trades in order to unlock the more advanced trading tools.
The base commission plus surcharge will not exceed the lesser of $ 500 or 15 percent of the principal amount of the trade, but will not be less than your base commission.
Today, traders are increasingly drifting towards forex due its enormous volatility and endless amount of trade set - ups that occur daily.
It is built exclusively for those traders with a considerable amount of trading experience, but not for the new users.
Even for the best traders, the frequency and amount of trading profits will fluctuate.
With the standard account, although the minimum investment may vary from broker to broker, generally you will need a higher amount of trading capital.
Nonetheless, it is an enticing offer as it allows you to make a certain amount of trades completely risk free.
However, even with a small handful of exchanges dominating total trading share, traditionally there was a not - insignificant amount of trading taking place at the other smaller exchanges.
In fact, it is widely known that traders who trade less frequently tend to do better on average than day - traders and traders who enter larger amounts of trades each month.
They tack on exchange fees, liquidity fees, and you have to guess at which rate they will apply them, it also varies based on the dollar amount of your trade.
«Is it that lower liquidity is causing volatility to be higher for any given amount of trading activity?
Of course, this increased amount of trade can have potential headaches, especially if a dispute arises, which is where Confideal comes into play.
Bitcoin settles a similar amount of trades as major US stock markets.
According to data analyst IRI's Top Categories Special Report, the alcohol growth has been attributed to innovation in the drinks industry and a reduced amount of trade promotions.
Nowadays not only the diplomatic relations between western democracies and dictators of the middle east and Asian continents are good, but there is an incredible amount of trade for goods in China for example, and it does seem not bother anyone in western democracies to trade with these countries, and thus directly finance the torture of innocents and even expansion of the communist ideology in China.
Since the Pacific Coast of the US conducts a significant amount of trade with East Asia, the US relies on its alliance with Tokyo to offset China's power and any other potential threats in the region.
However, the GDPR reform to EU data protection law means that Canadian businesses with even a minimal amount of trade in the EU will be captured by the EU regime.
e amount of the trade in, and breakdowns for financing and rebates, allowinf me to make the best financial decision.
AICoin formally launches on Monday, the 17th of July and will run until the 28th of August or until the founders feel a reasonable amount of trading capital has been achieved.
The FXCM research team closely studied the trading trends of FXCM traders, utilizing an enormous amount of trade data, to answer one question:
Collectables include a massive amount of trading cards that you'll need to unlock by destroying all the enemies you encounter.
According to Bitcoinity, the total amount of trades increased to reach 3.84 million BTC, the highest mark since the end of May when bitcoin started to grow after six months of relative stability.
Although qualifying for Desjardins» offer begins at deposits of $ 10,000 (which offers 10 trades), National Bank Direct Brokerage's offer of 10 commission - free trades is slightly better than Desjardins» offer of the same amount of trades because the time frame to use the trades is 1 year with NBDB versus 6 months for Desjardins Online Brokerage's offer.
Steel producer Nucor has the least amount of trade war exposure of the companies listed by Lee, with just a 15 percent exposure.
Getting one big winner like this a month, if you're trading a very minimal amount of trades like I do, can literally pay for MONTHS of losing trades and put you into the black.
There was a small amount of trading up to GBP 17p some years back — but in general, despite this mild pull - back, the chart over the past 3 years has been a v obvious ascending triangle.
If a client gives me $ 10,000 to invest in the market and I make 100 trades, I don't take the cumulative amount of every trade and say that I risked $ 1,000,000.
There's also a fair amount of trade protectionism (it will set you back U$ S1000 for a last - generation iPad) which helps keep a relatively thriving manufacturing sector going strong without being undercut by lower - cost imports.
One interpretation I have seen by a largish Canadian accounting firm is that if trades are executed at no additional charge (for instance, in a discretionary account) that some nominal value for those trades ought to be applied against the advisory fee, since no advisor would do an unlimited amount of trades at no cost in a traditional commercial setting.
This means you only have to pay a fraction (for example, 0.5 %) of the value of your trade up - front, but you are still responsible for the full amount of the trade.
There is a vast amount of trade schools, junior colleges and four - year universities in the state of Missouri.
Since then, however, it has evolved to single - handedly account for the most amount of trading volume by any exchange.
Bitcoin Cash still has a nice amount of trading volume over the past 24 hours, which will play to its advantage.
China traders account for a non-trivial amount of trading, meaning that an official ban could hurt our Ethereum price forecast.
In other words, if the value of a Bitcoin has appreciated about 20 times over the past year, the concurrent amount of trades has increased about 2000 times.
Bitstamp conducts a considerable amount of trading throughout the year that includes several cryptocurrencies like Litecoin.
However, the overwhelming majority of ETF trading volume reflects secondary market transactions (i.e., trading of ETF shares between two market participants), and only a limited amount of this trading volume by market participants results in primary market trading (i.e., trading in the underlying securities market).
So if you are unable to start with a large amount of trading capital that you can afford to lose, be patient, save up and learn to trade the right way until you are financially ready.
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