Sentences with phrase «amount schools»

The phrase "amount schools" is not grammatically correct. However, if you mean the phrase "number of schools," it refers to how many schools there are. Full definition
First, unlike in the United States, the cost of education hasn't risen anywhere near as rapidly due to the constraints the government puts on the maximum amount schools can charge for tuition.
It would also require more nutritious meals and increase the amount schools are reimbursed for providing free lunches.
The aim was to cut the amount school districts receive to pay for kindergarten instruction and give schools the flexibility to create their own programs.
The allowable levy limit for the 2016 - 17 fiscal year was 0.77 percent, or $ 98,320, an amount school officials described as insufficient.
He promised to balance the budget without raising any new taxes; limit the amount school districts and local governments can raise property taxes and «right - size» the state's bureaucratic machinery.
If you could reduce the amount your school pays for telephone service and Internet access by up to 90 percent, would you do so?
They also criticised increases in the amount schools are charged for back office services such as payroll and human resources from # 2 million to # 3.4 million, but DRET says this simply reflects the trust's growth.
In a well functioning system, the relative scarcity of math and science teachers would increase the amount schools paid for such teachers - which over time would encourage more entries into those fields to reduce that scarcity.
The two issues that brought this group together and have kept it together have been the wide differences in the amount school districts have been able to invest in the education of their children and the even wider differences in the property tax burden to pay for that investment.
Increase the amount school districts are reimbursed for high - cost special education to 90 percent of eligible prior year costs above $ 30,000.
She noted that in all three cases, the district fills in the gap between the amount the schools receive from per - pupil state aid and their actual costs to operate.
An increase of more than 4 % in the amount schools have to pay into employee pensions, which is costing some schools over # 100,000;
Although the amount schools receive per - pupil has been protected in real terms by the government, rising payroll costs and other pressures are forcing leaders across England to cut their spending.
The state limits the amount a school district can charge for driver's education to $ 65 to offset additional cost of the program beyond what the state subsidizes.
The Ross School Foundation was founded in 1992 as the cost to provide a high quality education to the children of Ross School began to exceed the amount the school received from government sources.
So the amount distributed to «gainers» will be balanced by the amount schools will be allowed to lose in a single year.
That's almost $ 10 million more than it was predicting back in April, and it's $ 2.3 million more than the amount the school system had at the end of the prior fiscal year.
From 2017/18, the amount each school should get will be calculated using the NFF, with a single value for each factor within it.
Dawn, you are conflating the amount your school receives on average with your current funding from all state funds and sources and current pupils with the amount a new student brings on the margin.
The amount schools will receive in cash terms is due to increase over the next two years, but it will increase at such a low level it amounts to an average real - terms cut of 4.6 per cent when increased cost pressures are taken into account, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
If the school certifies an amount less than the amount you have requested, but is within the program limits, the loan amount will be adjusted to match the amount the school certifies.
If the amount the school certifies is higher than the amount you request, the certification will cover the lower amount that you have requested and the lower amount and the loan will be approved for the amount that you requested.
If the amount your school determines is more than you actually need, you can also borrow less money - something that will come in handy if it is your goal to pay off your student loans faster.
California actually sets the amount a school can charge for their traffic course.
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