Sentences with phrase «amount time»

The phrase "amount of time" refers to the duration or length of time that something takes to happen or is needed for a particular task or event. Full definition
You only need a really small amount each time as well so it lasts for some time.
You have to try it for a significant amount time and come to your own conclusions.
Investors receiving fixed dividends receive the same percentage or dollar amount each time dividends are issued, regardless of the company's performance.
I use a small ice cream scoop to help me get the same amount each time then gently roll the mixture into a ball using my palms.
The essential oils make pulling slightly more palatable, and the bamboo spoon helps you measure the right amount every time.
Our babies are small for such a short amount time.
Investors receiving fixed dividends receive the same percentage or dollar amount each time dividends are issued, regardless of the company's performance.
Instead of doing this, maybe it's healthier to consume your protein periodically, in moderate amounts and with a fair amount time between high - protein meals.
Some plans may require you to borrow a minimum amount each time you draw on the line (for example, $ 300) and to keep a minimum amount outstanding.
Hopefully there is a fair amount time before that.
These are the meals that people have found to be the most difficult... and when they have the least amount time to cook something healthy.
If you spend an unreasonable amount time at the gym, you are either over training or wasting time.
It's the most important amount time in on the internet personal marriage and so many senior dating sites available for older people.
You are charged the bid amount each time someone clicks on your ad, whether or not they buy your book once they look at the book's page.
Your mortgage payment amount (principal and interest) can be increased up to 100 % of the original regular payment amount any time during the term.
Mutual funds may charge a percentage of the transaction amount every time you buy or sell.
You can send a one - time payment or set up a schedule for recurring payments, and you can easily change payments requiring different amounts each time.
Companies are now realizing that there are countless individuals that have spent a tremendous amount time and effort training and educating themselves for the sales environment.
-- I have to do the best I can by contributing a good amount each time I get paid.
This will cause them to eat smaller amounts each time.
Recognizing those that will be of benefit will save you a significant amount time and help you to succeed in driving your career in the right direction.
Some people keep feeding the starter the same amount each time they feed it.
The best part is that you get a scoop in each bag, this is a great thing as it saves time and helps to mix the right amount every time you use it.
If you get into the habit of paying off the minimum amount the time to repay the loan will be very long.
I may like to shop, but I try and watch the dollar amount ALL the time.
These are the meals that people have found to be the most difficult... and when they have the least amount time to cook something healthy.
Your mortgage payments (principal and interest) can be increased up to 100 % of the original regular payment amount any time during the term.
Companies are now realizing that there are countless individuals that have spent a tremendous amount time and effort training and educating themselves for this sales environment.
To help consumers measure the correct amount each time, Henkel Corp..
«With the revisions, the lower cost and the close margin, I felt it was worth one more effort to see if voters would approve a lower dollar amount this time around,» said park board President Maryfran Leno, who voted in favor of putting it back on the ballot.
Formula is Loan Amount times Interest Rate divided by 360 days times number of days from closing date to end of month.
The water stays in the reservoir between uses, so you won't have to measure out an exact amount each time as you do with steam - based warmers.
I tried pumping (been using the Haakaa silicone pump) after nursing but I only get a very little amount each time..
Taking matters further, researchers have found that chimpanzee and rhesus macaque infants and mothers spend a significant amount time gazing at one another, looking into and recognizing each other's faces.
the only thing is you have to add it to a single shampoo amount each time.
Isometric Training will increase your strength faster than any other form of training — because it works the muscles more intensively and in a shorter amount time over conventional methods.
That sounds delicious... And I always seem to have leftovers of risotto because I made a crazy amount each time.
You alone amount your time to annals a contour and to chase for singles online.
What used to be regular delay for that male to strategy you and ask for your information to hopefully guide to a very long - awaited amount time is developed most available through boost wedding.
The website is very nice I would have rather pay one flat fee then having to pay a certain amount each time just to speak to someone or read messages for this case I can go to another website and pay a flat fee then being nickeled and dime here
When it is a matter of life partner, a judicious amount time should be taken to decide every aspects of your life partner.
Half - life amount time it takes one half initial parent, isotope, decay daughter isotope many, many interesting applications radiocarbon of.
One unique way to save with Qapital is by creating IFTTT rules that will save a designated amount each time you use a hashtag, achieve a fitness goal, or any number of activities with apps you use on your phone.
Closely look at: • Other repayment options and / or repayment length - if you can pay an additional amount each time, you will, of course, decrease the payment time frame.
«Getting to work through wildly different variations on those same questions — questions about what the work does, what its implications and possibilities are, what conditions it needs — with the artists we work with is something I'm really energized by and I learn an incredible amount every time I do it.»
You go back to each ordered monthly obligation, calculate the number of months from then until the current date, the multiply the obligation amount times 1/12 of the interest rate.
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