Sentences with phrase «analysis steps»

"Analysis steps" refers to the individual actions or processes involved in examining or studying something closely in order to understand it better or solve a problem. Full definition
Thus it is obvious that data analysis step can not be omitted or avoided.
Also, I have applied systematic development methodology and development technique in all process from demand analysis step to design.
Carnegie's method analyses each step a student takes while solving a maths problem.
«Autolens analysis steps up for Euclid's 100,000 strong gravitational lens challenge.»
After capturing interest, have students use a speech analysis protocol, like Mike Putnam's Critically Analyzing a Speech or the speech analysis steps developed at Mounds Park Academy.
3:06 p.m. Insert John Broder of The Times has written a very useful news analysis stepping back to survey where the process is likely to head in coming years.
There is a Needs Analysis step, but no Wants Assessment step.
Soil Analysis This step takes place before forming, and is one of the most important.
The analysis step will go smoother if you know ahead of time your desired metrics.
Roll over the «stations» on the subway map to find out more about the analysis steps.
Quality control tasks are intended to verify that analysis steps have not introduced errors or artifacts into the results.
To ensure reliability of NAEP results, extensive quality control and plausibility checks are carefully conducted as part of each analysis step.
Borenstein took his analysis a step further by calculating the discounted net present value (a financial tool to calculate the value of a dollar in the future compared to its value now) of power produced by a 10 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system and then compared that to the cost of installing and operating such a system over its lifetime.
But researchers are taking the analysis a step further.
Given the complexity of the task, complete replication of every analysis step and analysis decision is unrealistic.
The Analysis steps involved in Litigation Readiness often overlap with those performed during the design of an Information Management system as described above.
In this report, we take the analysis a step further, formulating research - informed recommendations for statewide actions — policies, investments, and expansion of best practices — that have potential to address performance gaps and contribute to broad improvement in student outcomes.
I prefer Wordtracker because it takes the analysis a step further by showing you how many other Web pages you're competing with for a specific word or phrase in major search engines.
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