Sentences with phrase «annual emissions»

The phrase "annual emissions" refers to the amount of harmful substances or gases that are released into the environment within a year. It is often used to measure the impact that certain activities or industries have on the environment. Full definition
When trees are cut greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere — roughly 20 percent of annual emissions of such heat - trapping gases result from deforestation and forest degradation.
These reductions are the equivalent of annual emissions from over 200,000 cars.
For example, the estimated annual emissions reduction from living car free assumes that a person lives completely car free.
At the present time total annual emissions of GHGs are rising.
The modeling also highlights that, under this scenario, developing nations will produce a big portion of global annual emissions in the future.
The agency estimates the initiative would reduce annual emissions per capita from 14 tons today to 10 tons of carbon dioxide by 2020.
An assessment of these suggests that global annual emissions of greenhouse gases in 2030 will equate to between 55 and 60 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.
That is between a quarter and a half of current annual emissions.
Scenario output that was created but not shown in the interactive includes annual emissions for all six regions, annual CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and annual temperature.
Some focus on annual emissions, while some focus on year ranges.
Usually this will be 1 - 2 years prior to the publication date incorporating the most recent annual emissions data available.
Companies to disclose forward - looking numbers — Rather than disclosing historical annual emissions performance, companies should disclose the emissions potential of fossil fuel reserves.
In fact, if annual emissions in 2030 are still above today's levels, it becomes all but impossible to stay below that 2 °C limit.
However, «This could be achieved only at substantially higher annual emission reduction rates and cost,» compared to taking action now.
My goal is for friends and family to address at least 100 tonnes of their collective annual emissions.
When all factors are considered (red line), the simulations suggest that the point at which annual emissions start to decrease occurred at around 1950.
Large transient emissions remained to be assessed; yet initial data suggested that component could increase significantly annual emissions.
That is the same as eliminating annual emissions from more than 600 coal fired power plants by 2020 and about 30,000 coal plants by 2050.
Historically, some countries have managed to achieve annual emissions cuts of 2 - 3 %, but for energy security reasons rather than to tackle climate change.
The proposed system, which is slated to have the first annual emission reports due by 2011, would mark great progress in effectively assessing industry generated emissions.
This is about equal to about 20 years at current annual emissions, or alternatively, a straight line decrease in CO2 emissions from today's values to zero in about 40 years.
Reality is that the concentration of CO2 in the global atmosphere can not be reduced until the rate of global annual emissions is reduced to zero.
My goal is for friends and family to address 300 tonnes of their collective annual emissions.
A global reduction in annual emissions of 83 % by 2050 supposedly keeps the concentration from exceeding 450 ppm.
The United Nations (UN) Environment program has released its eighth annual Emissions Gap Report, which ominously found that greenhouse gas emissions are set to overshoot the Paris climate deal by about 30 percent.
Until 30 June 2020, member states may define transitional plans with declining annual emission caps.
Total average annual emissions during the period considered here are approximately 582 Tg (CH4) yr — 1.
Julia Olson is the founder, Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel of Our Children's Trust, a nonprofit organization based in the United States advocating for governments to adopt and implement enforceable science - based Climate Recovery Plans with annual emissions reductions to return to an atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration of 350 ppm, and an adjunct instructor at the University of Oregon School of Law.
Reporting is done by Parties by submitting annual emission inventories and national reports under the Protocol at regular intervals.
The company estimates that the new symbol will reach millions of people in the US alone, and that when rolled out globally, 41 million Budweisers sold each day will create annual emissions savings equivalent to taking 48,000 passenger cards off the road for a year.
The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday published the U.S.'s 19th annual emissions tally to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Alaska composes about one percent of Earth's total land area, and its estimated annual emissions in 2012 equaled about one percent of total global methane emissions.
«(A) global and country - specific annual emissions of greenhouse gases, and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions produced between 1850 and the present, including --
If commitments are met, combined annual emissions in 2025 will be about 55.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e)-- a measure used to group different greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide — compared to some 50 GtCO2e today.
The committee also separately derived a range of values for damages from climate change, and found that each ton of carbon dioxide emissions will be far worse in 2030 than now: «even if the total amount of annual emissions remains steady, the damages caused by each ton would increase 50 percent to 80 percent.»
They found that for the region of China roughly from Shanghai on south, light - colored «cool» roofs that reduce the need for air conditioning can lower annual energy cost, as well as annual emissions of CO2, NOx, and SO2.
The amount of CO2 emitted from fires in the US is equivalent to 4 — 6 % of anthropogenic emissions at the continental scale and, at the state - level, fire emissions of CO2 can, in some cases, exceed annual emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel usage...
Global annual emissions calculated from laboratory measurements could reach 1.5 x 1014 grams of methane and 5 x 1016 grams of carbon dioxide.
The paper called for seven massive campaigns that would each avoid the emissions of 25 billion tons of carbon by 2054, stabilizing annual emissions at 2004 levels.
Reporting is done by Parties by submitting annual emission inventories and national reports under the Protocol at regular intervals.
Calculations by the World Resources Institute find that Indonesian fires over the past three months have released more greenhouse gases than the entire annual emissions of highly - industrialized Germany.
From 2000 to 2016 Global Fossil - Fuel CO2 Annual Emissions grew 4 Gt / C from 6Gt / C per year to 10Gt / C per year.
They still have the freedom to make large behavioural choices that will structure the rest of their lives, and must grow up accustomed to a lifestyle that approaches the 2.1 tonnes per person annual emissions budget necessary by 2050 to meet the 2 ° C climate target.»
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