Sentences with phrase «appropriate balance»

The phrase "appropriate balance" means finding the right amount or mix of things to achieve a good or acceptable outcome. It means not having too much or too little of something, but having an adequate and suitable proportion or harmony. Full definition
It is necessary to feed the infants with appropriate balance of protein, vitamins, calories and minerals to maintain their proper growth and development.
The answer is to say, we need to create appropriate balanced stability in the joints.
If your glands in the endocrine system are not receiving appropriate balanced nutrition all the time, then naturally they will not function adequately and this will affect the hormones those glands produce.
Deep understanding of the methods of loading a plane to attain appropriate balance.
Compared to others, this product has appropriate balance of protein and fat content.
However, for those who consider (as I do) that a more extensive proportionality review is a useful tool to find a more appropriate balance between competing fundamental rights and public interests in EU law, Sky Österreich is certainly a welcome development which perhaps augurs an increasing refinement in the Court's fundamental rights jurisprudence.
These four glands produce parathyroid hormone (PTH), which helps your body maintain appropriate balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
New research continues to show that the saturated fats are not a problem, that the trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils really are a problem, and that the lack of appropriate balance in the diet of the polyunsaturated omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids is also a problem.
One of the most effective ways to determine appropriate balance levels in the body is to measure its pH. The pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity in the body and is rated on a scale of 0 - 14; the lower the reading, the more acidic the internal environment and the higher the reading, the more alkaline the environment.
Chairman John Kline (R - MN) suggested that his two proposals «strike a more appropriate balance between the need for a limited federal role to ensure transparency and the demand for state and local control.»
Each is severely limited without appropriate balance and understanding from the other side.»
Many commentators were expecting a model based on national averages, but Ministers have thought more strategically and considered the most appropriate balance to support attainment.
But before we can have an educated public on how appropriate balances and safeguards can be enacted, and how alternative legal systems can actually enhance women's rights, we need greater education among legal professionals.
Administered closing duties, such as processing appropriate balancing entries and securing the building
«With appropriate, age - based investments, the objective is to grow the assets while maintaining an age - appropriate balance between risk and return.»
Appropriate balance among all sectors of the industry safeguards and secures Belize's destination - positioning in the global tourism market;
All of these bug types are meant to contribute to our overall health, but it's critically important for them to be in appropriate balance in order for the gut microbiome to function correctly.
In developing the National OCS Program, which has also been known as a Five Year Program, the Secretary is required to achieve an appropriate balance among the potential for environmental impacts, for discovery of oil and gas, and for adverse effects on the coastal zone.
EMEA continues to execute against a strategy to achieve an appropriate balance between company - operated and licensed stores.
These skills and experience should be reflected in an appropriate balance of ethnic, cultural, age and geographic diversity.
When your competitive research is complete, you should have plenty of new ideas about how to differentiate yourself, how to appeal to your target audience, and an appropriate balance of fitting into your industry standards.
Candidate Alison Redford distanced herself from her party's unpopular property rights legislation, criticising the Land Stewardship Act for not having «the appropriate balance» between the rights of individual property owners, industry and environment.
«Going forward, we are committed to striking the appropriate balance in all of our marketing communications.»
The committee makes sure there is unity among transportation stakeholders, ensures the entire region is properly addressed, advocates for an appropriate balance between the movement of goods and the movement of people, and encourages that appropriate action is taken on a timely basis.
I believe this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services,» Sebelius said in the statement.
The appropriate balance between religious liberty and nondiscrimination principles in some conflicts arises as a concern when religious institutions and organizations claim the freedom under constitutional and statutory law to choose leaders, members or employees according to the tenets of their faith, even if the choice would violate employment, disability, or other laws.
For all their faults, many of the G - rated versions of these stories do provide an appropriate balance of the fantastic with actual characterization, to both entertain and challenge both the young and old.
There must be an appropriate balance between personal accumulation of wealth and public need.
We need to strike the appropriate balance between proclaiming this truth and engaging with the political process.
In a statement Brambles said it had a «very well - balanced board» and that it was an appropriate balance for a major Australian company with its head office in Sydney and approximately 50 per cent of its shareholders based in Australia.
A comprehensive evaluation of Australia's intellectual property framework is needed to ensure that the appropriate balance exists between incentives for innovation and investment and the interests of both individuals and businesses, including small businesses, in accessing ideas and products.
Principle 10: The ecosystem approach should seek the appropriate balance between, and integration of, conservation and use of biological diversity.
Athletes should experiment with their nutritional mix during training to determine the appropriate balance for their bodies and activities.
We work with leading biomechanists, designers and athletes to develop footwear that will provide the appropriate balance of traction, grip, flexibility, cushioning and durability for a variety of outdoor activities, whether on trails, beaches or footpaths.
The Davinci Crescent Mini Crib mattress is the best mattress, which is carefully designed by specialized craftsmen, and that engineer these products with an appropriate balance to be made use in cribs.
Finding the appropriate balance between parenting styles is the key to success.
Drey'ona would do well in a home that can provide an appropriate balance of positive attention and calm / firm limit setting, while avoiding power struggles.
«With some simple help from their parents and caregivers, children can preserve their natural ability to self - regulate caloric intake to maintain a healthy weight; be adventurous eaters who enjoy a wide range of healthy foods; be contented eaters, comfortable with family meals and family favorites; and eat an age - appropriate balance of meals and snacks.
Cuomo, who had never previously taken a public position on the issue, said in his veto message, «The existing statutory limits on the investment of public pension funds are carefully designed to achieve the appropriate balance between promoting growth and limiting risk.»
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