Sentences with phrase «appropriate decisions»

The phrase "appropriate decisions" refers to making choices or taking actions that are suitable, suitable, and fitting for a particular situation or purpose. It means making the right or correct decisions based on what is considered suitable or reasonable in that specific context. Full definition
To make appropriate decisions in bond investing, it is important to understand the concept of the yield calculations that bonds receive.
Proven ability to not only perform job duties at the highest standard, but also make appropriate decisions in high stress and high risk situations.
It is not appropriate to put a dog in charge of someone's safety, to believe that they will make appropriate decisions for a person.
As part of their duties, building managers attend Body Corporate meetings to provide insights useful in taking appropriate decisions for proper building management.
In order to reach the most appropriate decision, the court will seek to understand both the strengths and weaknesses of the parents, as well as their plans moving forward.
One such student, after years of feeling different and struggling to succeed, was finally able to make appropriate decisions about what he truly needed in his life.
Property consultants specialize in assisting investors and buyers to take appropriate decisions regarding property purchase.
Make appropriate decisions on behalf of the customer and Company quickly and effectively by using independent judgment while abiding by all regulatory and department practices and procedures.
This will help any veterinarian make quicker and more appropriate decisions regarding your pet's medical care.
To avoid such an outcome, analyze the workforce efficiency on time and bring appropriate decisions.
It's time to talk about how to make sensible, developmentally appropriate decisions about technology on behalf of children in early childhood programs.
However democratic discussions are, parents retain appropriate decision - making relative to the age of the child.
The authors emphasized that a better understanding of the role of nutritional status at birth in infant growth could help policy makers in developing countries to forge appropriate decisions about health programs.
To excel as a decision support executive, you need to possess strong skills in researching and analyzing a situation from all sides to provide appropriate decisions.
Those same clients leave here calm and empowered because they have been given the guidance they need to make fair and appropriate decisions for their families.
Here are some factors which will assist you to take appropriate decision to date him further or not.
To make appropriate decisions in bond investing, it is important to understand the concept of the yield calculations that bonds receive.
In our opinion, it is only in this environment that teachers will be trusted to make appropriate decisions regarding what is «best practice» in teaching and learning.
In order for teachers to make appropriate decisions about who goes where, I believe that they have to be looking at student achievement.
To help people make the most appropriate decisions when it comes to working with others and / or recruiting, promoting and managing them, Engage in Learning has launched a video - based, interactive online learning programme on «Unconscious Bias».
Decision - making Skills: Organizational psychologists are adept to taking appropriate decisions as relate to handling employee dissatisfaction, and striking a balance between employer and employee expectations
Graduates will master skills in the performance of their tasks, compassion in their relations with others, and awareness of the importance of appropriate decision making and ethical behavior.
Their elected officials have listened and we have now what everyone believes is the most appropriate decision by the governor and everyone is very pleased,» Gallivan said.
In the meantime, she says, «It's important that nurse practitioners and other primary care providers be aware of the pluses and minuses of current obesity surgery guidelines for children and youth when assisting families with appropriate decision making and counseling.»
Their research shows that individuals with a particular variation of the DRD2 gene are resilient to the effects of sleep deprivation when completing tasks that require cognitive flexibility, the ability to make appropriate decisions based on changing information.
Ethics thus becomes an attempt to work out the most appropriate decision procedure for hard cases.
I am disappointed that your attitude comes across as overly judgemental, arrogant and does little to support, educate and engage people in making well informed appropriate decisions about their health and their bodies.
And he has a point, citing research that shows that a healthy prefrontal cortex is not about «repressing or overriding emotional states», but about «integrating them into appropriate decisions and actions... our cognition takes place not in the brain but in the felt sensation of the entire body.»
«Educators should care for their students as a parent would, offering education and guidance in making appropriate decisions during computer use.
At CVC, we take an individualized approach to each of our patients, and are dedicated to providing our clients with the necessary information to make appropriate decisions concerning the care of their animal companions.
Compassion We respect every animal that comes through our door as a valued life and make medically appropriate decisions in the best interest of the animals.
Negative reinforcement techniques, such as BAT, have been instrumental in allowing my poorly socialised adopted to dog to learn to make more appropriate decisions around dogs.
If past history is any guide, the prospects for such appropriate decision making are dim and getting fainter by the day.
Ability to take appropriate decisions keeping in view the expectations of the clients and business goals of the firm
Bilingual Project, Proposals and Contracts Manager who undertakes complex assignments (Manage Complex EPC Contracts for Clients like Saudi Aramco, Pemex, PDVSA, CFE, INDE, CEL, ICE, ORMAT), meets tight deadlines (working overtime when necessary), makes prompt and appropriated decisions even with limited information and delivers superior performance with integrity, authority, accountability, respect and ethical behavior.
and they can happen to anybody.However, injuries that are the direct result of a manager's recklessness and negligence coupled with inability to make appropriate decisions when necessary is what eats me.
I am especially trained in fulfilling a vehicle's needs for windshield fluid, gas, oil and antifreeze and can make appropriate decisions as to the need for different types of cleaning liquids and preservation agents needed to revitalize cars both from within and the outside.
If your child is sick, this section is designed to help you make appropriate decisions on what level of medical care (if any) your child needs and, if the illness is relatively minor, what you can do at home to relieve symptoms.
Neighborhood Watch Marketing On Hold: Speaking of appropriate decisions, it may not help the film's marketing effort, but the folks behind the Neighborhood Watch promotional campaign have decided to remove teaser posters and the teaser trailer from movie theaters in Florida as a result of the shooting of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch captain.
Hi Deron, Thanks for sharing the information this is very useful especially in handling emotions and to take appropriate decisions by not getting scared with the shakeout candle.
«The issues involving Mr. Walsh are in the hands of capable authorities, and I have every confidence that the courts will make appropriate decisions regarding potential restitution of funds that may be due back to our taxpayers,» Gargiulo said.
Dr. Carothers agrees that kids should start making more decisions as they get older, but cautions that they should be limited to making «the developmentally appropriate decisions that a toddler should be making.»
Buena Vista Financial Resources» commitment is to work closely with you and your advisors to provide the knowledge and tools that will allow you to make informed, appropriate decisions based on your unique personal situation, needs and goals.

Phrases with «appropriate decisions»

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