Sentences with phrase «article details»

"Article details" refers to the specific information and facts included in an article. It is a summary of the important points, such as the topic, key events, data, or analysis provided within the article. Full definition
A number of articles detailed how state and federal courts are being asked to solve school problems.
This is part of a series of articles detailing and providing examples from each of these components.
She wrote a really interesting article detailing the incident here.
Various publications produce articles detailing research into what homebuyers are looking for in a purchase.
Thanks for the informative article detailing the future of law firms and technology!
If that doesn't work, a little online research will likely yield articles detailing surcharges.
Scientific American just published a big feature article detailing the same point.
Yesterday, we published an exclusive article detailing something that many Android enthusiasts have been longing for: full, system - wide theme support without root.
The APIS database contains over 5000 summaries of published articles detailing issues surrounding the use of animals and enforcement of animal protection laws in the following areas:
Interviewed partners and wrote articles detailing their personal stories for quarterly magazine
I have gone into more detail and discussed the ideal number of strength training sessions per week in the article
In an era where women's health seems to be making its way to the forefront, it is uplifting to see articles detailing what was once a taboo topic that women often hid or ignored.
This Washington Post article details the signing of a bill that all but guarantees a statewide ban within two years, saying «Gov. Larry Hogan (R) signed the legislation into law Tuesday despite pushback from the owners of the state's seven affected pet stores, who lobbied unsuccessfully to convince the governor to veto the bill.»
Indie Author David Gaughran wrote a fantastic article detailing exactly how Author Solutions takes advantage of writers.
You do not need to have a crystal ball to foresee the type of fraud and nepotism these new regulations will result in... look at articles detailing the fraud being perpetrated in Ohio and Michigan.
The new article details how the company is suing Thomsen for libel in the United Kingdom based on a presentation he made at a scientific meeting in Oxford in 2007 and an article discussing the drug that appeared under his name, although Thomsen says it was written by a journalist.
A recent Wall Street Journal article details how one of America's foremost jurists has declared war on legal jargon.
Here is a great article detailing many of the issues with Forex using Warren Buffet as a comparison point.
Be sure to check out our other article detailing all of the other Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer related items coming to Europe on October 2nd as well.
Cortana Collections is one aspect, but also Zac Bowden's recent article detailing Cortana moving to the Action Center is another.
This week, Monster Hunter XX will be featured in Famitsu magazine, with a massive 10 - page article detailing new monsters (including new Deviants), hunting techniques for all 14 weapon types, the Prowler and Palicoes, and more.
I recently came upon an interesting article detailing many of the challenges that keep top corporate CIOs up at night.
The Google Transparency Project works with journalists such as those at Recode and The Intercept, which both run articles detailing Google's visits to the White House.
Solicitor General Barbara Underwood became New York's Acting Attorney General on Tuesday, taking over for the disgraced Eric Schneiderman, who resigned after a New Yorker article detailed four women who accused him of numerous instances of physical violence.
The Fall 2017 cover article details how Western Governors University pioneered a competency - based approach to higher education through the use of pre - and post-assessments that students take at their own pace to demonstrate mastery of a given subject.
This technical article details multiple challenges involved in linking multiple organs on chips to create systems that realistically model human physiology.
A simple google search turns up article after article detailing how millennials work, what makes them difficult to manage, and how they ought to be treated in the workplace.
School Board President Barbara Seals - Nevergold, who was among the board members who filed the charges against Paladino, talked about Paladino's ouster Thursday in terms of Elia's ruling, which cited comments Paladino made in an Artvoice article detailing conversations from a closed - door executive session of the School Board.
About 27 committee members attended the meeting as Morse shored up his hometown political support as some Albany County and Cohoes Democrats called for him to resign following Times Union articles detailing information about domestic violence allegations involving Morse that date back decades.
In competing Mr. Sinister movie rumor news, a separate article detailing the troubled production history of New Mutants from The Tracking Board suggests Antonio Banderas would instead be playing the character, replacing a previously planned Jon Hamm:
The most notable section in the entire article details the audiobook production system and how a team of people is able to acomplish more than someone just recording in their home studio.
Effective Coverage has articles detailing specific types of coverage and answering common renters insurance questions so that you know you're getting the coverage you intend to get, and not something else.
The guidelines were released in June, shortly before The Wall Street Journal published a front - page article detailing charges by students, parents, and teachers that numerous students at Taylor Allderdice High School had offered money for homework, stolen tests, or used open dictionaries in taking college - admission tests, among other allegations.
Countless words have been written on this subject already, with articles detailing the breakup scenarios, exit strategies, and conspiracy theories surrounding Brexit.
The Bloomberg article details changes in Baupost's portfolio including in their positions in Antero, Cheniere and Micron Technologies.
We've already posted a TA Plays on NimbleBit's upcoming snake - like NimbleQuest, and could totally write up an extensive preview article detailing even more about the game for its upcoming release.
In 2017, she published the only article detailing the recognition and treatment of serious injuries secondary to coyote attack in dogs.
While Johnson is an outspoken supporter of the U.K.'s departure from the EU, he has faced accusations of trying to undermine the prime minister with a 4,000 - word article detailing his post-Brexit vision.
The second article detailed eight prophylactic measures that hedge fund managers can implement to avoid insider trading violations and also included a detailed discussion of what McGrath called «the next great undiscovered country for enforcement actions.»
The latest edition of the SPLC's Intelligence Report also contains an authoritative article detailing the hate and misinformation coming from the Ntl Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), an «ex-gay» junk science group.
If you ask 12 bakers the key to avoiding stickage, you're likely to get 13 different answers, so we've compiled a blog article detailing a number of different tips and techniques.
This is a very objective and factual article detailing some of the statements from the AGM and with logical opinions from the writer where due.
This year's NHL Betting Against the Public article details the profitable points for contrarian betting between 2005 and 2011, and teams receiving less than 40 % of moneyline bets had won 75.8 units, or a 1.6 % return on investment.
Over the years we have written a number of articles detailing profitable betting systems during the NBA playoffs.
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