Sentences with phrase «article form»

The phrase "article form" refers to a written piece of work that is published online or in a magazine, newspaper, or blog. It usually consists of a specific topic or subject and follows a structured format. Full definition
It means that writing essay history you should read articles form journals and magazines, books, publications and interviews.
Zappalà's article forms part of Global Affairs» special Forum on «The European Union and Armed Drones», essential reading for anyone with an interest in the topic, and the first collection of articles on the European dimension of this new form of warfare.
COMMENTS AND CONTENT POSTED BY USERS: Any content posted to the Russian Brides Cyber Guide, through its Contact Form, Add URL Form, Add Article Form or to any address of Russian Brides Cyber Guide, by electronic or any other means, will become the property of Russian Brides Cyber Guide and can be used for publication.
From perfect date ideas to fabulous outfit suggestions, we've got you covered with these helpful articles form our partners:
While templates helped us dabble in infographic creation, it wasn't until we actually had to transform information from article form to infographic form that we faced the complexities of infographics from scratch.
The combination of rich ethnographic data and our survey, assessment, and other results make the overall story of these families — including histories of immigration of different groups to New York, their varied strategies to make ends meet, their accounts of their towns and villages of origin, the daily interactions of children with adults, siblings, and others in their lives — difficult to publish in journal article form.
When he interviewed artists for cover stories or researched trends and topics for coverage, from the very beginning of each process, he would constantly visualize how his final words would look, printed on the page, in finished article form.
Informative articles form a brand, marketing, and business experts.
photos (please make them 500 pixels wide) and send your DIY tips in article form within the body of the email.
Now, it is possible that the material in the letter and the Appendix were first submitted in article form, and perhaps the response either by an associate editor, or after a round of peer review was «we won» t publish this as an article, but would reconsider it if submitted as a letter.
This article forms part of a series of international responses to Policy Network's discussion paper In the black Labour: Why fiscal conservatism and social justice go hand - in - hand
This article forms parts of the Policy Network / Barrow Cadbury Trust project on «Populism, Extremism and the Mainstream».
This article forms part of a series of responses to Policy Network's discussion paper In the black Labour: Why fiscal conservatism and social justice go hand - in - hand
Nevertheless, their articles form part of a collection whose editors are firmly committed to the lipid hypotheses, namely that animal products and saturated fat contribute to the Western plague of atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
This article is written by Millionaire Dating Sites Reviews, If reproduced, please indicate the form of hyperlinks to the original source and the author information of this article
See the article form my original post — Wall Street Journal.
Thus, if a company is moderate in the article forming methodology, it may cause you more issues particularly on the off chance that you are under tight due date.
Note: This article formed part of the April 2015 Special Report sent to subscribers of our premium newsletter Value Investing Almanack.
Note: This article formed part of the April 2015 Special Report that I recently sent to subscribers of my premium newsletter Value Investing Almanack.
This article forms part of our new series on Understanding Dog Body Language.
This article forms part of an interview series with the winners of POPCAP ’14 prize for contemporary African photography.
This article forms the basis of a report by the Dutch political weblog Dagelijkse Standaard on the way in which climate policy has contributed to a worsening of the international security situation.
This article formed part of the Q1 Torys Quarterly, which includes articles discussing market trends, important rulings and other developments that will loom large over long - term strategy in the year ahead.
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It would be interesting to see an article form you about ingenious financing methods (like this one) and to have you reveal more about what pound of flesh one must give up in exchange for financing (I think you mentioned in your first start - up investors took 90 % equity).
About Blog Learn about the outsourcing industry by reading the articles form the blog.
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