Sentences with phrase «article like this»

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I know there's always a risk in writing articles like this, as the past has shown me.
I like visiting your site since I always come across interesting articles like this one.
Always check with a veterinarian for treatment advice for cats and other animals or before following any advice in articles like the one you have just read.
Thus most publications try to lure you in with articles like these, whether they will work or not.
I see articles like this and wonder why we still talk about this stuff.
It is because of articles like this that «pit bulls» are in the plight they are.
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Since I'm just now learning about ETFs, I love finding articles like this one.
It's a strange contradiction to proactively talk about mental health on this website and then also post articles like this one, which include image after image of stick thin white women.
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I've been surfing on - line greater than three hours lately, but I by no means discovered any fascinating article like yours.
She was obscure when she was an atheist blogger; she has derived any prominence she might have from articles like this one.
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But in many articles like this I hear very little about placing any emphasis on preparing kids for a technical track, as though these things will take care of themselves.
They deserve no mercy and definitely should not be getting articles like this published.
As a young woman just starting to enter the workforce, I absolutely love articles like this.
I never leave comments on stupid articles like this one... but this has to be the most shallow and pathetic piece of writing I have read.
I've been browsing online greater than 3 hours today, but I never found any attention - grabbing article like yours.
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Love your blog, wish i could write good articles like yours!
It's also only a matter of time before we run out of stock screenshots to use for news articles like this.
Be sure to share articles like buyer - seller tips and trends in the local market.
You don't come across articles like this very often.
That's why articles like this are so helpful.
Those of us who are both sports fans and women appreciate articles like this once in a while.
A proper manager could find a way of getting the best out of our players and then we wouldn't need articles like this one.
Parents can turn to television, social media, baby - style websites and of course informative articles like this one to help them choose a stunning name for their new arrival.
People will look back at articles like this and laugh at the dead people who worried about it.
I hate seeing people use articles like this as them getting the okay to ignore the safety instructions from their car seat manufactures.
Moms should be given articles like this before they give birth, because we are not always told the facts until after the fact or when it is too late.
Obviously, as much as we'd love to, we can't possibly list all the natural breast cancer survival strategies that exist in a short article like this.
Thank you for writing important articles like this one.
This website features some amazing articles like this one.
Whenever articles like this are widely read, I get contacted by worried readers who are ready to follow suit.
It's sad that so many comments posted on web articles like this are so completely negative.
I hope you continue to have valuable articles like this or more to share with everyone!
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