Sentences with phrase «article publication»

"Article publication" refers to the process of sharing or making an article available to the public through various means, such as in print or online. It involves the distribution and dissemination of written content to a wider audience. Full definition
Here you will find a variety of media and information useful for blog and website article publication.
Over at Volokh, conspirator Orin Kerr revisits the question of gender bias in article publication in top law journals.
BloomBars: ImPRINT is a project that pairs a visual art exhibit at the Columbia Heights - based community arts center with article publication by the participating artists.
They make billions of dollars each year and Swedish universities paid Elsevier $ 1.3 M for article publications and $ 12M for access to articles.
2) Representatives of the Vikings had knowledge of these comments prior to the Deadspin article publication on January 2, 2014.
Fight Colorectal Cancer, Cancer Research Institute announce Cancer Immunology Research article publication discussing CRC immunotherapy advancement
I think that even relatively naive journalists understand that letters are different from articles and do not carry the same imprimatur as article publication, even in a very prestigious journal.
Through the exhibition, and connected article publication, BloomBars and Day Eight will promote the work of the included artists.
This «formative period» will hopefully produce a new model for academic article publication that is open, peer - produced, global and designed for sharing is emerging because of the open - access movement.
Please include a name, address, phone number, and headshot to be included with article publication.
The production of timely publications demands the tight management of each and every link along the publication chain, from manuscript submission to article publication.
Both branches ordered copies and sold out following the articles publication, leading to more orders through Lulu Global Reach distribution.
With CSS, you don't yet have something like the LaTeX macros for book or article publication.
Previous conferences have led to book deals, article publications, and new editor / writer relationships.
The Instituto has taken many steps during its first 15 months (many and varied events, online training, ebooks and articles publications, program #HackTheJustice, strategic partnerships with private and public institutions, etc.), that have intensely contributed to create the «legaltech category» throughout the country.
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